The user interface should be intuitive to play.
1) For example, now it is wildly annoying when, during the game, you accidentally call up the menu by pressing Z and you cannot quickly collapse the menu using the ESC key, you have to press the Escape first and then double-press the TAB key. and if this happens during a battle, then these movements are like death =)
1a) Also, when you call up the settings menu by pressing the ESC, then you cannot close the window by pressing the same ESC key, you have to press the cross in the upper right corner. What for?
2) You cannot customize the side quick access panels. Why are they only upright?
3) So why is there no way to save a preset to the quick access panel? This makes it easier to arrange items after death (after death you have to drag and drop items from your inventory back to the quick access bar all the time).
4) Why are there no sorting buttons in the inventory? Why is there no button to combine items in the inventory? Why to split the object need to press shift + right mouse button and not the left mouse button as in all games that exist?
5) Add an indicator of day and night, cold and warmth, for example hunger and satiety as it looks like in Kingdom Come Deliverance. as icons rather than stripes
5а) A compass can also be made in a fantasy medieval theme.
6) After death and resurrection, the character opens a quick access panel. for what?
7) Please add the ability to eat food (or whatever the player can use from the inventory) and the like through keyboard shortcuts.
it is very inconvenient to open the inventory all the time in order to eat.
8) When adding arrows to the quick access panel, write the total number of arrows that are in the inventory. make it possible to add arrows to one quick access button. those, when the arrows from the quiver are completely used up, you just need to click on the icon on the quick panel again (to reload the quiver with arrows).
I mean displaying arrows in one slot. when it comes to 0 you just have to click on the arrow icon to reload.
9) Add the glow of the bag of loot after death. It takes a very long time to look for your bag in the grass after a massive battle. Only your bag!
These are just those little things that are very striking and annoying.
@Henrik Nyström @Sebastian Persson