Righto. So your defence in court would be "that was a different fight and it's not relevant so I don't have to offer a defence" lol.
It's kinda ridiculous. It's the same "hardcore" noobhunters defending their own abuser logic. You know it's paedo behaviour, right? Purposely looking for the weakest and most vulnerable; Stalking them and waiting until nobody can see what you're doing. Only targeting those that you can definitely overpower. It's pretty disgusting, really.
This is so easy XD
There are consequences for your actions. Actions as in plural. Life isn't a single action.
Paedophryne Amauensis
This tiny frog purposely seeks out the weak and vulnerable. People may think of wild cats that are the apex ambush predator but they are wrong! The Paedo uses it's natural abilities to sneak up and pounce... PMSL!
Yeah, yeah. We all know what you meant and we all know where your mind is ^.^
How-ever, by the sounds of stuff, it is fine for you to look at young girls, it is fine for a little boy to find others around his own age attractive... I at least hope you are the child you sound like otherwise this feels a bit like the guilty deflecting...
noobhunters defending their own abuser logic. Ooooh weee....
I guess you're new to MO. Me and a mate ran probably the only guild to kick members who used to seek PvP. We played the bait and risked thousands of gold constantly. We made an open town using one of the keeps and put up with those 'bad players' taking our shit. SHOP was fun.
I'm bait and I'm defending them.
I could play Skyrim if all I wanted was PvE. Heck... Skyrim PvE is already miles better than this. I still jump on it from time to time.
I will ask SV for reasons to fight other than boredom. We already have that reason. Give us more mechanics which can cause conflicts.