Multy clients


Active member
Jun 1, 2020
Right now i understand, i need like a 2-3 client to get ,pre game expireince like before. But i want to know, how its possible? You guys (SV) think about it?


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
You have to have a separate steam account for each game account. I am not able to run more than one at a time, but maybe a really good computer could.
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Mar 23, 2021
They need to do something about 1 char per account , because it will be who has the best p.c and can run the most account wil become the richest.. also theres so many builds in this game , being stuck to (maximum 3 builds) because of your race is kinda weird. So many classes to play, but your limited.
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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
beast of a machine, look at that, 3 instances running plus recording. they get around steam checks by running in vms or something?



Active member
Dec 2, 2020
beast of a machine, look at that, 3 instances running plus recording. they get around steam checks by running in vms or something?
I don't know how Strilan did it his twitch has the build he uses and a bit of info on him personally.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
tryhards will multibox no matter how many skill points or characters one account has. Simply because they can only have one char logged in per account. These people want to have many characters in game at the same time. So yea, those that multi boxed before will do it again.

For for the rest of us, one char per account is fine.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I've discussed this elsewhere and I'll discuss it here again. The advantages of multiple accounts.

1. More than one combat build.
2. The ability to be multiple places on the map at once. (Boulder holding etc included)
3. The ability to get multiple nearly free professions (Even with x100 speed profession training will be easy with books for anyone that plays 2+ months)
4. The ability to take things like taming and thieving that gimp your combat main if you take them.
5. Can hit multiple resource nodes at time, more than one rep.


The Solution:

1. Give every account multiple mortal forms they can switch between at priests. Their account level is the "soul" with a shared reputation since priests can recognize souls. Also, allow people with spiritualism to identify souls.

This allows multiple combat builds but no boulder holding, no teleportation, no rep abuse.

2. Make crafting no longer a "hold a button for half a second and done". Make it a process. Even just some simple mini-games would be a massive improvement.

Doing this shifts the focus of leveling crafting from resource dump to time-investment on the part of the actual crafter so you no longer need make 10k crap items for leveling purposes. Once this is done entirely lift the skillcap from professions but increase the time needed to level a profession to max CONSIDERABLY. Instead of 1 free profession per account, true crafters can be full-time crafters but they need to work hard on their chosen profession/professions to get good at them meaning one character doing everything can't do anything well.

3. Remove murder count and any ability to regain reputation while AFK.


Let's review that list of multi-account benefits again assuming my suggested system:

1. More than one combat build. <- Everyone has this now

2. The ability to be multiple places on the map at once. (Boulder holding etc included)

3. The ability to get multiple nearly free professions (Even with x100 speed profession training will be easy with books for anyone that plays 2+ months) <- Since crafting is now about effort and not caps one account is as good as 100. Better even.

4. The ability to take things like taming and thieving that gimp your combat main if you take them. <- Even if these professions stay under active skills, having multiple characters allows people to give up a potential combat build to take them instead of having to gimp their combat main.

5. Can hit multiple resource nodes at time, more than one rep. <- Still an issue, though with no afk-rep regain, rep becomes slightly less abusable.


Is there still an advantage to multiaccounting? Yes. And there always will be as long as there are tasks like mining you can do semi-afk. But removing most of the benefits makes people WAY less likely to do it, and gives them WAY less of a power advantage when they do.

The problem with the current system is they are yet again a cut and paste of MO1. MO1 is a multi-character game. It doesn't work as a single character game with zero changes meant to make that work.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
Agreed, Kaemik. The one character system should have been designed in a way that minimizes the advantages of having multiple accounts. As you've already said...there will always be some advantage to having multiple accounts, and I would say majority of us who take the game seriously are kinda pushed to do so. However, again like you said, it's a copy and paste system from MO1. All they did was remove 3 character slots and combine combat/crafting onto one character.

Henrik has this idea of one character per player, but its not reality and was never going to be. You've seen this in plenty of other MMOs. The game should have been designed around really only needing one character. Instead, it was an after-thought.

Your idea could work. So could allowing us 4 characters again, but making profession skills account bound. That way you can enjoy multiple combat roles, while still only having access to the 1200 profession points per account.

I do like your idea more...mine is just the easy route. And we kno........nevermind. ;)
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Agreed, Kaemik. The one character system should have been designed in a way that minimizes the advantages of having multiple accounts. As you've already said...there will always be some advantage to having multiple accounts, and I would say majority of us who take the game seriously are kinda pushed to do so. However, again like you said, it's a copy and paste system from MO1. All they did was remove 3 character slots and combine combat/crafting onto one character.

Henrik has this idea of one character per player, but its not reality and was never going to be. You've seen this in plenty of other MMOs. The game should have been designed around really only needing one character. Instead, it was an after-thought.

Your idea could work. So could allowing us 4 characters again, but making profession skills account bound. That way you can enjoy multiple combat roles, while still only having access to the 1200 profession points per account.

I do like your idea more...mine is just the easy route. And we kno........nevermind. ;)

Yeah I think it's an incredibly long shot. I still keep throwing it out there because one can always dream. XD
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New member
Nov 24, 2020
Maybe there should be similar system what ultima online has with soul stones.

You could store your current skill level (with priest for example) and swap it with other skill. Maybe there should be some kind of cooldown so you could do this once a week or something.

