Myrland instances go against core game design


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Maybe your memory is getting blurry. Nobody was beating TyGuy consistently back then. If he was cheating or not, nobody knows for sure. But thats the truth.

Not saying PatWins was bad or anything, he was certainly top 5 and one of the first to nail all of the animation glitching. And he might be NA but he was East Coast NA with probably about 100-120 ping, thats still a pretty competitive ping. Anything more and the game starts to really break.

Im not talking about misparrying, nobody is perfect. But having your block up in time and still getting hit through. Like this

You gonna tell me an Aussie player could be competitive back then?

You didnt fought anyone with shitty connections or lag switchers then. In fact, the first iteration of ping normalization was made specifically to combat insta swing from lag, where the higher your ping was, the slower you swing your weapon.
But but but he cant have been top 5 since he was US player and back then ping was king right ?
Noone can beat a cheater consistently. Patwins beat Ty in the beginning more then any other playing player, unless that other player only played when I did not, which was impossible.
Yes he was cheating, not 100% all the time but he did cheat from the very start. The whole UK ping problem was TY making his swings faster. Thats also why he feinted so much.

Nonono according to your expertice, theres no way a US player can be top 5 and you have already made that perfectly clear, you knows best since MO2 fanboiism.

Never said Aussies could be competitive, I said even Aussies could parry successfully where they good enough. Valoran proved that, he couldnt consistently but he could. Anyway yes at some point ping wins every time, even with current grandpa combat speed. If you have 400 ping, you need to reevaluate gaming as a hobby or buy better internet cause I dont even have close to that on Aussie servers or even Asian servers.

I fought plenty players with shat connections and tons of lag switchers in MO and yes I could parry everyone with slow enough attacks, that was the norm in early MO CBT.
Ping normalization wasnt a thing in MO, it was born in MO2.
No. Ping normalization was made to normalize the ping so high pingers got lower and low pingers got higher ping. It was a last effort to keep higher paced combat but it didnt work so game was slowed further.
Listen man, I have been up Henriks arse about speed in the game since day 1. I know every bad excuse that dont hold up that they have used. You guys reusing them isnt either helping nor making it true sadly.

Nor is trying to straw man arguement points.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
What kind of ping is this guy playing with? 2.000? The hit at the end is just way too much delay for a regular bad location ping.
Hes making his internet worse to prove a point to make the game slower so he could magically get better at the game. Like the good old lagswitchers.

Several Aussies did this to change the devs views about combat speed in the game.
When your whole arguement rests on if you can parry or not, you should be smart enough to not parry some players and act like you cant parry others from the same place.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Lmao what, whos making drama other than you.

Why don't you ask Pat yourself where him and I were at.

Jesus Pat fanboys

heres one for you trash can

Funny you accuse me of making drama and fanboying when that's exactly what you did in your post.

I've literally never been able to say anything to you on these forums without you throwing a hissy fit lmao.

I'm literally not even saying i'm better than Pat.

I'm sorry that it hurt your feelings that Pat wasn't able to beat Tyguy regularly and its just a simple fact. I'll forward it to your therapist and let your Dad Finnley know.

Thing is Pat won atleast 1 duel a day against Ty very early, long before ping norm came. Thats a fact.

Im not saying he smashed Ty every time they fought.

I throw hissy fits at blatant lies. Furthermore Patwins wasnt and isnt the best US player and that just proves my point further. Hes just my example because so many witnessed it happening for weeks upon weeks upon weeks. And he was literally among the only player giving Ty attention due to his "normal" swing speed :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
Lmao what, whos making drama other than you.

Why don't you ask Pat yourself where him and I were at.

Jesus Pat fanboys

heres one for you trash can

Funny you accuse me of making drama and fanboying when that's exactly what you did in your post.

I've literally never been able to say anything to you on these forums without you throwing a hissy fit lmao.

I'm literally not even saying i'm better than Pat.

I'm sorry that it hurt your feelings that Pat wasn't able to beat Tyguy regularly and its just a simple fact. I'll forward it to your therapist and let your Dad Finnley know.

Holy shit dueling was and is so stupid in this game.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Holy shit dueling was and is so stupid in this game.
Its changed a lot since then.

It was better when I could just pretend I was a quarter back and throw my mouse 50 yards across my table.

Everyone else disagrees though.

