NPC town black list Yes/No

Allow guilds to own a NPC town, and then allow them to have black list.

  • Yes

    Votes: 54 63.5%
  • No

    Votes: 28 32.9%
  • results

    Votes: 3 3.5%

  • Total voters


New member
Sep 4, 2021
I think blacklist is the better choice here. Turning off guards will just make litteraly any city lawless towns and it favours people who grief etc. Blacklist is better because it still allows new players to thrive in towns protected, it gives the guild currently having TC there more influence which is makes sense. Its a good community concept as it really proves that your actions have consequences.

This also puts a stop to the horrible guardzone fighting which seems to be the meta in several towns right now, we can all agree it fucking sucks.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2021
If a Guild controls a town then they should of course have some 'control' of that town. It is a large investment of time and effort to take over a town, not counting the political and actual battles that will likely have to take place to get to that point.

If you are not in good standing with the owners of that town then you should of course expect to be black listed and be unable to enter. There are thankfully many other towns in the game for you to move to. There are two issues that could arise from this -

1) A town has a book in it which can not be gained from anywhere else. You could trade for it but I think the removal of your ability to get it would be a tad harsh, so there would have to be some thought about that.

2) A Guild/Alliance becomes strong enough to take over most towns and you end up blacklisted from them all. In MO1 this was remedied by having Tindrem as a non capturable city. You also have Red towns which are meant for the bandit lifestyle.

I think currently some people are getting a little twitchy as they have been sitting in town for months causing issues for the local population and the large Guilds in those areas. They are seeing that there now may be some consequences to their actions and are attempting to dodge it by calling 'unfair' or playing the victim card.

At the end of the day if you piss on someone's doorstep do not expect to be welcomed back there in the future.


Active member
Feb 24, 2021
I think currently some people are getting a little twitchy as they have been sitting in town for months causing issues for the local population and the large Guilds in those areas. They are seeing that there now may be some consequences to their actions and are attempting to dodge it by calling 'unfair' or playing the victim card.

At the end of the day if you piss on someone's doorstep do not expect to be welcomed back there in the future.

This hahahah every time TC is being brought up this becomes an issue for all the people that been griefing in towns, calling guilds than actually invest their time in to doing something else in this game other than killing pets and noobs in gy calling them zErG gUiLdS. I understand people will get blacklisted for stupid reasons but its the game and if a guild has to sacrifice so much time on something they should be rewarded, because whats the other point of TC ? you want us to own a town for ????? yeah nothing, call it TAX or whatever but that doesnt make it worth it, it never did and it never will. Holding on to a town was always hard and now Henrik wants to make it even harder for TC and all of you little ass gy rats are already crying about a feature thats not even in the game yet.


Active member
Jan 11, 2021
You dont want a hardcore game, you just want a game that caters and makes it easier for zergs.

The irony of this while asking for "no black list cuz I'd get killed by guards in all the towns I griefed".

Pretty much you want to allow large greifer guilds to flourish while suppressing dissent against the zerg guild. The guilds saying small greifer guild bad are doing the exact same thing that small greifer guilds do but on larger scale. Its just dishonest hypocrisy to call other guilds rats/greifers when the zergs are far more at fault.

Do you even know what griefing is, mate? Are you one of these people who say bat shit crazy things like "people from that enemy guild killed me for no reason, such griefers"?

You don't need to worry about black lists anyway. You never need to enter any town, you have been sniping horses and randoms from outside the guard zone just fine so far.
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New member
Sep 28, 2021
There are very few guilds that would zerg blacklist anyone. If they did, they would be hated by most of the community, and I doubt their members would like that way of playing. It is more reasonable to think they would ban enemy guilds(which is fair), as well as griefers that use the delay on guards/quick, respawns to kill horses, pets, and players(which is fair). Also, If the player also has enough murder counts, they can also take his gear. Removing blacklist supports this type of behavior and will honestly make it worse. I fear griefers more than most big guilds in this game, as most guilds are not as scummy. Finally, for how much effort it takes to gain control of a town, the guild should be allowed to do this for all their effort, especially since all you have to do to lose control is get sieged by another guild and lose.
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New member
Sep 28, 2021
It would be better if the blacklist only allowed players to attack the blacklisted person, instead of turning all the guards into personal bodyguards.
That is what the war system does it would make no sense to have two systems that are identical. This aswell as it does not fix the problems of griefers as they can still respawn and kill people and horses.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Zerg guilds owning towns would just make zerging even more op. No from me. At least after they bring 10 mounted to kill me in the GY I can go kill their mounts in town. About all you can do in this game if you dont have a bigger group.
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New member
Sep 28, 2021
Zerg guilds owning towns would just make zerging even more op. No from me. At least after they bring 10 mounted to kill me in the GY I can go kill their mounts in town. About all you can do in this game if you dont have a bigger group.
Literally capitals are made for that.Why then kill there horses and become a griefers instead of just going to another town lol .
Also Henrik already said they are gana add standing lose for each time you kill animals in town so you get penalized for doing that anyway soon. Your logic for this is a bit flawed.


