Perhaps come back in 3 to 6 months to check it out?
We all still look. I am starting to see more potential in Reddit for getting change, tbh, tho. I'm not gonna post my rankings haha, but I have life goals. They may sound funny to some people, some more than others. Like, I haven't done everything I want to do with writing yet. However, there are other things that relate to my interests that I want to contribute to. I don't 'like' to prove people wrong, but proving people wrong is essential because everyone doubts things are possible until they are proven true. I feel that way about "the Sandbox," and right now the closest bones are MO1->MO2. Although I'm starting to doubt it anymore.
Understand that most people here who sound salty put thousands of dollars in SV's pockets and played their game for years. The star wars comparison doesn't hold up because this is a project, a work in progress.
In regards to making a sandbox work, it's just complicated. There are so many variables. Most people, even intelligent or talented people, are not equipped to manipulate that many variables at once. There is not going to be room in a Sandbox for everyone because, in my opinion, it has to be open pvp and it has to be full loot. There IS room for every type of player, though, but some people will get weeded out.
I just wanna see it work. I don't want anything. I don't even have to be part of it. I can be one of the weeded out ones, nopun.
I'm invested in the concept. It's MMO evolution. The Sandbox must happen, a world that drives itself. No quests. It's inevitable. The question is who is actually gonna do it. And yeah, Eve is supposedly good, but I can't comment on Eve. I personally dislike sci fi and I prefer the immersion of first person. I feel immersion on that level is a huge part of a MMO experience, not just 'winning' or generating widgets.
It's not going to be a world where there are no NPCs because that's not feasible, but what people have to understand is, to get Biblical (haha), you gotta let stuff iron itself out. You put people in paradise and they fuck it up. There need to be eras where order is established, kind of like how civilizations build. You can't force it. You can force an outcome, but that doesn't mean it's working. It's like economics. Systems. It has to go from start to end with minimal intervention. The only intervention should be bending the game slightly to make it easier for the players to establish a semblance of order, and no if you think that = guild guards / walls, then you are not thinking dynamically. You have to think of the worst possibility before you add things. Soulbound diablo style trinkets? RMT. EZ.
But yeah, it's not worth talking about much. However, I did get a lul out of the word detractors. I understand how it can work, but contextually that word paints the people with opposing viewpoints in an unfair light, imo. They are cynics if anything.
I doubt anyone is mad at anyone enjoying the game, either, but the fact that some people's enjoyment is like... hey I was getting PK'd, but now I'm not YEAHHH. That's just lol... I don't even know.