Mining to metal Guide


Active member
Feb 24, 2021
Mining to Metal Guide

“I thought a thread for the sole purpose of providing clear information about getting the various metals might be a good idea, post what you know and i’ll update the OP, correct me if there is anything wrong or i’ve missed something/additional info.
There are a lot of combinations to get to the same material result with different tools/catalysts. If you find a new way: post it and I'll add it.
Also if you can tell which methods give high yields, medium yields and low yields i’ll add some reference onto the method.”​

This thread was meant to be a copy and rework from the OG ‘mining to metals guide’ from MO1 forums, since all of that got deleted and this guide was super good for new players I decided to find it, copy what I can find and rework to today's standard. When I started editing it all I decided to add a lot of new information and other important data for both newer and experienced slag haulers. So I edited a lot of the information from the old post and added a lot of new information to make it up-to-date with today's standards and information available. There is still some information in this guide that is still sadly missing but I will do my best to find it all and place it here. Eventually I will be also adding extra parts for leveling of skills, information regarding best towns / areas to mine and extract at, etc. (I do this when I feel like it so please be patient as to when those updates will happen). Additionally I tried my best to keep some of the original text still in-here as a form of tribute to those that released the information back in the dark ages of mortal online.
Keep it in mind this will be edited a lot in the future when I have time.

Useful links:
  1. - bread and butter for every slag hauler (it's a part of the mortalonlinemap), it has everything you need for extraction and refining also check out ‘reverse search’ it tells you how to get a specific material from all the different sources
  2. - the most important tool for anyone that plays this game, on the top right corner check out: filters so you can filter your map for specific items for example ‘Stone Resources’. Tools - everything that's important is there, check out ‘book finder’ to see in what towns you can get the book you were looking for. Additionally if you click on any city on the map; on the right side it will tell you what tools, resources etc are available in that town.
  3. - character builder for your builds it has everything you need to make your character; including clades, all of the skills etc,. This page also has the builder for weapons, armors, bows, shields and pet equipment.

Basic knowledge and build advice:
Slag Haulers require a lot of skill points in profession skill tree, so if you are thinking about becoming one you need to keep in mind that if you want to be able to extract and refine EVERY material in-game it will be difficult to take a second profession and if you do take up a second profession 1 of the 2 professions or both will be limited to what you can do. Additionally certain races and builds have access to more skill points in their profession due to their stats and/or clades, for example humans and mages.

I will only list the most important/major clades for that race that affect our profession, for example I’m not mentioning Oghmirs ‘Strong Back’ or Alvarins ‘StoneseerI’ or ‘Stoneshaper’ that technically affect our builds but are not that important or are completely irrelevant for the most part.

  1. Oghmir: They are the best slag haulers in the game due to their clades;
    Metallurgist - 3% bonus when extracting (this clade affects all of the extraction process and YES it gives us extra yield every time we extract materials)
    Ironmaster - 3% bonus when refining (this clade affects strictly refining process when using refining oven)
    Metalsmith - decreases metal material usage by 6% when crafting (although this clade does not affect mining, extraction or refining it’s a super good bonus clade if you are considering adding extra profession to your build that uses metal, for example weaponsmithing, armor crafting, pet armor crafting, shield crafting etc)

  2. Alvarin: They make second best slag haulers in the game due to the clade:
    StoneshaperII - +10% additional yield when mining (it’s a very self explanatory clade basically making your mining experience 10% faster than others to get the same result which is great both in short term and in the long run)

  3. Human: I list humans as a 3rd best option for slag hauling due to their high pool of profession skill points and generally high amount of stats in-general, although none of their clades affect slag hauling like the clades I mentioned above they make great crafters and slags even without them.
    Educated - +10 skill levels in all lore skills (example after reading a book fully most builds would have about 70/100 points in that skill, as a human you have automatically 80/100 and if you are a human mage basically just after finishing reading the book you can end up with 90/100 with a lore which is huge especially at the start of your career in slag hauling and ESPECIALLY with crafting using end-game materials such as tungsteel, t. Messing, cronite or oghmium.
    Artisan - 50 skill points points in the profession tree (self explanatory, in simple words it gives you more room for a second profession)
    Scholastic - your book reading speed is increased by 20% (it's a nice free clade for any human build, I’m mentioning it here because as a slag you will have to read about 100 different books and some take hundreds of hours to read)
Extra tip: If you have 2 accounts or more consider having your alvarin as the ‘miner’ (only invest in petrology for mining yields) and ‘oghmir’ as the extractor / refiner this way you have best results from both builds.

