Please remove durability based damage reduction from weapons completely, its just stupid.
Please add a notice that your weapon is at low durability when you hit below 10% durability.
Please add basic map to vendors outside of haven.
Please add nodrop worn shortsword to vendors outside of haven but restrict to one in inventory.
Please add nodrop torches to vendors outside of haven but restrict to one in inventory.
Set blunt damage from nodrop worn shortsword and nodrop torch to 0 to prevent people from abusing them to damage structures.
Set damage from nodrop torch to 0 to prevent people from abusing them.
Please add repairing as a secoundary for weapon and armor crafters.
Material cost to repair should be durability based
Please add salvaging as a secoundary that lets you get up to a 70% of the original crafting materials if you have the material lore
No idea how this game made it out of beta without a salvaging/repair mechanic
Having to throw away weapons at 50% durability is extremely unimmersive
Please add a notice that your weapon is at low durability when you hit below 10% durability.
Please add basic map to vendors outside of haven.
Please add nodrop torches to vendors outside of haven but restrict to one in inventory.
Set damage from nodrop torch to 0 to prevent people from abusing them.
Please add repairing as a secoundary for weapon and armor crafters.
Material cost to repair should be durability based
Please add salvaging as a secoundary that lets you get up to a 70% of the original crafting materials if you have the material lore
No idea how this game made it out of beta without a salvaging/repair mechanic
Having to throw away weapons at 50% durability is extremely unimmersive
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