New dungeons, expansions of existing Caves and mechanics to keep PVP players busy to free up dungeons for PVE players, so more players can enjoy MO2

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
The problem most new players have :

Currently, the dungeons are the only PVP hotspots. This makes the PVE players and the new players very unhappy and this game thrives on cool caves and adventures that the new players are often left out of. Many players travel 40 minutes to a dungeon, only to die in a battle before or in the dungeon upon arrival without even being able to explore it. Players have to visit dungeons to get cerain spells and i like that if you have reasons to visit a dungeon.

Epic Release will be soon an we need mechanics to keep the new players ! With that i mean Quests and they should be followed by Word Events that keep PVP players busy, so the dungeons get relieved for all the new players, as soon as they have finsihed skilling their character and want to explore the world and bosses.

I think it should have highest priority, if we get PVP events that concentrate the PVP players on a specific spot on the map, like "Airdrops" in other games !
All the attacks on the territory control tower, the meteor drops, the player triggered events from players that collected "Demon Stones", the invasions of monsters through the expansions of the camps and the town invasions made the open world a hotspot for PVP in MO1. When there's a big battle every 4 hours, all the PVP players don't roam the dungeons anymore all the time, becuase they are busy. In MO2 this missing features make the game even more unfriendly for new palyers and this need to be adressed and fixed as soon as possible !

Many causual guilds have players who have jobs. They can't just arrange to do the dungeon at 7am before work, because the dungeons are always occupied during prime time.

For the new players and the PVE players, splitting the servers has been a real boon after release. 5000 players on the server always result in a massacre!
While the world is big enough to accommodate that many players, if only a small portion of those players want to experience PVE content, they have a problem.

The space for PVE is very limited.

25 people in Sator dungeon fill every spawn.
3 groups of 8 Players (24 in total) and Necro dungeon is full. I group at boss, 1 group behind bridge and one before bridge and the dungeon is overcrowded.
9 Players and the Colano Cave is overfarmed.
The Minotaur Cave can hold arround 40 people and the 2 Risar dungeon maybe 20 and 30 Players.
The Spider Caves in total can hold 32 Players
15 Players for Ultimaki
5 per Graveyard makes 25 Palyers in total
About 30 players spread across the Bandits and Sator and Risar camps and these are overcrowded.
Tindrem Sewers 14 Players. Fabernum Sewers 14 Players, MK Sewers 14 Players
MK Bandits 5 Players.
Necro spots 9 players
Maybe 30 for the Trolls in total.

That are 316 Players of the 5000 Players that could explore PVE at the same time !

This means that only 1 of every 16th player will be able to experience PVE content when the server is busy, but SV should expect at least 1/3 of players to want explore PVE content during primetime !

There is a lot to do in the game. Some players decorate their house, some fish, others farm or scour brokers, tame animals, duel, roleplay, maybe do transports or Quests, might play gamble or board games in the future but if only every 16th player can PVE, that's not nearly enough!

We need at least 4 more Dungeons and i marked on this map which dungeons could need an expansion and where the new dungeons could be added. All endgame dungeons are very far away from Meduli.

This Region arround Vadda/Meduli is missing a proper Dungeon. Many new players start in Meduli and the NECO Dungeon, Minotaur Dungeon and Sator dungeon is kinda far away from Meduli.

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It would also be important to adjust the spawn rates of the animals to the number of players on a node and to develop a mechanic that recognizes that a large group is roaming around and crosses the node together to reduce spawns if necessary if the server notices that 2 enemy groups go into battle and therefore not interested in PVE.

Too many mobs can cause lag and that's why treasure maps would be so important, becuause they would spawn a lot of mobs that don't load the server permanently, but only spawn during a specific time, when players are acutually doing this quest and opened a treasure map.

The mobs could spawn at the points of interest, where there aren't that many players, in order to distribute the players evenly during primetimes.

For every 1500 players that come online, a new server should appear on the server list and disappear once primetime is over until more content is added. I think the epic release should be postponed again, but this would be a solution if SV can´t affort that.


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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Beside world events the idea of Hotspot dungeons would further relieve the dungeons. I got a lot of feedback, after i mentioned that idea in the chat and even in the forums. Most players wrote, that this would be a fantastic idea.

I did not get a single dislike in the forum and the respone of players was always positive.

E_GkPYQWUAAcVUr (1).jpg

-1. For that we would need a quest NPC (Town Cier), who declares one of the dungeons to be a hotspot for the next week


-2. this NPC should demand specific items for certain rewards, that can only be found inside the selected dungeon at that time. This prevent players to only farm the most lucrative dungeons. This way the luncrativity of the dungeons would change and these dungeons would then become a PVP hotspot. The other dungeons would be relieved for the PVE Players. Some players want more hotspots for PVP and fight each other all day and other players want to farm their dungeon in peace, without getting too much involved into conflicts. During that time special Elite Mobs could spawn, that require a much bugger group to kill. Special Monsters could spawn, that make the dungeon interesting for Dominaters. The loot luck for trinkets could be higher during that time.

-3. This NPC could also tell us about upcomming Monster Invasions of towns or when there will be an Arena Event.

-4 Another needed NPC would be an Astrologist

An NPC who predicts world events/meteor impacts and gives approximate area information. (with a timer)
Here's an example. The next meteor will hit in 4 hours in the northern hemisphere near Taul Pass. This would give guilds enough time to prepare.


This NPC could later be expanded and predicted Sphere Shifts that
which could grant access to Monsters of the underworld, such as demons.
He could indicate to the players when we will have full moon in Nave. On full moons, the zombies could mutate into special zombies and drop special loot or spawn werewolfs. This game needs many cool events that entice players to log in to give small groups the chance to make a dungeon run.