Dueling is/was interesting in mo 2. Initially there was a skill wall more than a skill ceiling. If you didn’t have a certain level of skill you couldn’t do any damage.

it’s way less extravagant now with miss penalties and not being able to flurry and movement speed nerf and turn cap. But it still has the same core. These changes reduced individual differences a lot and now everyone plays the same way with either feint spamming, countering feinting or animation morphing. Would love to see more options come back as less options = more ping based.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Its changed a lot since then.

It was better when I could just pretend I was a quarter back and throw my mouse 50 yards across my table.

Everyone else disagrees though.

Dueling is/was interesting in mo 2. Initially there was a skill wall more than a skill ceiling. If you didn’t have a certain level of skill you couldn’t do any damage.

it’s way less extravagant now with miss penalties and not being able to flurry and movement speed nerf and turn cap. But it still has the same core. These changes reduced individual differences a lot and now everyone plays the same way with either feint spamming, countering feinting or animation morphing. Would love to see more options come back as less options = more ping based.
So theres still only one way.
You can parry whore or not fight.
You can try to abuse game mechanics in order to bug your swings through just like MO1.
I mean the game is a copy/paste afterall. Same exact issues and same exact solutions due to incompetence.

Tech gets better, time goes on all the while MO stays in the same exact spot. Funny how life is.

Holy shit dueling was and is so stupid in this game.


Active member
Apr 1, 2021
I'm sorry if I offended your main or your guild leader or whatever, but this is starting to poke at my heart. Like whyyyy... how have I upset someone so much, who I don't even know? Crazy. I think if we keep up our discourse, we can some day settle our differences!

Dont worry, you did not! We never encountered ingame afaik! To calm your heart, you did not upset me in any way.

Due to queue, the only pvp is in the forums, so i post gank you. ( you wished for a rhyme, even if its sloppy)

And i admit that Spamdash or Spamtrash are not very nice names, so from now on i am going to call you Officer Doolie Dood!

All the best with all my heart, truly, your strycio.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Dont worry, you did not! We never encountered ingame afaik! To calm your heart, you did not upset me in any way.

Due to queue, the only pvp is in the forums, so i post gank you. ( you wished for a rhyme, even if its sloppy)

And i admit that Spamdash or Spamtrash are not very nice names, so from now on i am going to call you Officer Doolie Dood!

All the best with all my heart, truly, your strycio.

I'm alil confused. So you are just a lonely, bored dude in the queue and you have chosen me to bother? That's cool; I'll try to keep up, but you should try conversing with other people. They don't bite. Chime in on a discussion!

Also: I suggest you delete that last name you made up for me cuz that is v bad. Haha Like Bambi."You can call me Spamtrash... if u want to..." I don't care.

Also: Be careful how much time you spend looking at my words; they have been known to give people complexes!



Active member
Apr 1, 2021
I'm alil confused. So you are just a lonely, bored dude in the queue and you have chosen me to bother? That's cool; I'll try to keep up, but you should try conversing with other people. They don't bite. Chime in on a discussion!

Also: I suggest you delete that last name you made up for me cuz that is v bad. Haha Like Bambi."You can call me Spamtrash... if u want to..." I don't care.

Also: Be careful how much time you spend looking at my words; they have been known to give people complexes!


I will stay with Officer Doolie Dood, Officer Doolie Dood. But thanks for the Feedback.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
But but but he cant have been top 5 since he was US player and back then ping was king right ?
Noone can beat a cheater consistently. Patwins beat Ty in the beginning more then any other playing player, unless that other player only played when I did not, which was impossible.
Yes he was cheating, not 100% all the time but he did cheat from the very start. The whole UK ping problem was TY making his swings faster. Thats also why he feinted so much.

Nonono according to your expertice, theres no way a US player can be top 5 and you have already made that perfectly clear, you knows best since MO2 fanboiism.
Lol I said some East Coast US players had good enough ping to be competitive. Not enough to beat top EUs tho. Also at that point of the alpha, Pat was one of the few players that knew how to do animation breaking, which gave him a huge advantage vs most players. How many players with 150+ ping where there in the top 10 even?
Never said Aussies could be competitive, I said even Aussies could parry successfully where they good enough. Valoran proved that, he couldnt consistently but he could. Anyway yes at some point ping wins every time, even with current grandpa combat speed. If you have 400 ping, you need to reevaluate gaming as a hobby or buy better internet cause I dont even have close to that on Aussie servers or even Asian servers.
Its a bad excuse cause its a bad excuse. I played faster paced combat and US players like Aussies could play competitively. That makes it a bad excuse.
Well you did actually say that. And wasnt Valorant one of the big supporters of ping normalization because he couldnt parry attacks properly?

