Mage Discrimination

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I don't think archery outside very fast builds fighting much slower builds should be viable with no melee to back it up. Nor do I think you should need to full spec archery to get any value from ranged builds at all. Especially once thrown weapons are in as those are a very fun/cool sidething for a heavy melee build.

But I think if you spec fully into wrecking face with a longbow that your melee capabilities should be less powerful. Same if you spec heavily into being an MA. There has to be a tradeoff where you can't fully optimize both roles. One of the most common things people ask me about builds is "How can I make a good foot archer?"

And my answer is always "Don't. Make a good melee and give it archery." It's not a good state of balance, and it's the primary reason why I had multiple tribrid builds last patch. Archery is just too easy to get too much value with too few points.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
Mages are fine. They don't need any buffs. There's a number of people that want to be able to wear 70+ pierce & slash armor and also take no damage from magic on top of that, but I doubt SV will add that on top of massive gear crutch.


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
Diving a mage is 100% a common strategy in high level pvp. You got that right. Good job. Diving is the highest risk highest reward tactic for a fighter to pull off during a fight. That means divers die an awful lot. I can't tell if you want the fighter to have a harder time killing you once he's on you or if you actually want to beat the fighter 1v1 once he's closed the distance. If you want to try your hand at parrying a fighter, be my guest. If you can parry properly, the fighter will usually run out of stam before you run out of hp, and then he's a sitting duck.
What is it that would improve the game state? How many minutes would you like to be able to spam TLs for? What would satisfy you? How much more MS or attribute points would you like to see allocated to which clades. Do you want thursar to have fewer stat points again so that they can't max their hight for damage bonus anymore? Do veela fighters do too much damage to you so you want their str cap lower?
What would it take for mages to be fun? Do you want dozens of DOT stacking abilities so you can feel like a mastermind of the fight? Do you just want hybrid to be viable again, which would necessitate readdressing stat curves? If you want your mage to be able to beat a fighter in a 1v1 after he's closed the distance on you, and you don't want to play a build faster than the fighter, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Alvarin aren't the only playable footmages, but they're the best for a reason. It seems like you don't want your playstyle to have the same downsides that every other playstyle is subject to. I'm a thursar. I cannot consistently get a kill on alvarin mages. It's a downside of my build. I'm okay with that because the rest of the playstyle is so much fun for me. There are definitely times when playing my fighter is not fun.

SV knows what good mage design looks like, First off the problem is this, the Fighter is almost never punished over the distance of the dive! you never even mentioned that there is a risk from the mage doing damage to them, you mentioned that you have to parry once the diver gets there, there is a fatal flaw there!

THE MAGE IS A RANGE CLASS WITH NO RANGE! SV has implemented Bandit caster and Veteran Bandit casters within the proper limits of what a good mage class would feel like, to the point that some have made dedicated threads about the difficulty of trying to clear camps. This is the proper pressure you should feel when diving mages with proper range and low cast times. if cast times were as short as the meta weapons with high damage, mages could zone out and counter divers when they feel threatened, the only way to do this now, is to use discount spells and by the time they are in range of it, its negligible damage and by the second cast they are within melee range, it's just bad. Long cast times and short range only benefit the enemy and not the mage, along with no mobility while casting, with your expert knowledge. I'll ask you about Synergy, where is the synergy in this class? it just works against itself in every aspect, there is not synergy just restrictions and handicaps to give other classes the upper hand.


Jan 4, 2021
SV knows what good mage design looks like, First off the problem is this, the Fighter is almost never punished over the distance of the dive! you never even mentioned that there is a risk from the mage doing damage to them, you mentioned that you have to parry once the diver gets there, there is a fatal flaw there!