Active member
Jan 11, 2021
It would be better if the blacklist only allowed players to attack the blacklisted person, instead of turning all the guards into personal bodyguards.

Makes no sense. Let's take Fabernum as an example. You go around breaking the law and lose reputation with the owner of the city (Tindremic Empire) to the point they hate you. You basically get black listed and the guards attack the enemies of the owner.

When a player guild takes over the city and becomes the owner, you go around and break whatever laws they have, you become "detested" by them. Guards should do the same thing: attack the enemies of the owner. Since guilds can have any type of law (e.g. don't clutter the bank with horses), there is not an in-game reputation/law system for each individual guild so it just boils down to how much that guild dislikes you. The black list is a method for guilds to flag you as "detested".

You go mess with the guild that owns a city, expect consequences.

Furthermore, members of the owner guild should be able to attack anyone inside their city, black listed or not, without going grey. They are the owner and they are the employer of the guards. Guards need to look the other way. If they don't like what their employer does, they can quit their job.

There are ways to not get black listed and killed in a town you want to spend time in:
  • Don't mess with the guild that owns it.
  • If the guild is using their ownership to kill randoms and grief, you can get together and siege them, taking away their ownership.

If you want SV to hold your hand while you already have the means to control the outcome then perhaps this isn't the game for you.
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Dr. Dos

New member
Sep 29, 2021
Does the community want black listing to be a thing for NPC towns like the ones owned by tind empire or MK empire. Examples are Fab, vadda, medudu, bahkti, both capitals, ect...

Black listing is where the owner of a town which is a guild who won the town, sets the guards to attack certain people on sight.

I personally think it favors zerg guilds as they can own the town using a big zerg in a concentrated time and then black list their enemies who would normally fight them with hit and runs. Most of the bigger/zerg guilds can only keep numbers high for short periods of time. They need to ping discord and wait upto a hour for numbers, or they preset a time for the PvP. They normally cant respond fast enought to get people to come zerg smaller guilds in the moment. Having guards will prevent players from staging in towns to harrass the larger guilds which is the main way of combating them by whittling down their numbers and moral.

Black listing also in my veiw harms the community as people can force players out of the game or mass target indivuals for harrasment to greif them out of the game. It is mainly a power used to protect the powerfull.

I dont think non player towns should have a black list. Player towns can set the rules for their own guards.
Blacklisting should be a thing, there is only a small chance you'll be placed on the list from a Clan simply disliking you. A majority of people don't care what you do as long as it's not greifing or just overly toxic behavior which both are 100% intentional and choices said player makes. In the games current state there is nothing to stop you from pet killing, mage bombing and using loot bag tricks, of which all are methods of greifing.. Currently there is no such thing as a zerg in Mo2, this is just propaganda from smaller guilds picking fights with bigger ones which is poor tactics, poor decision making skills and bad leadership. An intentional 20v50 isn't being zerged until the 20 lose then they scream "ZEERRRGGGG" but if they beat the 50 then they never shut up, if it was a 20v100 then you can openly say zerg, seems most Mo players don't comprehend this especially since Mo2 is ment to hold 200+ during Keep fights, of which no Clan can currently field. How can there be a zerg in a game designed to field 100s in a single fight? Fact is the term is grossly overused by small factor clans who want to keep pace in a larger scale game. Blacklisting would then favor smaller guilds since the larger Guilds are aiming for Keeps rather then towns, this leaves the smaller locations such as towns to the smaller guilds who can then Blacklist greifers out of town so they can continue to enjoy them game rather then dealing with endless exploits and "ratting". Also "ratting" isn't a viable tactic, most also over use this term with out actually knowing where the term even comes from or it's meaning, a majority of "ratting" is simply just greifing being relabeled to save face..

