Make towns priests red priests, make favor loss fixed to where you die. or town bound


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
I love the new flagging system. Having town loyalty and stuff is so much better than straight up murdercount. Theres some issues with it tho.

Town priests- Theres no reason a town priest shouldnt res you in a area that the guards want to protect you in. That means your on their side. The priest shouldnt care if you murdered some 'enemies'.

This helps fix issues 2. Move outside red priests farther away. A current easy way to abuse flagging, is to kill people at a town, and when you die, just res right outside and haev a friend who can go into town bring you gear, and stash gear from killing people. Which is total BS. Moving these priest farther away means when reds die they actually have to spawn farther away, giving them a penalty.

Favor loss should be fixed to where you killed them, or fixed to where they have sword loyalty to and have as a home priest (which could display just like guild does). It feels so unpolished knowing that you can kill someone at vadda but they could go res at meduli and give you a favor hit. You should know what your getting. I'm killing a guy near vadda, I'm getting khurite favor loss. Or, it should say hes actually a Meduli resident, and he could see that your also a Meduli resident, and you dont attack each other. This would also help out solo and small group players, which currently dont get a lot of love in MO2. They may be able to find fellow town members out in the wild.

Lastly, there should be ways to gain favor back for a town, and not have to waste time getting it up for all towns. The current system feels like a placeholder. And placeholder content isnt good enough for launch.

All of these changes to me are things that are needed before launch. The current system has a lot of potential but doesnt feel finished and is too abusable.


Active member
Jul 6, 2020
100% agree with all suggestions. Flagging should really be about reputation in areas, I've always thought it would be cool to live in the khurite villages and adhere to that "nations" laws and raid and pillage the others. The murder-count system should purely affect players in a different way (stat loss on death, skills gain slower, harder to get reputation up, lesser loot table?, restrictions to certain things [ IE: harmonism spells can only be obtained with no murdercounts ect.] ) Those are all ideas and not solidified suggestions but an idea to get you going down a better path than what we currently have.

Favor loss could easily be applied by making each node tied to a faction. Could even allow for places like the jungle, GK, or whatnot to be lawless which many of us have been asking for since day 1.

I know this might get me flamed for it but having repeatable "quests" or tasks that each town gives out that could be as simple as "kill 10 bandits" "Gather 10k saburra" and giving it to the township for reputation gains would be much more enjoyable than just killing risars or whatever. And we could even go further to apply these resources or bandit heads to a chest that the owning guild could take from which would be another incentive to fight and want to keep towns under your guilds control.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
100% agree with all suggestions. Flagging should really be about reputation in areas, I've always thought it would be cool to live in the khurite villages and adhere to that "nations" laws and raid and pillage the others. The murder-count system should purely affect players in a different way (stat loss on death, skills gain slower, harder to get reputation up, lesser loot table?, restrictions to certain things [ IE: harmonism spells can only be obtained with no murdercounts ect.] ) Those are all ideas and not solidified suggestions but an idea to get you going down a better path than what we currently have.

Favor loss could easily be applied by making each node tied to a faction. Could even allow for places like the jungle, GK, or whatnot to be lawless which many of us have been asking for since day 1.

I know this might get me flamed for it but having repeatable "quests" or tasks that each town gives out that could be as simple as "kill 10 bandits" "Gather 10k saburra" and giving it to the township for reputation gains would be much more enjoyable than just killing risars or whatever. And we could even go further to apply these resources or bandit heads to a chest that the owning guild could take from which would be another incentive to fight and want to keep towns under your guilds control.
As much as I hated statloss its probobly better than most other options which feel like they just screw the player.

Theres a few possible options for how they can separate areas. Darkfall had invisible lines and when you walked into a guild area or something it said in your chatbox. So SV could manually place lines or just make giant circles around towns. This also opens the option for lawless area in between town lines, but they could also make the lines touch if they didnt want that.

MO players hate quests and stuff but your idea is still pretty good. Because people always talk about reds needing punishment and bla bla. Needing to give resources and stuff is things they arent selling or gaining from. Which sounds like punishment to me. and to make it less abusable SV can make it so you cant pick your task. So they cant just like find the easiest one and kill more people at their town. To me the tasks should be hard enough that you'd rather not kill people in your area, but if you need to or something can still get favor back.


Sep 2, 2020
100% agree with all suggestions. Flagging should really be about reputation in areas, I've always thought it would be cool to live in the khurite villages and adhere to that "nations" laws and raid and pillage the others. The murder-count system should purely affect players in a different way (stat loss on death, skills gain slower, harder to get reputation up, lesser loot table?, restrictions to certain things [ IE: harmonism spells can only be obtained with no murdercounts ect.] ) Those are all ideas and not solidified suggestions but an idea to get you going down a better path than what we currently have.

Favor loss could easily be applied by making each node tied to a faction. Could even allow for places like the jungle, GK, or whatnot to be lawless which many of us have been asking for since day 1.

I know this might get me flamed for it but having repeatable "quests" or tasks that each town gives out that could be as simple as "kill 10 bandits" "Gather 10k saburra" and giving it to the township for reputation gains would be much more enjoyable than just killing risars or whatever. And we could even go further to apply these resources or bandit heads to a chest that the owning guild could take from which would be another incentive to fight and want to keep towns under your guilds control.