Catalysts can be obtained from numerous sources, mainly from extraction, vendors or can be found in the wild as a pickable (for example ‘Bor’ is only obtainable as a pickable). Certain materials can be obtained from many sources, for example ‘calamine’ which can be purchased from magic vendors, found in the wild and extracted from amarantum, pyroxene and red bleckblende. Using different catalysts or even different quantities can partially or completely change the results of our extraction process.
Examples of how to get most popular catalysts through extraction:

  • Coke is obtained from baking(thermal appliance) Coal(Material) with Coal(Catalyst)
  • Coal(Material) is obtained from Crushing/Grinding Calx
  • Calx Powder is obtained from crushing/grinding Calx Pile
  • Saburra Powder is obtained from crushing/grinding Saburra Pile
  • Granum Powder is obtained from crushing/grinding Granum Pile
  • Sulfur can be obtained from baking malachite with coke
Tip: Before deciding on a specific extraction route you are going to take always check the availability of the catalyst you are going to use, it is always better to use a catalyst you can make/extract yourself, buying catalysts from vendors and broker can be expensive (check broker in the town you are planning to do your extraction/refining) and going for certain pickables can be painful.

Extraction Tables





Glimmer and Cerulite.png
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Active member
Feb 24, 2021
Metal Extraction and Refining
For the extraction part I will not be writing down every single possible extraction combination as there is simply no point to it, there are way too many of them and you can easily access all of those combinations on the emulator and other spreadsheets. I will list most, mainly the ones that give the best possible yields or are easier to achieve based on the accessibility or cost of the catalysts. Basically the ones that an average Mortal would like to know about without going too deep in-to research. So I will not list the ones that are simply wasteful but I will do my best to show you guys options using different tools as well. Some of the extraction process will repeat.
As an addition to the list made by myself I will also paste the very old information on extraction from the original MO1 forum thread to give you all an idea as to what type of research was being conducted back in the dark ages of mortal online and what was considered ‘common knowledge’. It might give all of you a bit of a hint for future research if we are going to get more materials in-game, or maybe you will find a new and better extraction method for the existing materials? Some people played this game just for those reasons alone so… good luck!

Extraction for ‘Metallurgy’
All listed below use extraction and its ‘tool’ related skills not refining.
Source of the data below is mainly
Pig Iron:
10000 Blood Ore with Coke (390) in the Furnace. This will yield: Pig Iron (4000)
10000 Blood Ore with Coke (390) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Pig Iron (5000)
10000 Malachite with Coke (385) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Cuprum (5000)
10000 Malachite with Coke (385) in the Furnace. This will yield: Cuprum (4000), Sulfur (83)
10000 Malachite with Coke (385) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Cuprum (4000), Sulfur (320)
10000 Electrum with Calx Powder (800) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Cuprum (3500), Gold (1750), Silver (2500)
10000 Electrum with Calx Powder (640) in the Furnace. This will yield: Cuprum (2600), Gold (1400), Silver (1600)
10000 Amarantum in the Crusher. This will yield: Bleck (135), Calamine (90), Cuprum (270), Electrum (180), Waterstone (900)
10000 Amarantum in the Crusher. This will yield: Bleck (135), Calamine (90), Cuprum (270), Electrum (180), Waterstone (900)
10000 Bleckblende with Bor (900) in the Greater Natorus. This will yield: Bleck (6000)
10000 Bleckblende with Rock Oil (417) in the Natorus. This will yield: Bleck (5400)
10000 Bleckblende with Bor (720) in the Furnace. This will yield: Bleck (1920)
10000 Red Bleckblende with Fuming Salt (320) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Aabam (3000), Calamine (455), Sanguinite (200), Silver (350)
10000 Red Bleckblende with Coke (438) in the Furnace. This will yield: Aabam (2322), Calamine (568), Sanguinite (23), Silver (158)
10000 Pyroxene with Calx Powder (800) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Almine (400), Acronite (800), Calamine (2040), Electrum (2720)
10000 Pyroxene with Calx Powder (800) in the Greater Natorus. This will yield: Almine (2000), Acronite (160), Calamine (3400), Electrum (2720)

