Please remove this 30 minutes log out system.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
It's for sure not ideal and something needs to be done but I can't help but feel like none of you experienced how guild vs guild pvp went for many months in this game. Anytime the enemy felt like they didn't have a advantage and easy win their entire guild would logout when you were trying to go pvp against them. They would ghost scout and all log in to gank miners then by the time you quickly got everyone to group and push on them they were already logged out. Anything is better then this, even this 30 minute timer but if you don't agree then you never experienced how horrible the logout abuse really is / was.

I would disagree that not being able to log out when you get an unexpected knock at the door is an improvement. I think many more people are impacted negatively by overly harsh logout systems than the logout games in GK. But yes it is an issue that merits a solution. I think any form of visible marker where you can see where someone is logged out if they log out outside a blue town is pretty sufficient. Not going to stop 20 people from logging out right next to blast furnace, but at least you can go back there and be like "Huh. Looks like 20 people logged out right here. Oh these are all names from the enemy alliance."

Given how huge scouting people's logout spots was during that whole mess, making them visible would be a rather significant nerf to that tactic.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
If there are multiple threads about this, it's pointless early feedback. Without camps the system is not complete.

You're testing an early version of a new Tesla. Before, there were no wheels, it was just sitting on the ground, you can play with the steering wheel, play with the big ipad, you're like, "This is a pretty cool car."

They add wheels, but you can only use the parking brake to stop. They say brakes will be added soon. You say, "Take away these stupid wheels, the car keeps rolling when I'm playing with the iPad and I have to use that big lever to stop it, nobody will want to do that. You're only making this car for hardcore people who want to use a big lever to stop, stupid car. Please remove the wheels or I'm leaving."

Summary, chill out, let them implement the whole system, then evaluate it.

Absolutely moronic statemen. Only a retarded mechanic adds the breaks after letting people test the car. And only an even bigger moron tests that car without breaks, or breaks that have a high chance to kill you.

but you are right actually, SV does does make retarded choices. Does it often. So you can keep testing your car without brakes like a moron. Ill revisit this whole project when retardation is at a more manageable level.

so will many by the way.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2020
I don't think Star Vault pays much attention to these forums. For instance Henrik has not logged in since June 11.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I recently had to log out in the wilderness with the new timer for the first time. I'll admit I was a little anxious now that the wilderness is much more dangerous with all kinds of hostile creatures. Wasn't sure if my character would still be alive when I logged back in several hours later.

Parked my mount more or less in the open with some trees and bushes nearby. When I logged back in hours later, my character was right where it was when I logged out, alive and fully intact.

I guess I was lucky. This time.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
So yeah I think there are likely better solutions mentioned by several people already.

One thing this does do though is favour groups with higher average skill because they will have more staying power to remain logged in.

currently if you’re overwhelmed by skill and not numbers you’ll make the call to log out and strike when the action has died down a bit.

the spirit of this change should remove what I call the last logger advantage and replace it with a first logger advantage which is something that I think “elite” guilds would benefit from

Albano Dravae

New member
May 31, 2021
I recently had to log out in the wilderness with the new timer for the first time. I'll admit I was a little anxious now that the wilderness is much more dangerous with all kinds of hostile creatures. Wasn't sure if my character would still be alive when I logged back in several hours later.

Parked my mount more or less in the open with some trees and bushes nearby. When I logged back in hours later, my character was right where it was when I logged out, alive and fully intact.

I guess I was lucky. This time.

Wasn't luck tho haha, the map is massive, empty and nobody plays it. To be honest the greatest risks of being out of a town is the boredom of travelling in empty places and falling through the world.

There's more risk to die with bugs that hunted by some random nerd in the middle of nowhere.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
If there are multiple threads about this, it's pointless early feedback. Without camps the system is not complete.

You're testing an early version of a new Tesla. Before, there were no wheels, it was just sitting on the ground, you can play with the steering wheel, play with the big ipad, you're like, "This is a pretty cool car."

They add wheels, but you can only use the parking brake to stop. They say brakes will be added soon. You say, "Take away these stupid wheels, the car keeps rolling when I'm playing with the iPad and I have to use that big lever to stop it, nobody will want to do that. You're only making this car for hardcore people who want to use a big lever to stop, stupid car. Please remove the wheels or I'm leaving."

Summary, chill out, let them implement the whole system, then evaluate it.
Most of us don't even want what they are saying camps will do. All camps do is make logging out tedious and then you still have 30 minutes to die offline. Ya I'll pass on that one and make my negative feedback thread now. Hopefully save them some dev time when they scrap the idea.


New member
Jun 9, 2021
I get the idea to prevent combat logging. But its an odd placeholder system until they figure out something better.
You cant go hunt now without having 3 hours min to dedicate to game time due to travel distances and limited spawns. And hope the server stays up that long or you lose your horse bags/content. RL doesn't always allow that for those of us that are adults. We need a system that works for all play types, not just to make PVPers happy people cant run from them.
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SV has their own head.

We will see what they do. This feature has seen love in the community and also hate. But what is certain... the patch did not revive the community. Its at a big low again with many not wanting to play (me included). If SV wants it then so be it if not then so be it. Some will stick and some wont.

Imo they should have made a poll and get player feedback to find a compromise the majority would be happy with before such a drastic thing. Thats atleast what i would have appreciated.

A bit sad that they cöaim to listen to player feedback and stuff but rarely consult the majority for their opinion while having the tools to do so.

Thats atleast my personal opinion. Some might agree some disagree and thats fine. Find the freaking compromise both sides are right/wrong.


New member
Mar 14, 2021
The new logout mechanics benefit hardcore guilds and higher skill players. It would be incredibly disappointing for SV to discard this mechanic without a serious player base testing it.

Griefers, low skill groups, and the disorganized are disadvantaged but not hard nerfed.

the patch did not revive the community

This is a highly unrealistic expectation for anyone to hold. The beta is 3 months old, and the most fun happened in the first month of the stress test. People will log in to check out the patch, but there isn't much reason to keep playing.