mounted build should be better than foot on flat terrain end of the story if you argue that foots can fight mounted on terrain that favors mounts that is nuts in mo2 there is so much stuff to mess with mounted and you guys want to nerf it more I like mortal because you could do different build if I wanted to play everyone has same build game I would play warzone.
foot fighters have advantages in forest and hill areas mounted are the kings of the open step why are you guys trying to homogenize the game. A core aspect is different builds are better in different circumstances If ppl can play foot anywhere and counter everything why would anyone play anything but foot. It would be boring
There is very little perfectly flat terrain in this game. Even the flattest areas tend to be dotted with small hills and rocks. But MOST of the game is what I would consider good cav terrain, and the areas worst for mounts are also some of the paths least likely to be taken. You basically can't move from one city to another without crossing some kind of place mounts will have a HUGE advantage if they're they are the uncontested master of any flatter ground.
No. I do not expect lancers to beat halberdiers 1:1 in a head on charge because they are in the open field. I do not expect MAs to beat longbowmen 1:1 because they are in the open field.
I expect a good heavy lance charge to break absolutely anything BUT polearms. I expect MAs to flawless infantry that don't work ranged abilities into their build. I expect in large battles mounts to unleash devastation if they have allied infantry preventing enemy polearms from setting up a brace. I expect who is stronger 1:1 to matter very little if you outnumber the enemy by a large enough degree.
And I expect, as always, the MO community to never disappoint in their resistance to change / inability to adapt, and many stubborn fools to not run mounted counters and whine endlessly when some heavy lancer wrecks their day while they are fighting with a greatsword, sword and board, or some other weapon that should be near useless in stopping a mounted charge.
Edit: Actually I don't expect any of this other than MO vet inadaptability if the rest of it happens. I just HOPE to see it.
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