Mage Mechanics are Fundamentally Bad


Jul 18, 2021
If I hop on an EU server in Rust, and look at the combat log I will see a bunch of "projectile invalid" as my ping is not allowing me to properly see where my opponent actually is in the server even though it looks like on my screen I am hitting them.

This is aids. But in this game it is significantly more aids. It's more aids because the same problem persists, but you lose mana and cast time on top of that rather than just a few bullets missing that spray at less than 1/10th of a second.

It's so bad. How has this never been addressed?


A smart casting system or a system that allows you to attempt multiple recasts. Maybe this would turn out to be a big buff to Mages and could create a need for a nerf to some spells down the road but imo some form of fix is absolutely necessary as the mage mechanics do not function properly at the moment and are frankly a little bit embarrassing.

it's incredibly frustrating to have the server continuously fuck you because developers don't feel like making sure mechanics work in a way that is acceptable.

I'm sorry but these scuffed mechanics are not helping anybody.
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Jul 18, 2021
Well it goes with there design philosophy of screw trying to make it fun and instead just make sure it's as aids and frustrating as humanly possible. Bonus points if it's broken too.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
It's so bad. How has this never been addressed?

Because it works well enough if you are located close to the server in Europe with low ping, and according to Henrik, their “ping normalization allows anyone around the globe a perfectly acceptable experience. De-sync is practically gone and the One-server game is working perfectly.”

Except that it isnt. And, while an improvement from the horrible de-sync of MO1 (yes, it was way worse), its still very much there and very much a problem for anyone outside of Europe. Those in Europe have a completely different experience in both melee and magic combat.

Despite what Henrik dreams, you cant break the laws of nature and magically make ping disappear. The longer the distance to the server the more problematic any FPS game becomes. That why every single AAA game has regional servers.

But Henrik thinks its fine, so you are stuck with what it is. And its basically you hoping that every time you release a spell the server doesn't fuck you over and make you miss just because. Only advice i can give you, if you have a non-european ping, is to hold your crosshairs on the target for a full second before releasing the spell. This greatly increases chances it will land….and yes, its annoying af and way harder than it needs to be.
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Mar 7, 2022
Because it works well enough if you are located close to the server in Europe with low ping, and according to Henrik, their “ping normalization allows anyone around the globe a perfectly acceptable experience. De-sync is practically gone and the One-server game is working perfectly.”

Except that it isnt. And, while an improvement from the horrible de-sync of MO1 (yes, it was way worse), its still very much there and very much a problem for anyone outside of Europe. Those in Europe have a completely different experience in both melee and magic combat.

Despite what Henrik dreams, you cant break the laws of nature and magically make ping disappear. The longer the distance to the server the more problematic any FPS game becomes. That why every single AAA game has regional servers.

But Henrik thinks its fine, so you are stuck with what it is. And its basically you hoping that every time you release a spell the server doesn't fuck you over and make you miss just because. Only advice i can give you, if you have a non-european ping, is to hold your crosshairs on the target for a full second before releasing the spell. This greatly increases chances it will land….and yes, its annoying af and way harder than it needs to be.

One day Henrik will bite that pillow and understand that his Ping Normalization system is not going to work. Unless we develop faster than the speed of light communications in the next 6 months I doubt it will ever work.


Jul 18, 2021
Really bad. My friend is now complaining about the aids I have already listed. Not sure how SV can leave core game mechanics so scuffed for years and expect to run a successful game studio long term.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Well it goes with there design philosophy of screw trying to make it fun and instead just make sure it's as aids and frustrating as humanly possible. Bonus points if it's broken too.
Yo so sad that i'm seeing these words.

I practically begged the devs to stop frustrating the player in the name of balance ( that isn't balanced anyway).

Failed I did.
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Apr 19, 2022
From what i heard, the games "ping normalization" puts everyone on equal ping below 150ms, on 150ms. Between 150ms and let's say 280ms,
that is part of the lag.

Let's say i have around 30-35ms ping to the server. It removes 120ms of my time, so Australian kangaroo farmers can play the game too.
And that is "ok", despite in a fps game i would never accept something like that. I know a 100ms delay alone is playable, but most likely an L..

I agree that even if you can not remove the time gap because of the physical distance between a client/server, you can very well
have an check on the spell that hits the target on the client's screen.

Make it a buff, call it a "queue", give it a timer and apply the dmg dealt to the target accordingly when the time is up. This should be not more than a few ms for the server to recalculate the reported client hit on the target. The double check of it.

OP is right. Such a system is highly needed. It would not fix the problem, but it would remove the negative effect on the players.
I hope SV does listen and realize the need and will come up with a additional check after the spell cast, that insures we do not get robbed of our hits.
Hits not registering is very frustrating and punishing.