Below is my “Roadmap Features Ranked by Category” list. TL;DR included at the end. Each feature is given a ranking of high, medium, or low priority. Special thanks to Wolfsziet for pulling these out and listing them in his video here:
What follows is my attempt to lend support to features that I think are the most useful overall to the development of MO2. I did try to set aside my specific, personal desires and biases here (as best as I could). You may agree, you may disagree, but hopefully we can all acknowledge that SV should prioritize reasonably achievable features that give the most return on the investment of time and resources. It is simply left to us to vote for them.
Main Features:
Arena with ranking system: Highest Priority. Why? Because this solves a number of problems and fills desires. It addresses the common request for more balanced PvP play options, as well as allowing for player bandits to actually be player bandits (a role), as opposed to just bored players looking for PvP. This one system has the potential to improve the game for everyone, not just PvP enthusiasts (crafters, PvE types, RPers, etc). And this highest recommendation comes from a player who will probably never set foot in the arena, save as a spectator.
Deva system: High Priority. A good choice to put toward the start of the roadmap. Many people have been clamoring for this for some time, and it will help retention with the playerbase. To my mind, this is perhaps the second thing SV should start working on, after the arena.
Guild Logo: Medium Priority. Guild identification is a pretty big deal. To my mind, it kind of goes along with the dye system. Not immediately necessary, but shouldn't be too far down the list.
Breeding: Medium Priority. Taming is always popular (even if it is tedious), and a breeding aspect would add a lot of depth to a popular playstyle.
Thievery: Medium Priority. A system that seemingly many look forward to. However, I caution that any haste involved in putting in such a system will be a detriment to the game. It must be a thoroughly thought out feature, created from the ground up with the idea of someone wanting to play a thief as a role in game, not a trolling pest, nor an addon to an already functionally independent role to employ when someone is bored.
Dye system: Medium Priority. Who doesn’t like a dye system? There is always a rule of cool, and this would be a big addition to that. Good feature, but not the top of the list.
Wagons: Low Priority. Non-essential fun, but overall impact to game improvement is probably minimal.
Veteran System: Low Priority. Needed, but not to begin with, especially since (ostensibly) new players will be joining the game on the 28th. Things that increase the power of veteran players at this point should be withheld for at least a few months.
Farming: Low Priority. An interesting addition, useful, but not having much of an impact except for those who have established property (at least I think some sort of property will be a requirement). Someday, but not right away.
Boats: Lowest Priority. I want to go exploring on the ocean just like most, but this sounds like a huge, time intensive feature that would take a lot of attention from other, more needed things. Someday we’ll sail the seas, but let's get some other things shored up first.
Combat Features:
Adrenaline/weapon abilities: High Priority. This gives a little love back to the footies (a popular playstyle)… including foot archers (we can hope)! This is needed, and sooner the better.
Action queuing AND Charge Blink allows counter feint: Low Priority. Confused by this a little, but sounds promising. However, not a priority when compared to most on the list. Maybe if I understood it better my opinion might change.
Stamina gain on successful parry:No, just no–don’t do this. This is even lower than “Boats” in Main Features. This just extends the ping gap, all the gaps really. Seems like a very bad idea. EDIT: This was further explained to me not as stam gain on a successful parry, but no stam lost for a successful parry. This, to my mind, is far more reasonable than just getting stamina back every time you parry. I won't change my priority assignment for it, but no longer does it seem horrible 
Tavern Board Games: Medium Priority. Something that should come earlier than later on the roadmap, but not before several other things. I look forward to them.
FOIP and VR support: Low Priority. Nice idea, seems like something that should come much, much later.I place it between Stamina gain on parry (never should be implemented) and boats (pie in the sky).
Player Gear:
New Weapons AND Throwing Weapons AND Crossbows: Medium Priority. New toys are nice, and there are a few things that would add complexity and immersion to the game, such as thrown weapons.
Offhand Torch: Medium Priority. I can’t put this as high priority, but it really is something that should already be in the game.
Dual Wielding: Medium Priority. See New Weapons above for the same reasoning.
More Mountable Creatures: Medium Priority. Pets are cool, mountable pets are cooler. Nice to have sooner than later, but still not top of the list.
New Armor: Low Priority. Less of an obvious impact on play than the weapons above, still good though and a nice later addition.
Territory Control:
Relic system: High Priority. Will create (potentially) a lot of content for guilds and groups. Ideas like Relic System, or even world bosses, add a lot of play to the game. This seems like an easy top 3 or 4.
Magic Schools:
ALL Low Priority. There are some amazing sounding magic schools, and I would really like to see them sooner than later, but that is more of a personal preference of mine. When I look at it from a bit more of a distance, they are simply not a high priority relative to other things. I will say though, among the low priority features, these should rise to the top of that category.
Arena with ranking system, Deva system, Adrenaline/weapon abilities, and Relic system are all high priority features according to my reasoning. These, in particular, seem to give the most bang for the buck. See above for specifics.
Dye system, Guild logo, Breeding, Thievery, Tavern board games, New weapons AND Throwing weapons AND Crossbows, Off-hand torch, Dual Wielding, and More mountable creatures all find their way to the medium priority category. These are good features, but perhaps will less positively impactful than the high priority ones.
