Henrik once said that mana potions would be unbalanced for mages especially for mages in heavy armor. I do agree with that, but why dont we give mana potions a drawback instead of neglecting them.
I think it would be a cool mechanic if we tie mana potions to the "alcohol" stat. The more potent a mana potion is, the more alcohol it contains. After a certain threshold your sight becomes blurry and your aim starts to sway off. this gets worse and worse and will eventually lead to like 30 secs of unconsciousness. In my opinion this would add some interesting elements to mana potions and also risk and drawback and would counter spamming them.
I am not a balancing expert so i am not sure about any exact numbers.
All of this would, of course, need a working alcohol system, which we do not have at the moment.
I would like to hear others opinions on this, and how many mana potions/mana points someone should be able to drink to still keep things balanced.
I think it would be a cool mechanic if we tie mana potions to the "alcohol" stat. The more potent a mana potion is, the more alcohol it contains. After a certain threshold your sight becomes blurry and your aim starts to sway off. this gets worse and worse and will eventually lead to like 30 secs of unconsciousness. In my opinion this would add some interesting elements to mana potions and also risk and drawback and would counter spamming them.
I am not a balancing expert so i am not sure about any exact numbers.
All of this would, of course, need a working alcohol system, which we do not have at the moment.
I would like to hear others opinions on this, and how many mana potions/mana points someone should be able to drink to still keep things balanced.