Optimizing the criminal system.


Active member
Apr 6, 2021
So I'm sure this has been talked about before and maybe even suggested before. However let me just throw my ideas out there and see if anyone cares.

Gaining a murder count or criminal status should only be applied when done within the area of a city with guards. This would apply to both attacking/killing a player in town, as well as attacking/killing pets inside of a town. These murder counts/criminal acts would reduce reputation for that city/faction alone, like it is currently.

Yes, I am suggesting a murder count for killing a pet and reputation loss for crimes within guarded cities. Many types of Pets are not going to be something easy to level up and go out to gather, and for them to just get zerged down by a few nakeds using basic magic spells is just not healthy for the game, As things stand they can do this without losing reputation in the town (which is why they should lose rep too). The current system is effectively turning our own guards against us if we try to forcefully fight them out of town.

The cherry on top for these changes however, there will be no criminal or murder count charges whatsoever outside of guarded cities. This allows players to engage each other freely in the wild like it would be realistically.

So in summary:

Realistically you would lose favor for killing animals owned by citizens within a city where guards are alerted to your crimes.

Realistically no one can validate a report of murder or crime if its not seen (within the area of influence) by those enforcing the law of an area.

These are the basis for my suggestion and could be further expanded on with player created cities having their own custom reputation system that they can set and use with their own guards if desired.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
I always like the sound of this. Law based on the owner of the area.

NPC cities would have their own laws with uncontrolled areas lawless.

And then keep owning guilds could also choose what type of law their controlled area has.

This would lead to a more dynamic system that is mostly in players hands to try and change as they see fit.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
You know there's an obvious problem when the flagging system is used to protect actual "criminals" and their actions more often than the "victim", and an act of self defense results in standing loss...just dumb.

To me It's a symptom of trying to use too many rules to try and "protect" people from needing to use their brain, or their sword to settle a squabble.

This dumb toggle nested into a menu that blocks your screen creates as many issues as people think it solves, and it just creates a different flavor of abuse for people which ends up punishing the wrong people more often than not and inhibits your average player from enacting the proper justice that should be employed.
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Jul 17, 2020
Pledging to city with area around city less guarded but still protected. If murder only counts in tindrem city, people just camp gates. Area around tindrem murder should count in tindrem, etc. Wilderness wild and lawless is fine, but counted murders have to hurt. Hurt more than afk punching or needed red priest. Temporary character disable if red enough kind of thing.


Active member
Jan 7, 2021
They should just borrow AOC Flagging system and put some tweaks in.
The main idea looks really good.
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Well-known member
May 30, 2020
How is it determined who is a combatant? It sounds exactly like what we have (with "grey" being combatant, "red" being corrupted.)
The main problem with our system lies in how a person becomes "attackeable" and in not being able to tell at a glance if someone is. Also in the fact that the ai cannot judge motive.
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Active member
Jan 7, 2021
Yes it's pretty similar in some cases. you can read more about it in the link i provided.

But it's better balanced in term of pking and straight up griefing.


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
Ah, didn't realize it was a link.

Not sure it will be a good fit for our open world, full loot environment. Maybe some parts could be adapted.


Active member
Jan 7, 2021
Yeah, it would need som mortal online tweaks for sure to fit in this game, but i think the main ideas in there are pretty good.

But it will be easier to see what is good and not when the current system mortal has is fully implemented.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Pledging to city with area around city less guarded but still protected. If murder only counts in tindrem city, people just camp gates. Area around tindrem murder should count in tindrem, etc. Wilderness wild and lawless is fine, but counted murders have to hurt. Hurt more than afk punching or needed red priest. Temporary character disable if red enough kind of thing.
Maybe outside it should only count for ppl that set their home priest to Tindrem? That way the militia can fight raiding guilds using blue players without losing standing themselves.

As for MCs, if your gonna make them regional, might as well just remove them altogether. The standing system is fine and more intuitive as a stand alone.


Active member
Apr 6, 2021
After the recent round of changes for the game I really have to reinforce my support for the suggestions above. This should be pushed out as soon as it can be, as the criminal system is currently causing a MASSIVE amount of salty sailors.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Pledging to city with area around city less guarded but still protected. If murder only counts in tindrem city, people just camp gates. Area around tindrem murder should count in tindrem, etc. Wilderness wild and lawless is fine, but counted murders have to hurt. Hurt more than afk punching or needed red priest. Temporary character disable if red enough kind of thing.
Your playing a hardcore game. Nobody is getting disabled for being red. you get it both ways. People say they want a hardcore game, but then say to super punish reds. Double standard?
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Jul 17, 2020
Your playing a hardcore game. Nobody is getting disabled for being red. you get it both ways. People say they want a hardcore game, but then say to super punish reds. Double standard?
you shouldnt be safe anywhere... but there needs a punish for reds. kill once or twice fine. spawn camp or grief hurts the pop and so the game long term


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
danger should exist, but killing need to cost the killer too
Which there is, by limiting where they can live, and increasing their risk of danger by people wanting to kill them (which can have no penalty when they are criminal). The game runs on pvp. Its the entire end game. The entire point in crafting and gathering, is to make pvp gear. If theres severe punishment's for reds and killing, there will be no action. And then theres no conflict, and the pop will die just as much as from griefing. In mo1 whenever a big conflict would start the pop would go up.


Active member
Mar 4, 2021
you shouldnt be safe anywhere... but there needs a punish for reds. kill once or twice fine. spawn camp or grief hurts the pop and so the game long term
if you get spawn camped in this game currently you have no hope of ever playing this game, honestly. i play in gk mostly where people attribute a lot of the 'spawn camping' but in order for u to be spawn camped you have to keep respawning. if you don't want to be spawn camped either wait for an opportunity to get away or dont spawn at all. havent been spawn camped once with this mindset.

also laws should apply outside of cities to an extent, they should enforce a radius. when you enter the territory of a city it will tell you, you are in the tindremic empires territory. so this would encompass inside and in a radius outside of the city that covers their 'claimed land'.. beyond that it would be lawless and up to players to dictate laws.
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