10000 Waterstone with Fuming Salt (360) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Gem Metal (639), Lupium (2400)
10000 Waterstone with Fuming Salt (360) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Gem Metal (1248), Lupium (3200)
10000 Galbinum with Coke (390) in the Greater Natorus. This will yield: Lupium (62), Pyrite (652), Pyroxene (4200)
10000 Galbinum with Coke (390) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Lupium (245), Pyroxene (1760)
Gem Metal:
10000 Waterstone with Rock Oil (800) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Gem Metal (3200)
10000 Waterstone with Fuming Salt (360) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Gem Metal (639), Lupium (2400)
10000 Waterstone with Fuming Salt (360) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Gem Metal (1248), Lupium (3200)
10000 Pyroxene with Calx Powder (800) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Almine (400), Acronite (800), Calamine (2040), Electrum (2720)
10000 Pyroxene with Calx Powder (800) in the Greater Natorus. This will yield: Almine (2000), Acronite (160), Calamine (3400), Electrum (2720)
10000 Cinnabar with Bor (360) in the Furnace. This will yield: Ichor (3900), Sulfur (800)
10000 Cinnabar with Bor (360) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Ichor (960), Sulfur (1600)

10000 Electrum with Calx Powder (800) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Cuprum (3500), Gold (1750), Silver (2500)
10000 Electrum with Calx Powder (640) in the Furnace. This will yield: Cuprum (2600), Gold (1400), Silver (1600)
10000 Electrum with Calx Powder (800) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Cuprum (3500), Gold (1750), Silver (2500)
10000 Electrum with Calx Powder (640) in the Furnace. This will yield: Cuprum (2600), Gold (1400), Silver (1600)
10000 Red Bleckblende with Fuming Salt (320) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Aabam (3000), Calamine (455), Sanguinite (200), Silver (350)
10000 Red Bleckblende with Coke (438) in the Furnace. This will yield: Aabam (2322), Calamine (568), Sanguinite (23), Silver (158)
10000 Chalk Glance with Dragon Salt (190) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Skadite (3200)
10000 Chalk Glance with Ichor (800) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Skadite (3200)

This one is always really hard to decide as to which path to go for in regards to extraction as it really depends whether you want maximum amount of electrum itself or you prefer other materials, etc it really depends on what results you are seeking.
10000 Pyroxene with Calx Powder (800) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Almine (400), Acronite (800), Calamine (2040), Electrum (2720)
10000 Pyroxene with Calx Powder (800) in the Greater Natorus. This will yield: Almine (2000), Acronite (160), Calamine (3400), Electrum (2720)
10000 Calspar with Bor (900) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Electrum (560), Malachite (3440)
10000 Calspar with Ichor (1000) in the Fabricula. This will yield: Chalk Glance (210), Electrum (336), Malachite (1375)
10000 Calspar with Dragon Salt (133) in the Furnace. This will yield: Chalk Glance (245), Electrum (88), Malachite (1444)
10000 Calspar with Ichor (700) in the Furnace. This will yield: Chalk Glance (159), Electrum (211), Malachite (2793)
10000 Calspar with Bor (630) in the Furnace. This will yield: Chalk Glance (73), Electrum (294), Malachite (4816)
10000 Calspar with Dragon Salt (280) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Chalk Glance (700), Electrum (224), Malachite (2064)
10000 Calspar with Ichor (1000) in the Blast Furnace. This will yield: Chalk Glance (490), Electrum (425), Malachite (3302)
10000 Amarantum in the Crusher. This will yield: Bleck (135), Calamine (90), Cuprum (270), Electrum (180), Waterstone (900)

Refining - all use refining skill not extraction
“Refining will be shown with a ratio eg. Pig Iron + Coke + Calx Powder 2:1:1 so in this example you use 2 units of pig iron and 1 unit of each catalyst in your refining window.”

