This is easily mitigated by joining a guild imo. A guild with a good initiation process can save a player from having to experience this kind of griefing right out the bat. Id say timing and luck is also what determines a new players starter experience. The game railroads players to starting in Fabernum as well, and that town is a guarenteed stalk/gank for any new player even attempting to farm a bush pig lol.A large portion of Steam reviews are people complaining that they get repeatedly ganked right outside cities. Nakeds trying to farm, getting killed over and over again.
Now that you have player made towns, you can essentially have a new player ghost to your vilalge and get them set up with some gear in their territory bank. hell, you can even build the library so they dont need to constantly go back to town.
Ultimately, if you are willing to push it through Haven and potentially do it again if your build is trash, then youve probably already put in enough hours to be addicted to the game. Problem is, that the new player experience weeds out a lot of players that actually would enjoy the game if the game made an effort to guide them through the learning curve.