Heres another video from a player with around 130-160 ping getting hit thru blocks. I guess he was just garbo tier right?

I fought plenty players with shat connections and tons of lag switchers in MO and yes I could parry everyone with slow enough attacks, that was the norm in early MO CBT.
Ping normalization wasnt a thing in MO, it was born in MO2.
No. Ping normalization was made to normalize the ping so high pingers got lower and low pingers got higher ping. It was a last effort to keep higher paced combat but it didnt work so game was slowed further.
Listen man, I have been up Henriks arse about speed in the game since day 1. I know every bad excuse that dont hold up that they have used. You guys reusing them isnt either helping nor making it true sadly.

Nor is trying to straw man arguement points.
Easy for you to say, when you have low ping yourself and want a bigger advantage vs high ping players without regional servers. I guess you would be ok then moving the server to a more centralized location like NA, lets see how well you do with 150-200 ping xD


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Lol I said some East Coast US players had good enough ping to be competitive. Not enough to beat top EUs tho. Also at that point of the alpha, Pat was one of the few players that knew how to do animation breaking, which gave him a huge advantage vs most players. How many players with 150+ ping where there in the top 10 even?

Well you did actually say that. And wasnt Valorant one of the big supporters of ping normalization because he couldnt parry attacks properly?

Heres another video from a player with around 130-160 ping getting hit thru blocks. I guess he was just garbo tier right?

Easy for you to say, when you have low ping yourself and want a bigger advantage vs high ping players without regional servers. I guess you would be ok then moving the server to a more centralized location like NA, lets see how well you do with 150-200 ping xD
The game is always going to be ping based it still is.

I think I’d prefer the fast paced combat
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Holy shit dueling was and is so stupid in this game.
Lol I said some East Coast US players had good enough ping to be competitive. Not enough to beat top EUs tho. Also at that point of the alpha, Pat was one of the few players that knew how to do animation breaking, which gave him a huge advantage vs most players. How many players with 150+ ping where there in the top 10 even?

Well you did actually say that. And wasnt Valorant one of the big supporters of ping normalization because he couldnt parry attacks properly?

Heres another video from a player with around 130-160 ping getting hit thru blocks. I guess he was just garbo tier right?

Easy for you to say, when you have low ping yourself and want a bigger advantage vs high ping players without regional servers. I guess you would be ok then moving the server to a more centralized location like NA, lets see how well you do with 150-200 ping xD
Several im sure. 2 US players who beat atleast 80% of their EU opponents was for example Patwins and Viknuss. Consistently over the course of the Combat Alpha, fast or slow combat.

Valoran was the biggest supporters of ping norm and slowing down the combat due to not being good enough for the faster iterations we had. What is very funny is that Valoran could parry whore a duel with me and all other EUs that is so long he wasnt making a video to show SV how bad the game was for Aussies.
I beat 99% of every player I fought during the testing, how come a Aussie player could have a parry whore contest with me without being badly beaten if ping dictates he cant even compete ? Its very strange isnt it ? Valoran said it himself back in Alpha, he didnt like being forced into a aggressive playstyle like he was in MO, so he would do everything in his power to change that for MO2. Congrats he managed to ruin the combat in this game like people like him did to MO 10 years ago. Fun rewatching the same outcome a second time while watching the retards wonder why it happened...
When most US players says ping is amazing compared to MO, how come there are some who fight that narrative tooth and nail ? No good proof except obvious narratively created.
People showing bad ping when they just didnt think of the parry delay or some other straw man reaching.

I used to have low ping ca 10 years ago before the rivers of tears by less intelligent people who couldnt Get Good by training so they had to start ruin the game. Now after several downgrades by SV I am right below a US player with 80-100 ping atm and throw on top ping normalization and im at a whooping 150-200 ping currently.
Yes very low much wow :ROFLMAO:
And yes nothing would actually make me happier other than a good MO2 released then moving main server of MO2 to the US to finallyt stop the whole weak ping arguement US players hide behind every chance they get, nothing would make me happier then to crush that narrative that ping is so important as people believe.
Slow combat = ping being important but fast combat = ping being less important.