Grain Steel:
Pig Iron + Coke + Calx Powder 2:1:1
Grain Steel + Coal + Saburra Powder 2:1:1
Grain Steel + Lupium + Granum Powder 2:1:1

Cuprum + Bleck + Subbara Powder 2:1:1
Cuprum + Calamine + Subbara Powder 2:1:1
Tindremic Messing:
Messing + Almine + Gem Metal 2:1:1

Grain steel + Almine + Arconite 2:1:1
Tungsteel + Cronite + Sanguinite 2:1:1


Active member
Feb 24, 2021
Old school extraction guide (as I promised for research purposes, nothing was edited):
(H) – High Yield (recommended)
(B) – Requires Book learnt skill (workbench books are located in most towns)

Basic Metals
All use Extraction not Refining
Pig Iron:
Granum + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water > Grinder/Crusher
Blood Ore + Coal/Coke > Furnace (H)(B)
Granum + Coal > Hearth/Kiln/Furnace
Blood Ore + Coal/Coke > Furnace (H)(B)
Granum + Coke > Attractor (H)(B)
Blood Ore + Coke > Furnace (H)(B)
Saburra + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water (H) > Grinder/Crusher
Malachite/Amarantum + Coal/Coke > Hearth/Kiln/Furnace (H)(B)
Granum + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water > Grinder/Crusher
Amarantum + Palm Oil > Grinder/Crusher
Granum + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water > Grinder/Crusher
Amarantum + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water > Grinder/Crusher
Granum + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water > Grinder
Amarantum + Coal/Coke > Hearth/Kiln/Furnace(H)(B)
Saburra + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water > Grinder/Crusher
Bleckblend + Coal/Coke > Hearth/Kiln/Furnace(B)
Tephra + Water? > Grizzly
Red Bleckblende + Coal/Coke > Furnace(B)

Advanced Metals
Granum + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water > Grinder/Crusher
Amarantum + Water/Palm Oil > Grinder/Crusher
Waterstone + Bor > Fabricula
Gem Metal:
Granum + Rock Oil/Palm Oil/Water > Grinder/Crusher
Amarantum + Water/Palm Oil > Grinder/Crusher
Waterstone + Bor > Fabricula
Tephra + Rock Oil/Water > Crusher
Galbinium + Coke + Furnace/Thaumator
Pyroxene + Calx Powder + Sulfur > Blast Furnace/Thaumator
Precious Metals
Electrum + Coal/Coke > Hearth/Kiln/Furnace(B)
Electrum + Coal/Coke > Hearth/Kiln/Furnace(B)

Iron Based Alloys
All use Refining not Extraction
Grain Steel:
Pig Iron + Coke + Calx Powder 2:1:1
Grain Steel + Coal + Saburra Powder 2:1:1
Grain Steel + Lupium + Granum Powder
Cuprum Based Alloys
Electrum (Intermediate Extraction):
Amarantum + Coal/Coke > Hearth/Kiln/Furnace(B)
Cuprum + Bleck + Subbara Powder 2:1:1
Cuprum + Calamine + Subbara Powder 2:1:1
Tindremic Messing:
Messing + Almine + Gem Metal
Master Alloys
Grain steel + Almine + Arconite

I don’t care about all this I just want to make some: Steel
At the start it can be quite confusing as to what to do so here goes the easy-mode guide. There are multiple different rocks you can hit, so many extraction methods and refining that first stack of steel looks far away no? Well it’s not that hard at all, as you want to start your career in slag hauling you should first focus on those 3 rocks: Granum, Calx and Saburra. I will show you 2 good routes to make steel where the first one is faster and focuses completely on making steel and nothing else but limits you to certain cities and second one which is a bit longer but we will get more materials in the end mainly speaking Tungsteel.

We hit 3 rocks: Granum, Calx and Saburra.
Granum is our main rock and we are going to extract it via ‘Attractor’ (check availability as the attractor is not available in every town).
10000 Granum with 720 Calx Powder using the Attractor yields 1980 Blood Ore.

Calx is our secondary rock but we will need a lot of it and we can either use Crusher or Grinder, since we are using Attractor for our Granum we need more Calx Powder than normal so I recommend using Grinder or a mix of both.
Calx yields:
10000 Calx with no catalyst using the Crusher yields:
360 Calspar, 1361 Calx Powder, 2151 Coal, 180 Flakestone, 891 Malachite
10000 Calx with 1000 Water catalyst using the Grinder yields:
2000 Calspar, 2058 Calx Powder, 1140 Coal, 36 Flakestone, 528 Malachite
Since we are focusing on steel production for now you can ignore Calspar and Malachite, both are actually good materials but are not needed for your steel production, you can use them to skill up your extraction skills but I would only use Malachite for those purposes and maybe leave Calspar for later, flakestone is already a finish line material.