I come from a greifer guild/small guild picking big fights then crying zerg, then to joining a larger guild now laughing at that same mentality I previously had, I have been on both sides and bigger guilds can keep their numbers high when needed since statistically they have a bigger pool to pull from, what you see now is just people getting bored of Mo2 waiting on persistence or simply playing other games. Smaller guilds seem to have the issue of maintaining activity due to the games current state or the simply fact they get greifed out of the game, there is a drastic difference between PvP and greifing in Mo2 that seems to be misused or simply looked over. Never once have I waited up to an hour for any guild to get adequate numbers to fight back including myself unless it's well outside said guilds prime time (lul period), you should provide examples rather then simple propaganda against any group bigger then your own, obviously a targeted statement.. Also staging in town or guard zone games? Which ever group is currently smaller during an engagement tend to hug guards, the larger group in that fight don't have a need to. Blacklisting wouldn't prevent smaller guilds from staging in town, what it would do is prevent your one toxic member who doesn't PvP but greifs new players and pets from being able to play the guard zone game like they do. You would then be able to stage more effectively since the opposing guild is less inclines to greif you back in response to your own guild members actions. Greifing wasn't started by a larger guild in Mo2, this nonsense was brought over by Mo1 vets from small time clans who aren't a factor anymore, most of that toxic behavior was brought over since it's BETA and there is zero consequences for greifing right now.. Any in-game mechanic that removes greifers or mitigates the greifing factor doesn't just benefit "the powerful", it works for everyone who wants to prioritize playing the game over something as weak as mage bombing or pet killing since that slows the PvP process and you have to rekit.

With this there would need to be restrictions as to the Blacklist process and use to help mitigate misuse of it
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Well-known member
May 30, 2020
They did not. If you do not accept in 24hr it will go into affect.
That is untrue. By the end of MO1 they just stayed pending forever if the other guild didn't accept them.

Makes no sense. Let's take Fabernum as an example. You go around breaking the law and lose reputation with the owner of the city (Tindremic Empire) to the point they hate you. You basically get black listed and the guards attack the enemies of the owner.

When a player guild takes over the city and becomes the owner, you go around and break whatever laws they have, you become "detested" by them. Guards should do the same thing: attack the enemies of the owner. Since guilds can have any type of law (e.g. don't clutter the bank with horses), there is not an in-game reputation/law system for each individual guild so it just boils down to how much that guild dislikes you. The black list is a method for guilds to flag you as "detested".

You go mess with the guild that owns a city, expect consequences.

Furthermore, members of the owner guild should be able to attack anyone inside their city, black listed or not, without going grey. They are the owner and they are the employer of the guards. Guards need to look the other way. If they don't like what their employer does, they can quit their job.

There are ways to not get black listed and killed in a town you want to spend time in:
  • Don't mess with the guild that owns it.
  • If the guild is using their ownership to kill randoms and grief, you can get together and siege them, taking away their ownership.

If you want SV to hold your hand while you already have the means to control the outcome then perhaps this isn't the game for you.
You want ai to fight for you, maybe this isn't the game for you.

Blacklisting should be a thing, there is only a small chance you'll be placed on the list from a Clan simply disliking you. A majority of people don't care what you do as long as it's not greifing or just overly toxic behavior which both are 100% intentional and choices said player makes. In the games current state there is nothing to stop you from pet killing, mage bombing and using loot bag tricks, of which all are methods of greifing.. Currently there is no such thing as a zerg in Mo2, this is just propaganda from smaller guilds picking fights with bigger ones which is poor tactics, poor decision making skills and bad leadership. An intentional 20v50 isn't being zerged until the 20 lose then they scream "ZEERRRGGGG" but if they beat the 50 then they never shut up, if it was a 20v100 then you can openly say zerg, seems most Mo players don't comprehend this especially since Mo2 is ment to hold 200+ during Keep fights, of which no Clan can currently field. How can there be a zerg in a game designed to field 100s in a single fight? Fact is the term is grossly overused by small factor clans who want to keep pace in a larger scale game. Blacklisting would then favor smaller guilds since the larger Guilds are aiming for Keeps rather then towns, this leaves the smaller locations such as towns to the smaller guilds who can then Blacklist greifers out of town so they can continue to enjoy them game rather then dealing with endless exploits and "ratting". Also "ratting" isn't a viable tactic, most also over use this term with out actually knowing where the term even comes from or it's meaning, a majority of "ratting" is simply just greifing being relabeled to save face..

I come from a greifer guild/small guild picking big fights then crying zerg, then to joining a larger guild now laughing at that same mentality I previously had, I have been on both sides and bigger guilds can keep their numbers high when needed since statistically they have a bigger pool to pull from, what you see now is just people getting bored of Mo2 waiting on persistence or simply playing other games. Smaller guilds seem to have the issue of maintaining activity due to the games current state or the simply fact they get greifed out of the game, there is a drastic difference between PvP and greifing in Mo2 that seems to be misused or simply looked over. Never once have I waited up to an hour for any guild to get adequate numbers to fight back including myself unless it's well outside said guilds prime time (lul period), you should provide examples rather then simple propaganda against any group bigger then your own, obviously a targeted statement.. Also staging in town or guard zone games? Which ever group is currently smaller during an engagement tend to hug guards, the larger group in that fight don't have a need to. Blacklisting wouldn't prevent smaller guilds from staging in town, what it would do is prevent your one toxic member who doesn't PvP but greifs new players and pets from being able to play the guard zone game like they do. You would then be able to stage more effectively since the opposing guild is less inclines to greif you back in response to your own guild members actions. Greifing wasn't started by a larger guild in Mo2, this nonsense was brought over by Mo1 vets from small time clans who aren't a factor anymore, most of that toxic behavior was brought over since it's BETA and there is zero consequences for greifing right now.. Any in-game mechanic that removes greifers or mitigates the greifing factor doesn't just benefit "the powerful", it works for everyone who wants to prioritize playing the game over something as weak as mage bombing or pet killing since that slows the PvP process and you have to rekit.