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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
In addition a solution for the Russian players should be found. There are many Russian players and they will not be able to pay the sub from Russia through Steam. I think a Player should be able to buy game time with ingame farmed gold. That would have to be a lot of gold, so that not all players do it, only those who have no other choice. That are either Players who come from Russia or don't have a job. A month could cost 800 gold. Nobody would grind for 20 hours instead of paying $15, except for those who need it. SV should think about it.
All the nolifers without jobs make the game really popular because the number of players usually doesn't drop if they are always on.
As the game becomes popular and streamed more often, more players will join and there will always be more players who would rather pay money than work their ass wound ingame.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I did not get a single dislike in the forum and the respone of players was always positive.

View attachment 5381

haha, well a hotspot is like a zerg aggro, but it's too world bossy. I wasn't into meteor drops. People should have more options to get it in with 'real life' shit like gathering pigs, milking cows, that's PvE, too. People wanna be making rock, crafting, expand and reward that. Make it so that your crafter isn't just a log over alt to make gear for your fighter. There is a lot of small content that people never go to. It makes more sense to have things build up drops or something so that people are encouraged to farm obscure spots. I don't like the idea of a meteor drop. It's just a zerg. Let's play crash MO.

All that stuff was late when they were trying to rebuild from the slaughter that was TC. I don't think you wanna go back there. Content should be available... money, mats, whatever, for anyone who wants to put in the effort, nearby to most towns. Dur. You want small scale pvp, that's it. Then when the zergs want it, they come in and zerg, take it and LEAVE. lol. Dungeons should definitely lose their loot by being overfarmed, too.

I feel like the core vision of MO that I have is not what most people have. There isn't much stuff out there, but that's because not everyone is meant to access it. It's meant to be like find what you can do. That's the whole allure of a sandbox, the limitations that other people put on your gaming experience. No body likes to be prevented from doing something, but more or less, that's what makes MO interesting. It's just different when they 'hard lock' you out of something. Like we could do spider queen backwhen with a couple of people. There should be baby spider queens or other rare spawn monsters that spawn around stuff that give boss mats like ironsilk/bloodsilk/ironfur( which is kinda garb haha). When they did the dynamic spawn thing, I thought it was gonna be more like that. I did see a walking dead BANDIT tho and he gave me a GEM, so that's a big plus. Things like that, little things, build from the ground up. Don't dangle.

Also: nah, if we ever get 5k people I'll change my mind, but I think if we did, it would be massive attrition and it would require changing the game too much to even get them to consider staying another week or so, then prol still leaving. If we got 2k or whatever, that's fine. With what we have now, 2k people is GOOD... the problem is that there still isn't much content. Tired of dungeons. PoIs are cool, but there aren't that many, really, and there are still barren areas. You should not have to walk for more than 10 minutes to get a horse spawn ANYWHERE lol. That's more pvp, too. grahhh.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
"People should have more options to get it in with 'real life' shit like gathering pigs, milking cows, that's PvE, too. " This is farming and crafting not PVE
PVE is for me Players vs an intelligent AI like Monsters.

Hitting rocks or milking a cow if this would be possible is not PVE.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
"People should have more options to get it in with 'real life' shit like gathering pigs, milking cows, that's PvE, too. " This is farming and crafting not PVE
PVE is for me Players vs an intelligent AI like Monsters.

Hitting rocks or milking a cow if this would be possible is not PVE.

That's not a sandbox. It should be separated into mobs to fight, hopefully for gain and to change the world scope, town activities like life skills that keep the town/area around the town popping. I mean, again, MY VISION given that I am a long term sandboxer. I know you are TOO, but I wasn't in KoTo for 12 years, but I have spent awhile thinking about how to make sandboxes good. Please believe that people DO want to do those things and that's more mats, more people to PK, more reason to battle. The level of pickables in this game is a JOKE. ALL THE GRAPES IN MYRLAND is like... 1.5 stax. There need to be things people can get in on without prep, people who just log in and do life stuff. Even stuff like broker/back when we had breeding substituted for life stuff. When we got too many TC mat producers then it became TOO LIFEY. The idea is to get people out doing something, vulnerable but not too vulnerable, interacting... living. Sandboxing. If you just drop 100 dungeons, eventually they'll have houses in them and it'll end up like TOTAL RECALL.

I've never done a dungeon IN MY LIFE. As in, a dungeon with a buncha people on coms... NEVER. Not on MO. haha. It's not a skill issue, done plenty of HARD dungeons w/ other people on other games, but it just seems pretty boring. I've stepped in places to farm and such tho. SV I feel like is missing a huge swath of gamers by not understanding PvE actually does include life skills. Gathering is PvE and if you have to climb/swim or whatever, even more so. Hunting monsters is PvE, I'm sure you agree with that? Same idea.

But for real, I dunno if the game needs many more dungeons. Who knows tho. I'd rather there be more stuff to do per square ft.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
A good sandbow must be attractive for all players. Player love to play games in tavern and play as a gambler, crafters, collecters that love collect rare stuff and aminals, Roleplayers and PVE players and i think the PVE Players are a but turned off, if the dungeons are camped. i dont think they need add 100 dungeons... i talk about 4 dungeons if they want to rise the ammount of players from1500 to 5000 !
Every area need an interesting dungeon, so players will spread out and not so that they don't all want to settle in the same area.
The north has so much to offer. Cronite, tons of Tungsteel from the Ultimaki boss, etc. Meduli hardly has anything. Of course the north should be more lucrative, but Meduli only has Ironsilk and bloodsilk. Also Tindrem, Vadda and Mokhi is quite uninteresting.
The distances to the next dungeon are a bit too far from there.

We have 7 "endgame" Dungeons
and if the number of players should more than triple (5000 instead of 1500) players it needs at least 4 new dungeons and an extension of existing dungeons.
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