Saburra is our 3rd rock to hit and least important for our steel operation, as we only need Saburra Powder which we will use only at the finish line when Refining grain steel in-to Steel. Saburra is generally recommended to be either crushed or grinded, for the purpose of our steel operation we are going to use Grinder, yields:
10000 Saburra with 900 Water using the Grinder yields:
1900 Bleckblende, 16 Jadeite, 950 Malachite, 4275 Saburra Powder
As you can see just from 1 stack of Saburra we are getting a lot of the powder, at the finish line we only need 5000 Saburra Powder for every 10,000 Grain Steel.
Bleckblende and Malachite can be used to make Bleck and Cuprum and further refined in-to Bron and Messing, they are ok materials but are rather bad compared to any other refined metals but are very easy to make and can be used for skilling extraction and refining related skills. Jadeite is already a finish line material. Since we mine so little Saburra you can rather ignore it for the most part.

OK you should be getting an idea of what to do now.
Before we start with Granum I recommend first preparing your catalysts, mainly Calx Powder and Coal. When you get a decent amount of it you can start with your Granum and extract it with an Attractor using the formula: 10000 Granum with 720 Calx Powder using the Attractor yields 1980 Blood Ore. After you get your Blood Ore we will be extracting that in-to Pig Iron. Pig Iron can be extracted with 10,000 Blood ore with either 390 Coke or 580 Sulfur. Since we did a lot of Calx already we are going to use Coke, Coke is made from Coal: 10,000 Coal with 596 Coal OR 717 Calx Powder using the Furnace yields 7200 Coke. Back to Pig Iron: 10,000 Blood Ore with 390 Coke using the Furnace yields: 4000 Pig Iron.

Congrats you are finished with the extraction process now we are going to start the ‘refining’ process:
First we are going to make Grain Steel in the refining oven with Coke and Calx Powder (2:1:1 Ratio): 10,000 Pig Iron with 5000 Coke and 5000 Calx Powder in the refining oven, yield: 7000 Grain Steel.
And lastly we are making Steel in the refining oven with Coal and Saburra Powder (again 2:1:1 ratio). 10,000 Grain Steel with 5000 Coal and 5000 Saburra Powder in the refining oven yields: 7000 Steel.

Congrats you just made Steel.

To make 1 stack of steel (with full lores), you need about 29,000 units of Calx Powder, 10,215 Coke, 7,150 Coal and 7150 Saburra Powder. Granum is way more straight forward since it's a long straight line, you need about 26 stacks of Granum. For Calx it's about 16 / 18 stacks, for safety do 3 full calx runs (full horse bags). For Saburra it's barely 2 stacks, so if you do one full Saburra run you should be fine for quite some time.
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Active member
Feb 24, 2021
Again we hit 3 rocks: Granum, Calx and Saburra.
This time around the difference is that instead of using the Attractor we are going to use Crusher. This method gives us a much smaller yield of Blood Ore which is essential for our steel operation but we receive other materials as an exchange: 10,000 Granum using the Crusher yields: 882 Amarantum, 770 Blood Ore, 140 Flakestone and 2940 Granum Powder. Compared to 1980 Blood Ore we get from using the Attractor it looks like a waste of time but this method has few advantages: 1. We can fully extract and refine our materials in any city on the map. 2. In the long run we can make Tungsteel instead of Steel and we get some other extras 3. We can fully use the benefit of Housing systems and do half of our work inside our house/stronghold/keep. With the 1st method we can also benefit from those systems but we would still need to transfer not extracted Granum to a city with an attractor.

So here it goes:
Saburra is the same as in the 1st method, we only need Saburra Powder for final refining of our Steel. So we use Grinder to get the maximum amount of Saburra Powder.
Calx is the same as before but this time around we don’t need that much Calx Powder since Crusher doesn’t require Calx Powder like Attractor does. I personally recommend you to start Crushing your Calx for extra yield on Coal/Coke as it’s used as a catalyst for so many things in this profession, although it’s optional and some people prefer the Grinder option to get more Calspar.
Granum: We use Crusher which yields: 882 Amarantum, 770 Blood Ore, 140 Flakestone and 2940 Granum Powder. Flakestone is a finish line material. Put aside Amarantum for now as we will be using that to make tungsteel in the future (next guide), and Granum Powder is also required for our Tungsteel production we only need like 5000 Units of Granum Powder per 7000 units of Tungsteel so don’t keep too much of it, keeping like 2 or 3 stacks is plenty for a long time, sell the rest to the vendor, the material is basically useless other than this particular use.
Everything after this is straightforward and identical to our first method. Prepare your Saburra Powder, Coal, Coke and Calx Powder via Crusher and Grinder and start hitting that Granum (if you read the first method you don’t really need to read anything below it's just a copy of the finish-line extraction).
After you get your Blood Ore we will be extracting that in-to Pig Iron. Pig Iron can be extracted with 10,000 Blood ore with either 390 Coke or 580 Sulfur. Since we did a lot of Calx already we are going to use Coke, Coke is made from Coal: 10,000 Coal with 596 Coal OR 717 Calx Powder using the Furnace yields 7200 Coke. Back to Pig Iron: 10,000 Blood Ore with 390 Coke using the Furnace yields: 4000 Pig Iron.