Honestly I think repeatable tasks are great idea, not only does it give you a reason to go do things out in the world, it could also be used to promote trade and remove some resources from the game. Just as an example having a player give the town 1k pig iron to gain a few rep, the player can either go mine granum to make it himself, or he could go buy it off the broker.

I'm a big proponent for faction/race wars in MMOs, it's a great way to incentivize PVP while also allowing for a system that punishes people for killing players on their own faction. It also just adds some more flavor and RP to the game to immerse yourself in. I'd almost like to see a system where you can ally with a faction for benefits within it. (Cheaper broker fees, vendors sell you stuff cheaper, increased rep gains, etc) However to counter that also increase rep loss to like -20 or more if you kill someone in your own faction, and -5 if you kill someone of another faction, but maybe also gain a small amount of rep if you kill a player in a faction hostile to the one you're in. All they would have to do is make it so people in your own faction have a green name and enemy factions are red or something to denote who you should and shouldn't be killing.

I also think a faction vendor would be cool that sells more faction specific stuff, like say a book for a Khurite specific heavy armor set, a book for an expanded library of Khurite Weaponry, and so on. These wouldn't have much value within their own faction, but would sell for a decent markup if you sold it to a player in another faction or in neutral territory.

I'm not a huge fan of weird arbitrary punishments for having MC, I just feel like it makes the game less dynamic and fun.

I love the new flagging system. Having town loyalty and stuff is so much better than straight up murdercount. Theres some issues with it tho.

Town priests- Theres no reason a town priest shouldnt res you in a area that the guards want to protect you in. That means your on their side. The priest shouldnt care if you murdered some 'enemies'.

This helps fix issues 2. Move outside red priests farther away. A current easy way to abuse flagging, is to kill people at a town, and when you die, just res right outside and haev a friend who can go into town bring you gear, and stash gear from killing people. Which is total BS. Moving these priest farther away means when reds die they actually have to spawn farther away, giving them a penalty.

Favor loss should be fixed to where you killed them, or fixed to where they have sword loyalty to and have as a home priest (which could display just like guild does). It feels so unpolished knowing that you can kill someone at vadda but they could go res at meduli and give you a favor hit. You should know what your getting. I'm killing a guy near vadda, I'm getting khurite favor loss. Or, it should say hes actually a Meduli resident, and he could see that your also a Meduli resident, and you dont attack each other. This would also help out solo and small group players, which currently dont get a lot of love in MO2. They may be able to find fellow town members out in the wild.

Lastly, there should be ways to gain favor back for a town, and not have to waste time getting it up for all towns. The current system feels like a placeholder. And placeholder content isnt good enough for launch.

All of these changes to me are things that are needed before launch. The current system has a lot of potential but doesnt feel finished and is too abusable.

I agree with this, there's no reason an ally to the Khurite Tribes shouldn't be able to rez in town, and an ally to the Tindremic Empire shouldn't be able to rez in town. The red priests outside but near towns are so abusable, especially when you're talking about huge guilds just rezing like 10 guys outside and just camping the gate of their own town.


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
I also think a faction vendor would be cool that sells more faction specific stuff, like say a book for a Khurite specific heavy armor set, a book for an expanded library of Khurite Weaponry, and so on. These wouldn't have much value within their own faction, but would sell for a decent markup if you sold it to a player in another faction or in neutral territory.

As long as you can still buy the skill book I'm completely down for reputation lock behind skill books.

However to counter that also increase rep loss to like -20 or more if you kill someone in your own faction, and -5 if you kill someone of another faction, but maybe also gain a small amount of rep if you kill a player in a faction hostile to the one you're in.

You have to be very particular about how one is a part of a faction...I can see ways for this to be abused if the only thing that makes you a part of that faction is your reputation with the faction


Sep 2, 2020
As long as you can still buy the skill book I'm completely down for reputation lock behind skill books.

You have to be very particular about how one is a part of a faction...I can see ways for this to be abused if the only thing that makes you a part of that faction is your reputation with the faction
I agree I can think of a few ways this could be abused which is why if the only way you're associated through rep, the rep loss needs to be so harsh that you would basically be hostile with your faction in like 2 kills. It would be counter productive if you could get your rep up, slaughter your own faction, then get your rep back up really fast. I'm not really sure what the solution here is, because on the other side of the coin what if you hit someone on accident, they kill themselves, report you for killing them, and you have like no recourse. So it would need to have a little bit of room for you to get griefed, but also be so punishing that there's no way to kill your own faction and stay in it. Like the real answer is to make it so you can't kill your own faction, but there's just nothing Mortal Online about that. Maybe they could implement some way to track faction specific murder counts that are extremely hard or expensive to get rid of, and if you get a few of them you get excommunicated until you can get rid of all of them.

As for the books yeah I just think it would be neat for really specific faction lore books to be rep locked, obviously I don't think you should have to be rep locked to buy them from other players or use them. It would just kind of make sense for the Khurites to not give out the info on crafting specific armor (like imagine a Khurite Lictor Armor Book) to just anyone. But say you're transporting one for sale and you get ganked, now someone in the Tindremic Empire has the plans for crafting it.