My take on Mana potions


Feb 26, 2022
Henrik once said that mana potions would be unbalanced for mages especially for mages in heavy armor. I do agree with that, but why dont we give mana potions a drawback instead of neglecting them.
I think it would be a cool mechanic if we tie mana potions to the "alcohol" stat. The more potent a mana potion is, the more alcohol it contains. After a certain threshold your sight becomes blurry and your aim starts to sway off. this gets worse and worse and will eventually lead to like 30 secs of unconsciousness. In my opinion this would add some interesting elements to mana potions and also risk and drawback and would counter spamming them.
I am not a balancing expert so i am not sure about any exact numbers.
All of this would, of course, need a working alcohol system, which we do not have at the moment.

I would like to hear others opinions on this, and how many mana potions/mana points someone should be able to drink to still keep things balanced.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I do think the alcohol thing is interesting, but getting drunk in games has generally been trash, that I've seen. It's hard to imagine SV getting it right haha. DEF need some drunk mechanic, just like there is puking for food poisoning, but I dunno about mana pots.

Doesn't mental healing heal MP? You gotta 'back' it with something. So like if you take GW1 ( :) ) you could get regen buffs from a necromancer, but they would take x amount of health dmg. "Blood is power," etc. like 33% health dmg for extra regen. In a way, that makes sense because it won't work as well for heavy armor magi, tbh I think raw pots are garbage, too. Some of Blood Kua's healing is garbage. If they made them all regen, it would make a lot more sense. MAGIC + bandaids are the heals in this game. Pots have always frustrated me. It's lulsy, like I remember Trome getting smashed by bakti and popping a 100 or 80 pot in mercy mode and living lool. Like the perfect timing pot. Shit like that, tho... ble. I was in steel... I had a good potion.

See, meh! Direct mana is tuff, even at the loss of health. Mana regen seems good esp if it's based on your previous regen so, like I said, heavy magi get a bonus but not really. Just popping off 40 or 50 mana, esp considering double pot fatmages... that could get tuff.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Henrik once said that mana potions would be unbalanced for mages especially for mages in heavy armor. I do agree with that, but why dont we give mana potions a drawback instead of neglecting them.
I think it would be a cool mechanic if we tie mana potions to the "alcohol" stat. The more potent a mana potion is, the more alcohol it contains. After a certain threshold your sight becomes blurry and your aim starts to sway off. this gets worse and worse and will eventually lead to like 30 secs of unconsciousness. In my opinion this would add some interesting elements to mana potions and also risk and drawback and would counter spamming them.
I am not a balancing expert so i am not sure about any exact numbers.
All of this would, of course, need a working alcohol system, which we do not have at the moment.

I would like to hear others opinions on this, and how many mana potions/mana points someone should be able to drink to still keep things balanced.
Probably would be easier just to make the crafted mana potion effect halfed when wearing anything over 14kg armor weight. This means heavy armor paladins would have to drink more and keep in mind without potion utilization you are capped at 10 until cooldown.

Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
There is already the potion thirst stat, you wouldn't be able to chug many mana potions, just balance their thirst consumption.


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
I do not think mana potions would be a problem. You can either have them give direct mana or mana over time. I believe that Mana Potions even if they are 15 mana per unit would be well worth it. 150 mana direct for 10 units of a potion seems a fair deal to me. Mana potions do not need to be insane high like health potions.

The Alcohol aspect of the potion I think is fair. However, making it so mana potions have a downside while health potions do not is rather upsetting. I'd rather them simply limit the amount of mana you get back from a potion or introduce a overall Reserve Burn where drinking a health, mana or stamina potion burns double the Reserves healed. This would make them tactical, like an ogmir's pipe.

We could also see them make it so mages can smoke pipes like Gandolph and need to be high af, this could make them stumble or lag actions occasionally, not sure how they would give us the 'totally smoked bro' effect for mages but I'd love to see something done with smoking as well as potions.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I do not think mana potions would be a problem. You can either have them give direct mana or mana over time. I believe that Mana Potions even if they are 15 mana per unit would be well worth it. 150 mana direct for 10 units of a potion seems a fair deal to me. Mana potions do not need to be insane high like health potions.

That's a lot of mana! Remm, that's double for fatties, too.