Congrats you are finished with the extraction process now we are going to start the ‘refining’ process:
First we are going to make Grain Steel in the refining oven with Coke and Calx Powder (2:1:1 Ratio): 10,000 Pig Iron with 5000 Coke and 5000 Calx Powder in the refining oven, yield: 7000 Grain Steel.
And lastly we are making Steel in the refining oven with Coal and Saburra Powder (again 2:1:1 ratio). 10,000 Grain Steel with 5000 Coal and 5000 Saburra Powder in the refining oven yields: 7000 Steel.

Congrats you just made Steel.

I don’t care about all this I just want to make some: Tungsteel
There are multiple ways to make Tungsteel, for the purpose of this guide the first approach of making it will be the Granum path. Although it’s not as efficient as other ways of making Tungsteel, it's a path that’s accessible to everyone anywhere across the map.

To make tungsteel we need: Grain Steel, Lupium and Granum Powder 2:1:1 ratio,
You should already know how to make Grain Steel and Granum Powder so I will not be discussing those parts and go straight to Lupium which is the last piece.
Since we are making our Tungsteel from Granum by crushing it we get those yields: 882 Amarantum, 770 Blood Ore, 140 Flakestone and 2940 Granum Powder. Amarantum is the key for out tung. 10000 units of Amarantum using Crusher yields: 135 Bleck, 90 Calamine, 270 Cuprum, 180 Electrum and 900 Waterstone. All of these are good materials but it is the Waterstone we need. For Extracting Waterstone there are 2 good ways one of them involves Blast Furnace which is located only in GK (RIP) and other one involves using Fabricula. Below you can see both of the options:
10,000 Watertone with 360 Fuming Salt using the Blast Furnace yields:
1248 Gem Metal and 3200 Lupium
10,000 Waterstone with 360 Fuming Salt using the Fabricular yields:
639 Gem Metal and 2400 Lupium

Congrats you made it to the finish line. Now you need to use the refining formula I mentioned at the start: Grain Steel, Lupium and Granum Powder 2:1:1 ratio.
10,000 Grain Steel with 5000 Lupium and 5000 Granum Powder in the refining oven yields: 7000 Tungsteel.

Congrats you just made Tungsteel.
Before you feel like you just got cheated I will tell you straight away…. You are going to need A LOT of Granum and if I’m not mistaken we need around 270/273 stacks of Granum to make around or a bit above 5,000 units of Lupium which will lead to 7000 units of tungsteel, and yes before you ask in the questions it’s based on the assumption that you have all of the lores at 100. It’s a painful route, so for your own sanity I suggest thinking about Tungsteel more as an extra very cool bonus on your profession path when you take this route. There are better and faster ways to make tungsteel and they will also be discussed in this thread in the future. Check out the extraction tables for hints and then the emulator to have a look yourself.

In the future I will be also making pages in regards to Messing, t. messing, Bron, Cronite, Oghmium, Tips and Tricks, leveling, towns, all of the tools available to us and even ‘unique’ recipes of the past; as an example: Ritualist carcass -> Furnace -> 105 Unholy Ash or information on glimmer powder which is a great unique catalyst.
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Active member
Mar 29, 2021
" Blast Furnace which is located only in GK (RIP) " - what is GK (RIP) ? where it is?
GK means the town og Gaul Kor and RIP because its a Lawless town, so you get ganked there everywere, and there is only one way entrance and exit to the town,
if you wana use the Blast Furnace u need a strong guild to enter/exit there.

Good Luck
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