With this there would need to be restrictions as to the Blacklist process and use to help mitigate misuse of it
You misunderstand the system. Only a guild that controls a keep can control a town. Blacklisting favors large guilds, and an unlimited blacklist could be used to keep everyone except the large guild from using a town. Potentially keeping a smaller guild from accessing their stuff in a place that they have lived for years.

A guild who owns a town should be able to attack people without guards interference, and those people should be able to fight back.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
That is untrue. By the end of MO1 they just stayed pending forever if the other guild didn't accept them.

You want ai to fight for you, maybe this isn't the game for you.

You misunderstand the system. Only a guild that controls a keep can control a town. Blacklisting favors large guilds, and an unlimited blacklist could be used to keep everyone except the large guild from using a town. Potentially keeping a smaller guild from accessing their stuff in a place that they have lived for years.

A guild who owns a town should be able to attack people without guards interference, and those people should be able to fight back.
At the very least it should allow people to fight back. I think it should be guild based if for some reason they put it in. So that indivdual being targeted at least can have their guild mates help instead of being 1 v 20d
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New member
Nov 13, 2020
If a Guild controls a town then they should of course have some 'control' of that town. It is a large investment of time and effort to take over a town, not counting the political and actual battles that will likely have to take place to get to that point.

If you are not in good standing with the owners of that town then you should of course expect to be black listed and be unable to enter. There are thankfully many other towns in the game for you to move to. There are two issues that could arise from this -

1) A town has a book in it which can not be gained from anywhere else. You could trade for it but I think the removal of your ability to get it would be a tad harsh, so there would have to be some thought about that.

2) A Guild/Alliance becomes strong enough to take over most towns and you end up blacklisted from them all. In MO1 this was remedied by having Tindrem as a non capturable city. You also have Red towns which are meant for the bandit lifestyle.

I think currently some people are getting a little twitchy as they have been sitting in town for months causing issues for the local population and the large Guilds in those areas. They are seeing that there now may be some consequences to their actions and are attempting to dodge it by calling 'unfair' or playing the victim card.

At the end of the day if you piss on someone's doorstep do not expect to be welcomed back there in the future.
Zerg guilds owning towns would just make zerging even more op. No from me. At least after they bring 10 mounted to kill me in the GY I can go kill their mounts in town. About all you can do in this game if you dont have a bigger group.
Don't kill noobs in GY and horses and u won't get mopped up and be in writing about it. ZERG.
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Active member
May 29, 2020
Wandering the road
Does the community want black listing to be a thing for NPC towns like the ones owned by tind empire or MK empire. Examples are Fab, vadda, medudu, bahkti, both capitals, ect...

Black listing is where the owner of a town which is a guild who won the town, sets the guards to attack certain people on sight.

I personally think it favors zerg guilds as they can own the town using a big zerg in a concentrated time and then black list their enemies who would normally fight them with hit and runs. Most of the bigger/zerg guilds can only keep numbers high for short periods of time. They need to ping discord and wait upto a hour for numbers, or they preset a time for the PvP. They normally cant respond fast enought to get people to come zerg smaller guilds in the moment. Having guards will prevent players from staging in towns to harrass the larger guilds which is the main way of combating them by whittling down their numbers and moral.

Black listing also in my veiw harms the community as people can force players out of the game or mass target indivuals for harrasment to greif them out of the game. It is mainly a power used to protect the powerfull.

I dont think non player towns should have a black list. Player towns can set the rules for their own guards.

I think Blacklisting as a function was harmful only because the system was incomplete. Such a system cannot and should not be attempted without realizing the vision in its entirety. Blacklisting was incredibly useful for giving guilds the ability to exert dominion over their claimed territory and for dealing with griefers, thieves, and enemy blue-flagged meat shields. It was also useful for securing resources rights in their area by targetting non-guild miners and non-guild farmers and woodcutters.

That said, a function that was missing was the ability to toggle, codify, and in effect make your own laws, and elevate your own people to that as enforcers of your guild's law. What sucked was having your guild have to abide by Tindremic or Khurite Law when in effect you owned the town. But even if you owned the town, attacking or dealing with random blues, thieves, etc, or even hitting an NPC or a pet would flag your own men grey, to be targeted by the local guards.

That is what was harmful, the inconsistencies, flaws, and incomplete design of the feature itself, not the inherent concept.