Material Storage


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
With the large quantity of materials in MO, storing any significant quantity of them (by this i mean the large number of different materials, not necessarily the amount of any single material) is a real problem. Back in MO1, we could send a lot of these materials to the various crafter characters on our account who might use those particular materials. metals and woods might go to the weaponcrafter, animal materials to the armorcrafter, various plant materials to the alchemist, etc.

Add a second tab to the bank for materials. Since all materials are the same (every unit of blood ore is identical to every other unit of blood ore), you wont have to store the material properties like you do for crafted items, just the material index and quantity. Have the stored materials show up in a scrollable list similar to how the vendor behaves.

yes we'd be able to store more in the bank and perhaps there should be an absolute limit to how much total mass that can be stored in the material tab or some kind of tax if storing more than is allowed. this would be incredibly useful for those of us who might have a couple hundred units of a very large number of materials for testing purposes.



Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I would prefer to simply have no item limit in the banks, but be able to pay for more storage tabs at a very high cost per upgrade to give long term goals for each city with a bank.

Having one single extra bank tab gives 50 more spaces, which can be filled with bags for even more spaces.

I prefer the slot system to a scroll-able list, as that seems too gamey to me.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
I would prefer to simply have no item limit in the banks, but be able to pay for more storage tabs at a very high cost per upgrade to give long term goals for each city with a bank.

Having one single extra bank tab gives 50 more spaces, which can be filled with bags for even more spaces.

I prefer the slot system to a scroll-able list, as that seems too gamey to me.
this + remove the ability to store stuff in bags and add a drop down list with your custom named containers


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
what is this, poe? no, there's reasons why i suggested this for materials only:

- it doesnt affect the stockpiling of gear
- it has a lesser effect on server resources than storing whole items

now there may very well be valid reasons to have more bank space for holding gear, just thats not the focus of this idea.

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Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Most average people will do 1 account. Need bank upgrades of some sort. Stock piling things won't matter, rather be able to have as much as I like so long as I pay the upgrade fee.


Sep 3, 2020
Totally agree, always thought raw materials storage should have been handled differently than common items.
No point in having no space in bank just to retain few units of many raw materials.
In my opinion raw materials should be stock limited only by weight or dimensions, not by slot as common items.

Great proposal @barcode.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2020
the Jungle. Meditating on things to come.
It´s a nice idea for organisation, but I don´t think the total bank space should be increased by much. I guess some kind of volumetric unit could be appropiate, but that would go against the current method of abstraction.

It´s probable that the devs aim is to reduce the total amount of useful stuff someone can have in one bank.
Dec 10, 2020
It´s a nice idea for organisation, but I don´t think the total bank space should be increased by much. I guess some kind of volumetric unit could be appropiate, but that would go against the current method of abstraction.

It´s probable that the devs aim is to reduce the total amount of useful stuff someone can have in one bank.
This is one of those things that might seem "fair" to players that use less complicated professions, won't also need to store basic spell components on top of weapons and armor and jewelry, and also their money, and so on and so on just for basic gameplay. Nobody is suggesting this become an episode of Hoarders or anything.

"hang on guys I gotta run over to Vadda to get my spell components and then to Gaul'Kor to get my robes before we start" xd


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2020
the Jungle. Meditating on things to come.
This is one of those things that might seem "fair" to players that use less complicated professions, won't also need to store basic spell components on top of weapons and armor and jewelry, and also their money, and so on and so on just for basic gameplay. Nobody is suggesting this become an episode of Hoarders or anything.

"hang on guys I gotta run over to Vadda to get my spell components and then to Gaul'Kor to get my robes before we start" xd

MO1 very much became an episode of hoaders, with some added complication from questionable material sources.

There have been various statements by the devs that they are reconsidering banking. It has major implications what and how much of it you can store in the one place no one can attack. It´s balancing act between not letting hoarding be the default and being a major inconvinience to "complicated" professions.

There really is no "fair" point. Just what the devs decide to go with. Personally I think you should be able to be an alchemist (which probably takes the most individual spaces) and still be able to store enough gear.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
due to the 1 character system it will be different, this is a topic which needs trial and error.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
The Bank of Tindrem sincerelly welcoms our new customers with additional bank space!


Active member
Oct 8, 2020
no fixed address
with the new 1 slot system and a character able to cover 2 full roles/professions,
and given we wont have crafting alts anymore,
it seems to follow that the bank/storage should allow for this even if it is just extra tetris-bank slots


Oct 3, 2020
Having assigned material slots might be incompatible with how the item system is, MO1 had prepatch material items for example.

I would actually like an account item limit instead of the town bank limit. That way I could store lots of different items in cities that I frequent and the total server impact would be minimal.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
to my knowledge, there were no prepatch materials, only prepatch items.

well i suppose there were prepatch materials but they got labelled 'old' when sv made the change, and i think was only related to specialized catalysts which were essentially turned off at the time.



Well-known member
May 28, 2020
The bank system alone will be a reason for a second or third account with a simple bank or crafting character.


Jul 1, 2020
Can someone give me a good argument for having the current bank slots system instead of just a weight limit and unlimited slots


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Can someone give me a good argument for having the current bank slots system instead of just a weight limit and unlimited slots

StaVault wrote about database space during MO1. Please remember they increased bank space at some time in MO1. I don't remember when at what exactly happened, but if I'm right they added the possibility to use bags in the bank and increased the number of slots (with bags) to 100.

For the future of MO2 I would like to see 200 slots or another system with likewise possibilities.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
StaVault wrote about database space during MO1.
at the start, there was no limit to how many items you could bank. it was a quirk in the bank ui that let you drag item 1 on top of item 2 in the bank and it would only move item1 into the item 2 slot but didnt move item 2 to the item 1 slot. afterwards, both items 1 and 2 would be in the same slot and you could drag items out to get at the others that were in the same slot. people had banks full of thousands of items as a result

at some point they changed this then they added a item count limit to the bank, and with bags you could hit 100 items, but if you had already put thousands in your bank, they didnt get removed, they were still there.

its no wonder that sv had some anomalies with their item db size as a result.

to be honest, the real solution is to add player housing and let players create their own item storage within destructible buildings. towns and the banks there should be a fallback in case your house should fall, and perhaps for more valuable items that you wouldnt want to risk losing. problem is we have no idea when to expect player housing to exist and/or what form it will take when it arrives.
