Small Feature Cuts for Next Patch


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
idk, looks like the red is higher to me.

Yes, I'm aware, I compiled the data and made the graphs myself.

If you average each point of data I collected mages do 82.96% of the damage on the new curve they did on the old. If you isolate the points of data that most favor the new curve (100 Old vs 100 New) mages do 105.43% of the damage they used to.

So the biggest impact and change I found most upsetting is a 50 int hybrid from the old curve would now do 61.54% of the damage it used to. The old 50 int hybrids were considered overpowered by absolutely nobody and then got nerfed into the ground anyway.

A 5.43% damage boost to a 100 int mage is hardly something to write home about. They used to do 74.19% of the damage of a fatmage. Now they do 76.98%. To act like dex mages are the only viable mage build and all others are trash solely because of that single change is a bit absured. The debuff to turn speed while mounted was probably the most meaningful nerf to fat mages.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
idk, looks like the red is higher to me. and yes, it basically killed hybrids. (you know, the fan favorite class to play that helped make the whole skill sytem unique and the whole 'play your way' style)

Not sure how it killed the hybrid. I am a hybrid my INT is above 100, and I have 102 dex.. and 90 str, and 104 con. So.... not sure how it killed the hybrid at all. Hell my spells hit as hard as my dex mages did.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Not sure how it killed the hybrid. I am a hybrid my INT is above 100, and I have 102 dex.. and 90 str, and 104 con. So.... not sure how it killed the hybrid at all. Hell my spells hit as hard as my dex mages did.

So before you could run hybrids who would have 50 INT and dump the rest into psyche. This gave very similar damage to hybrid with 90-110 INT currently, the exact same mana, and significantly more magic resist. Hybrids almost universally have lower health than any fighter build but now meta PSY for a hybrid is 10 (Which it definitely wasn't before) making hybrids an INSANELY easy target for any good full mage.

It was a massive nerf. They've managed to remain viable but were not overpowered to begin with and nobody was complaining about them in the meta which made the nerf entirely unnecessary.

Both the old system and the new system have a ton of problems. They needed to put a lot more thought into it. I've HEARD a 3rd int curve is in the works but I last heard that shortly after the 2nd one hit. It's been like a year or so since I've heard that now.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
So before you could run hybrids who would have 50 INT and dump the rest into psyche. This gave very similar damage to hybrid with 90-110 INT currently, the exact same mana, and significantly more magic resist. Hybrids almost universally have lower health than any fighter build but now meta PSY for a hybrid is 10 (Which it definitely wasn't before) making hybrids an INSANELY easy target for any good full mage.

It was a massive nerf. They've managed to remain viable but were not overpowered to begin with and nobody was complaining about them in the meta which made the nerf entirely unnecessary.

Both the old system and the new system have a ton of problems. They needed to put a lot more thought into it. I've HEARD a 3rd int curve is in the works but I last heard that shortly after the 2nd one hit. It's been like a year or so since I've heard that now.

I still have 40+ psy. If I wanted to drop my INT back to 90 I would have 50. That is before rings.

But I am addicted to those sweet skill points.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I don't get it. It was slightly more damage then and it's slightly more damage now. Except then you'd get for your 115 int slightly more damage than someone with 50 int instead of 100.