Wagons, Veteran system, Farming, Boats, Stam on parry, Action queuing AND Charge Blink, FOIP/VR, New armor, and Additional magic schools are all lower priority for various reasons described above (not necessarily because they are bad–-though one or two are questionable).
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment below, discuss, make suggestions, and/or correct errors I may have made.
What follows is my attempt to lend support to features that I think are the most useful overall to the development of MO2. I did try to set aside my specific, personal desires and biases here (as best as I could). You may agree, you may disagree, but hopefully we can all acknowledge that SV should prioritize reasonably achievable features that give the most return on the investment of time and resources. It is simply left to us to vote for them.
Main Features:
Arena with ranking system: Highest Priority. Why? Because this solves a number of problems and fills desires. It addresses the common request for more balanced PvP play options, as well as allowing for player bandits to actually be player bandits (a role), as opposed to just bored players looking for PvP. This one system has the potential to improve the game for everyone, not just PvP enthusiasts (crafters, PvE types, RPers, etc). And this highest recommendation comes from a player who will probably never set foot in the arena, save as a spectator.
Deva system: High Priority. A good choice to put toward the start of the roadmap. Many people have been clamoring for this for some time, and it will help retention with the playerbase. To my mind, this is perhaps the second thing SV should start working on, after the arena.
Guild Logo: Medium Priority. Guild identification is a pretty big deal. To my mind, it kind of goes along with the dye system. Not immediately necessary, but shouldn't be too far down the list.
Breeding: Medium Priority. Taming is always popular (even if it is tedious), and a breeding aspect would add a lot of depth to a popular playstyle.
Thievery: Medium Priority. A system that seemingly many look forward to. However, I caution that any haste involved in putting in such a system will be a detriment to the game. It must be a thoroughly thought out feature, created from the ground up with the idea of someone wanting to play a thief as a role in game, not a trolling pest, nor an addon to an already functionally independent role to employ when someone is bored.
Dye system: Medium Priority. Who doesn’t like a dye system? There is always a rule of cool, and this would be a big addition to that. Good feature, but not the top of the list.
Wagons: Low Priority. Non-essential fun, but overall impact to game improvement is probably minimal.
Veteran System: Low Priority. Needed, but not to begin with, especially since (ostensibly) new players will be joining the game on the 28th. Things that increase the power of veteran players at this point should be withheld for at least a few months.
Farming: Low Priority. An interesting addition, useful, but not having much of an impact except for those who have established property (at least I think some sort of property will be a requirement). Someday, but not right away.
Boats: Lowest Priority. I want to go exploring on the ocean just like most, but this sounds like a huge, time intensive feature that would take a lot of attention from other, more needed things. Someday we’ll sail the seas, but let's get some other things shored up first.
Combat Features:
Adrenaline/weapon abilities: High Priority. This gives a little love back to the footies (a popular playstyle)… including foot archers (we can hope)! This is needed, and sooner the better.
Action queuing AND Charge Blink allows counter feint: Low Priority. Confused by this a little, but sounds promising. However, not a priority when compared to most on the list. Maybe if I understood it better my opinion might change.
Stamina gain on successful parry:
Tavern Board Games: Medium Priority. Something that should come earlier than later on the roadmap, but not before several other things. I look forward to them.
FOIP and VR support: Low Priority. Nice idea, seems like something that should come much, much later.
Player Gear:
New Weapons AND Throwing Weapons AND Crossbows: Medium Priority. New toys are nice, and there are a few things that would add complexity and immersion to the game, such as thrown weapons.
Offhand Torch: Medium Priority. I can’t put this as high priority, but it really is something that should already be in the game.
Dual Wielding: Medium Priority. See New Weapons above for the same reasoning.
More Mountable Creatures: Medium Priority. Pets are cool, mountable pets are cooler. Nice to have sooner than later, but still not top of the list.
New Armor: Low Priority. Less of an obvious impact on play than the weapons above, still good though and a nice later addition.
Territory Control:
Relic system: High Priority. Will create (potentially) a lot of content for guilds and groups. Ideas like Relic System, or even world bosses, add a lot of play to the game. This seems like an easy top 3 or 4.
Magic Schools:
ALL Low Priority. There are some amazing sounding magic schools, and I would really like to see them sooner than later, but that is more of a personal preference of mine. When I look at it from a bit more of a distance, they are simply not a high priority relative to other things. I will say though, among the low priority features, these should rise to the top of that category.
Arena with ranking system, Deva system, Adrenaline/weapon abilities, and Relic system are all high priority features according to my reasoning. These, in particular, seem to give the most bang for the buck. See above for specifics.
Dye system, Guild logo, Breeding, Thievery, Tavern board games, New weapons AND Throwing weapons AND Crossbows, Off-hand torch, Dual Wielding, and More mountable creatures all find their way to the medium priority category. These are good features, but perhaps will less positively impactful than the high priority ones.
Wagons, Veteran system, Farming, Boats, Stam on parry, Action queuing AND Charge Blink, FOIP/VR, New armor, and Additional magic schools are all lower priority for various reasons described above (not necessarily because they are bad–-though one or two are questionable).
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment below, discuss, make suggestions, and/or correct errors I may have made.
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