Pets in Necro Dungeon


Community Manager
Staff member
Dec 9, 2021
Pets in Necro Dungeon

I was requested to make a post regarding having pets in the Necromancer Dungeon. There is a point where pets are not designed (or able) to continue forth in the Dungeon. One of the core ideas behind Mortal Online 2 is certain skills or classes are not meant for all content. In this case, pets were not supposed to go past this point. In patch 4.20, players have found ways to circumvent this in way that were either exploitative or not intended. We have made additional changes and taken measures to ensure this is less likely to happen. If you are caught with a pet in this final section of the Necromancer Dungeon, the Game Masters may take action. This is not negotiable.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
So what if the GM moved them across the bridge for us when we ticketed it?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Tadly ironic to not have pets in the necro dungi. But, alas, if people would only... stop... exploiting the game.

Also, mis-step in the statement "One of the core ideas behind Mortal Online 2 is certain skills or classes are not meant for all content."

That's some copy paste all over the net quote. Doesn't matter what it means in context.

Deleted member 44

Tadly ironic to not have pets in the necro dungi. But, alas, if people would only... stop... exploiting the game.

Also, mis-step in the statement "One of the core ideas behind Mortal Online 2 is certain skills or classes are not meant for all content."

That's some copy paste all over the net quote. Doesn't matter what it means in context.
Idk how the player is expected to understand what is and isn't allowed as the rules are constantly changing and the "sandbox" experience is always being questioned. SV expects that the players read their minds and not think about how to do something more efficiently, etc.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Idk how the player is expected to understand what is and isn't allowed as the rules are constantly changing and the "sandbox" experience is always being questioned. SV expects that the players read their minds and not think about how to do something more efficiently, etc.
IMHO it's pretty obvious that pets are not supposed to follow across the invisible bridge.

Deleted member 44

Cool so when additional character slots?
Don't worry. You payed for a full price game to experience 1/4 of the games content. You better like it too. I almost forgot. "Cry baby" You got smoothies like Rhias thinking that an entire profession should just bridget b/c SV can't design a dungeon correctly. Shit, they removed pets from attacking bosses b/c they couldn't figure out how to balance the game. I'm not even a tamer and I realize that this will drive soy boy blues away from the game.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
IMHO it's pretty obvious that pets are not supposed to follow across the invisible bridge.
well pets are supposed yo follow in and out of housesbit dont. You have to guess whats intended in this game. Its all blurry lines.
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Active member
Apr 5, 2021
pets should be scared of invisible floor.
pets should be scared of giant spiders
pets should kick you in the face if you hit them
pets should have random attributes like in mo1 ... it baffles me this hasn't been a priority for release ... pokemon stuff is like free infinite content ...
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Active member
Sep 5, 2021
Idk how the player is expected to understand what is and isn't allowed as the rules are constantly changing and the "sandbox" experience is always being questioned. SV expects that the players read their minds and not think about how to do something more efficiently, etc.
For real, this is yet again another poorly written response from the CM. How can you possibly call this a sandbox. Advertise it as such, provide no real guidance on anything other than extremely basic things in haven like movement and attacking AND THEN SAY "ooo sorry, you can't bring your builds equipment in here (pets) oooo weeeeee" while rubbing their nipples like this is telecommunications.

Limiting content to certain builds, while also being in a alpha like state with very little actual content. No TC, no anything that would make MO the game its advertised as. Is fucking idiotic. If you think limiting content in an already limited setting is a GOOD idea, you're just a fucking idiot. There is literally no better wording for that.

Keep on keeping on SV, only you can ruin this game as much as you have.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Idk how the player is expected to understand what is and isn't allowed as the rules are constantly changing and the "sandbox" experience is always being questioned. SV expects that the players read their minds and not think about how to do something more efficiently, etc.

It really depends, but yeah. I mean... I got a good laugh how you were using double horse armor then after the patch you were like I CAN'T GET IT OFF haha. Some things should be obvious. Other things, yeah. Like we would log sometimes in spider cave (MO1) and wait for baby queen so you didn't get munched by 125 queen. A lot of MO was be ready at reset.

