Race/Clade Naming Conventions


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I would post this in the role-play section but it's not in-character. Mods, you should make a lore-discussion section under Role-Play


So I wanted to discuss naming conventions. Hopefully someone who knows more about lore than I do can help me out here. The races in-the game are like this as far as I can tell:

--Kallard (Norse AKA Vikings)
--Khurite (Mongolian)
--Tindremene (Latin AKA Romans)
--Sarduucan (Arabic and/or Persian)
--Sidoian (African, possibly Malian? It would be nice to get more specific.)

Thursar (No real-world equivalent? unless you go by their human ancestry)

Ohgmir (No real-world equivalent?)

Alvarin (No real-world equivalent?)

Based on this list the naming conventions I've been going off of is that for humans you use names that are appropriate to their real-world cultural equivalent. For instance, as a Tindremene I would use a Latinesque name and use Latin words for naming pets, boats, etc.

So far, for the non-human races I use Dungeons and Dragons equivalents. Risar = Orc, Alvarin = Elf, Ohgmir = Dwarf. If the name would fit the respective race in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign then it works well enough for MO1.

Thursar are an interesting exception to the rule as they have three naming conventions that all make sense. Risar raised would take a Risar name most likely. Human raised would take a human name most likely. And if you have one that belongs to a Thursar exclusive community they may have adopted a name based on conventions unique to Thursar only communities. Human names would likely be the most common sense the lore states most Thursar are infertile and most risar mothers abandon thursar children near human settlements.

I'm curious if we have something better to go off of though. Especially for the non-human races the naming system I'm working from feels really inadequate because it doesn't account for MO1s unique lore or things like Sheevra and Veela being entirely different races. And I'm leaning Sheevra for release based on what I know so I'd love to get my character name lore-accurate. Ideally, a response from Starvault's lore guy would be really cool. We could even potentially start a community project to build a Mortal Online name generator. I have a site I'd be glad to host it on.

But I'm also curious to hear from people who've delved a bit into the lore of this game and actually care about lore appropriate names. What do you use? Are there any prominent named NPCs in MO1 you've used as a basis for naming your naming conventions?
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Active member
Nov 21, 2020
here is a list of officially SV endorsed Human Tindremene names:

Sausagius Longus
Masus Turbatus
Glaucus Glandis
Bigus Dickus
Massacrum Vulvorum
Pilum Carnis
Inhabilis Dominus LXIX