But who am i and what do I know, its not like I been here witnessing it twice in 20 years now.THE.EXACT.SAME.DEVELOPMENT. When the only company on the world who can make this type of game says it cant be done when they have done it and showed us they did it well that must mean it cant be done....
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Several im sure. 2 US players who beat atleast 80% of their EU opponents was for example Patwins and Viknuss.

Why you doin this to me. I do all that in alpha just to get placed under Viknuss.

I feel like an Eminem song right now


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Why you doin this to me. I do all that in alpha just to get placed under Viknuss.

I feel like an Eminem song right now
Dang brother not my intent at all. And yes true I could have added a big list here but really putting Vik there proves my point that ping is not all that in this game.
Reason for these 2 is Pat due to his reknown over the testing and Vik well we know how good he was in MO so if this dude can beat 80% of his opponents with US ping, then every single US player has the same potential.

But yes you are among the very top players even if you have the game changing US ping.
About that, just our duels in Alpha is proof faster combat was 100% fine.
Dont think theres a single EU around you did not beat.

But this is the wrong narrative so obviously im wrong sadly...


Ping back then was not fine, hits going through blocks was a major annoyance. US players played at a big disadvantage. Ping ormlaisation doesnt work as relient as it used to after the combat speedup and counter feinting. Ping still is a major advantage in blocking.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Dang brother not my intent at all. And yes true I could have added a big list here but really putting Vik there proves my point that ping is not all that in this game.
Reason for these 2 is Pat due to his reknown over the testing and Vik well we know how good he was in MO so if this dude can beat 80% of his opponents with US ping, then every single US player has the same potential.

But yes you are among the very top players even if you have the game changing US ping.
About that, just our duels in Alpha is proof faster combat was 100% fine.
Dont think theres a single EU around you did not beat.

But this is the wrong narrative so obviously im wrong sadly...
You're both right. Ping back then was really bad. The game is stale and slow right now.

Back then its true that you could overcome things because of faster based combat, but also the game was in its most ping dependant state, both of these things are true. I think they took the wrong approach as SV tends to do and changed 50+ different things with the combat.

Even with my 100% photographic memory I can still recall perro saying "All they need to do is normalize the ping and the combat is fine". That was actually true we just needed the swings synced up a bit and everything else about the combat from that era was fine. We didn't need uber turn caps and movement speed nerfs and miss delays and all this garbage that made it into the game.

Ping is less of a factor now then it was then because they've done things to address it when before they didn't do anything to address it all. So perro is technically correct that its less ping based then it was back then because they didn't even try to fix it at that point. I'd say that the conclusion that the combat can't be fast paced and also ping normalized is flawed.

Its still also true that you have less options to overcome ping now even if you do have a better chance of actually blocking EU swings now, because there's only 2-3 variations on combat now since everything else "needed to be nerfed".

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New member
Feb 8, 2022
OP is a nolifer, worried about ppl getting ahead on other instances.

touch some grass.


Sep 4, 2020
Hes making his internet worse to prove a point to make the game slower so he could magically get better at the game. Like the good old lagswitchers.

Several Aussies did this to change the devs views about combat speed in the game.
When your whole arguement rests on if you can parry or not, you should be smart enough to not parry some players and act like you cant parry others from the same place.

I made my internet worse to prove a point? what the hell are you on about, Are you actually delusional to believe that? (Creator of the Video btw)

The footage that was shown in the video was when Alpha was just released without the ping normalisation.
Later down the line the normalisation was added/improved and it was actually in a state where it was super 1/1 in blocking in combat (Best part was not getting hit from 5meters away)....However due to balancing/complaints in speed it got reverted and tweaked overtime thus we have the combat system as it is today.

Several Aussies/EU's & NA people provided proof/feedback to the developers which clearly you had not done since you're oblivious to the issues that plagued the alpha.

Everyone is against you in this subject, You're wrong.
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New member
Jan 5, 2022
I started playing following the patch and definitely enjoy the shortened que times to these instances. So far I'm getting what I need and that's great. I'm getting materials for my crafts with zero to no risk. I don't know if I should be complaining... But I hope to God they find a solution to main myrland ques that doesn't involve multiple instances. It feels too safe now.