But some of these are egregious acts. I don't really give plausible deniability often. I try not to, but... maybe in this case, it's a little weird. I've never been to said dungeon, so I can't say. "Invisible Bridge?" It's like Indiana Jones or Neverending story, you try to pass and the statues eyes open and just nuke your pets. So yea...

But I def would have said the line "pets are not intended to..." opposed to "one of the core ideas of MO is that all classes and skills aren't supposed to do all content." It's like... did you just say that? Is that even true? Holy crap. I understand in a sense like NO MA in dungeons, and that's probably the meaning, but it's just a bad line imo.

pets should be scared of invisible floor.
pets should be scared of giant spiders
pets should kick you in the face if you hit them
pets should have random attributes like in mo1 ... it baffles me this hasn't been a priority for release ... pokemon stuff is like free infinite content ...

or like MO1 pets should gen aggro. ahaha. a good way to BBQ your horses or w/e was bring them in a dungeon. If you don't keep up with the spawns, horse is taking dmg, horse is taking dmg. GOTTA PEEL FOR YA HORSE.
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Community Manager
Staff member
Dec 9, 2021
So much for your sandbox game.

View attachment 4682
I don't really understand this call that a certain part of the map isn't for pets means the sandbox is dead. Mortal Online 2's Myrland is a world where some things or builds work better than others in certain areas. Past the last puzzle, pets can't follow. This was not a technical issue but a choice the developers made. It is okay to not like this choice, I respect that, but to say "Sandbox dead" or similar, I find a little surprising.

The sandbox is the world we give and the tools you are given, but not all tools are useful in some situations. Think mounted archery in the forest vs the open field as a rough example.
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Jan 29, 2022
I don't really understand this call that a certain part of the map isn't for pets means the sandbox is dead. Mortal Online 2's Myrland is a world where some things or builds work better than others in certain areas. Past the last puzzle, pets can't follow. This was not a technical issue but a choice the developers made. It is okay to not like this choice, I respect that, but to say "Sandbox dead" or similar, I find a little surprising.

The sandbox is the world we give and the tools you are given, but not all tools are useful in some situations. Think mounted archery in the forest vs the open field as a rough example.

Well perhaps you can enlighten me then and provide examples of pve content that is not accessible to a foot fighter where say their build is useless as they are prevented from doing normal damage?

Pets are integral to a build and certain play style, not as an afterthought or just something extra. You’re not saying, pets will do 1/2 damage to the boss….that’s an example of some builds working better than others and balance that most developers try to achieve. No you’re just arbitrarily disallowing a certain build to even be viable within a set environment for no justifiable reason.

If a core idea of MO2 is to dictate to players what content is accessible or not based on their build, it’s not a sandbox game sorry…’s a linear game masquerading as a sandbox.


Community Manager
Staff member
Dec 9, 2021
Well perhaps you can enlighten me then and provide examples of pve content that is not accessible to a foot fighter where say their build is useless as they are prevented from doing normal damage?

Pets are integral to a build and certain play style, not as an afterthought or just something extra. You’re not saying, pets will do 1/2 damage to the boss….that’s an example of some builds working better than others and balance that most developers try to achieve. No you’re just arbitrarily disallowing a certain build to even be viable within a set environment for no justifiable reason.

If a core idea of MO2 is to dictate to players what content is accessible or not based on their build, it’s not a sandbox game sorry…’s a linear game masquerading as a sandbox.

The boss known as the Vessel puts you at a big disadvantage without mages.
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Jan 29, 2022

The boss known as the Vessel puts you at a big disadvantage without mages.

Sometimes the things that go unanswered are the most notable. TBH, most anyone is at a disadvantage trying to play this game given all the issues, bugs, and unfinished content. Thanks for the comment.


Active member
Feb 2, 2022
A disadvantage while fighting something is one thing. You can at least try it. But being wholly barred from even trying said content as a tamer is complete joke.

Isn't the real reason for disallowing this suddenly via manual GM actions just the fact that the store bought asset merlin's dungeon isn't fully integrated into the game with mechanical features that would block pets from coming in?

It's a joke to be honest.
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