You have mace 100. You go to priest and you swap it with sword which is 0. Now you can max your sword also and after cooldown go back to priest and swap it again if you want to. Now you have also more content if you want to max all skills to your one character. This is also great if SV nerfs or buffs certain skills and you may want to swap but you dont want to reset it because it took a lot of time to raise up. Or you are just bored and want to have some change in your gameplay. OFC you can only hold max 1100 primary skills on your character like right now.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Maybe they should stay with one character but increase the proffesion skill cap. just saying and maybe the the action skill relearn curva that relearning already known skills take much less time and maybe there should be an npc's were you cna change your race.
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New member
May 28, 2020
I think one character per account is a good idea but skill cap is just a way to limit content to player... and honestly I dont think there is so much content now. (dont talk for futur but even in MO1 without mulitple character...)


Mar 18, 2021
I think 1 character slot is a mistake.

The game will need a high population to have plenty of main accounts dedicated to breeding, alchemy, etc

MO1 was alive many years because many players could self sustain with their 4 character slots.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I like the one char per account philosophy because people are now more responsible for thier actions.
with many chars per account many people would log to an alt char and grief the hell out of other poeple.


Nov 30, 2020
I like the one char per account philosophy because people are now more responsible for thier actions.
with many chars per account many people would log to an alt char and grief the hell out of other poeple.
But why not provide a second char slot with an account wide reputation and standings system? This should prevent the griefers from doing so and people would have the chance to experiment/play with a different build.
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Active member
Apr 5, 2021
I've discussed this elsewhere and I'll discuss it here again. The advantages of multiple accounts.

1. More than one combat build.
2. The ability to be multiple places on the map at once. (Boulder holding etc included)
3. The ability to get multiple nearly free professions (Even with x100 speed profession training will be easy with books for anyone that plays 2+ months)
4. The ability to take things like taming and thieving that gimp your combat main if you take them.
5. Can hit multiple resource nodes at time, more than one rep.


The Solution:

1. Give every account multiple mortal forms they can switch between at priests. Their account level is the "soul" with a shared reputation since priests can recognize souls. Also, allow people with spiritualism to identify souls.

This allows multiple combat builds but no boulder holding, no teleportation, no rep abuse.

2. Make crafting no longer a "hold a button for half a second and done". Make it a process. Even just some simple mini-games would be a massive improvement.

Doing this shifts the focus of leveling crafting from resource dump to time-investment on the part of the actual crafter so you no longer need make 10k crap items for leveling purposes. Once this is done entirely lift the skillcap from professions but increase the time needed to level a profession to max CONSIDERABLY. Instead of 1 free profession per account, true crafters can be full-time crafters but they need to work hard on their chosen profession/professions to get good at them meaning one character doing everything can't do anything well.

3. Remove murder count and any ability to regain reputation while AFK.


Let's review that list of multi-account benefits again assuming my suggested system:

1. More than one combat build. <- Everyone has this now

2. The ability to be multiple places on the map at once. (Boulder holding etc included)

3. The ability to get multiple nearly free professions (Even with x100 speed profession training will be easy with books for anyone that plays 2+ months) <- Since crafting is now about effort and not caps one account is as good as 100. Better even.

4. The ability to take things like taming and thieving that gimp your combat main if you take them. <- Even if these professions stay under active skills, having multiple characters allows people to give up a potential combat build to take them instead of having to gimp their combat main.

5. Can hit multiple resource nodes at time, more than one rep. <- Still an issue, though with no afk-rep regain, rep becomes slightly less abusable.


Is there still an advantage to multiaccounting? Yes. And there always will be as long as there are tasks like mining you can do semi-afk. But removing most of the benefits makes people WAY less likely to do it, and gives them WAY less of a power advantage when they do.

The problem with the current system is they are yet again a cut and paste of MO1. MO1 is a multi-character game. It doesn't work as a single character game with zero changes meant to make that work.
This sounds like it could work well as long as it's set-up properly with lore and also address issues like mailing and bank system, only bad thing that stands out about it is that people will probably macro these crafts up as anything that has a time sink they usually will macro, some way of stopping that would be great.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Agreed, Kaemik. The one character system should have been designed in a way that minimizes the advantages of having multiple accounts. As you've already said...there will always be some advantage to having multiple accounts, and I would say majority of us who take the game seriously are kinda pushed to do so. However, again like you said, it's a copy and paste system from MO1. All they did was remove 3 character slots and combine combat/crafting onto one character.

Henrik has this idea of one character per player, but its not reality and was never going to be. You've seen this in plenty of other MMOs. The game should have been designed around really only needing one character. Instead, it was an after-thought.

Your idea could work. So could allowing us 4 characters again, but making profession skills account bound. That way you can enjoy multiple combat roles, while still only having access to the 1200 profession points per account.

I do like your idea more...mine is just the easy route. And we kno........nevermind. ;)
Would this be 1200 points across the account or on one character like could each character have 300 points?
Boulder characters and farm hotspot logging might still be an issue


New member
Nov 29, 2020
One character slot was done to make more money off of an already tedious product. Maps even bigger now, and you still won't be able to be self sufficient unless you now pay two subs and 80$.

Very much a massive downgrade from the original system.

One account held 4 slots. Two crafters two combat characters. You pay 27 dollars in character slot fees and 13-15 sub depending where you're from.

Now you pay 40 dollars for one fighter and one crafter (same character) plus a sub fee. Times 2 for two combat characters that's 110 dollars for an initial investment to play and be able to play in two places of the map or to be 'more' self sufficient.

This was never about design choice, it was about money. And I can tell you now the only people who will be willing to pay are the ones so overly invested in the game it wouldn't matter if you couldn't even play. Surprised people bought a 150 dollar copy of the game, just a literal rip off.

Inb4 "I think its worth the price" or "it was a good design choice". Yeah man, modern game market disagrees.

I think the game will be pegged hard with this as one of the reasons, ontop of no regional servers, bad combat, bugs, and massive world with low niche pop.