THE MAGE IS A RANGE CLASS WITH NO RANGE! SV has implemented Bandit caster and Veteran Bandit casters within the proper limits of what a good mage class would feel like, to the point that some have made dedicated threads about the difficulty of trying to clear camps. This is the proper pressure you should feel when diving mages with proper range and low cast times. if cast times were as short as the meta weapons with high damage, mages could zone out and counter divers when they feel threatened, the only way to do this now, is to use discount spells and by the time they are in range of it, its negligible damage and by the second cast they are within melee range, it's just bad. Long cast times and short range only benefit the enemy and not the mage, along with no mobility while casting, with your expert knowledge. I'll ask you about Synergy, where is the synergy in this class? it just works against itself in every aspect, there is not synergy just restrictions and handicaps to give other classes the upper hand.
Mage has no range? 40 meter 30 damage hits with 2.2 second cast. You can't be parried, your cursor doesn't bob like an archer's. Fulm has what, a 24 meter range? So you can hit 60-75 from 24 meters? Or 55 from 20 meters with a TL? I didn't mention the threat of mages damaging divers because you were complaining about getting killed by divers. If you're getting killed by a diver, he's already in melee of you.
You regard outburst as a discount spell, which is stupid. There's not another word for it. Outburst is stronger than archery. You also claim that a fighter is on you by your second cast. Outburst has a 40 meter cast range and a 2.2 second cast time. The max speed of a fighter is <5 meters per second. You've got something screwed up there.
Let's examine what you're demanding. You want mages to have lower cast times and longer range so that you can zone divers away. You literally said that mages could "counter" divers with those changes. You want your class to be stronger than all the others and not have any counters. Your whining is gross.


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
Mage has no range? 40 meter 30 damage hits with 2.2 second cast. You can't be parried, your cursor doesn't bob like an archer's. Fulm has what, a 24 meter range? So you can hit 60-75 from 24 meters? Or 55 from 20 meters with a TL? I didn't mention the threat of mages damaging divers because you were complaining about getting killed by divers. If you're getting killed by a diver, he's already in melee of you.
You regard outburst as a discount spell, which is stupid. There's not another word for it. Outburst is stronger than archery. You also claim that a fighter is on you by your second cast. Outburst has a 40 meter cast range and a 2.2 second cast time. The max speed of a fighter is <5 meters per second. You've got something screwed up there.
Let's examine what you're demanding. You want mages to have lower cast times and longer range so that you can zone divers away. You literally said that mages could "counter" divers with those changes. You want your class to be stronger than all the others and not have any counters. Your whining is gross.

1 i didnt complain about dying from divers, you never even put in the equation that diver died to mages, you said they died to peelers, because its just a fact i didnt put that in your mouth it came from you, because that's just the common thing that happens when mages are busy healing. so you make no sense and you're obviously just going to deflect and say something ridiculous. so i'll just ignore your posts. Range should not counter, but punish melee for pushing to close the distance, that's just common knowledge and balance, not be useless and hit for 20/ 180+ and that's not considered a discount attack, because like most people showed in this thread, the role of the mage is to sit there and cast discount spells to maintain mana... footie brain is all that's in here.


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
Mage has no range? 40 meter 30 damage hits with 2.2 second cast. You can't be parried, your cursor doesn't bob like an archer's. Fulm has what, a 24 meter range? So you can hit 60-75 from 24 meters? Or 55 from 20 meters with a TL? I didn't mention the threat of mages damaging divers because you were complaining about getting killed by divers. If you're getting killed by a diver, he's already in melee of you.
You regard outburst as a discount spell, which is stupid. There's not another word for it. Outburst is stronger than archery. You also claim that a fighter is on you by your second cast. Outburst has a 40 meter cast range and a 2.2 second cast time. The max speed of a fighter is <5 meters per second. You've got something screwed up there.
Let's examine what you're demanding. You want mages to have lower cast times and longer range so that you can zone divers away. You literally said that mages could "counter" divers with those changes. You want your class to be stronger than all the others and not have any counters. Your whining is gross.

Here's an example of your guildie missing Outburst because of the terrible range
also an example of a Mage Ooming when they leave the regular discount spell cycle, and he's naked here... no, no problems with the class at all
I fail to see here how overpowered the class is, what I do see is most of what I've been saying
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For Sure

Active member
Jun 25, 2021
Mages are op NERF them to the ground please. Along with mounted combat. K thanks. It's just wild you're super alone here.


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
just because some trolls here from GK want to live the glory days of combat alpha doesnt mean i'm alone there's a silent majority that i talk to all the time and the noobs that think the same slowly they are making their way in and posting good ideas to improve the class and SV will soon see that there needs some change. nice job dodging the fact on the vid tho

For Sure

Active member
Jun 25, 2021
just because some trolls here from GK want to live the glory days of combat alpha doesnt mean i'm alone there's a silent majority that i talk to all the time and the noobs that think the same slowly they are making their way in and posting good ideas to improve the class and SV will soon see that there needs some change. nice job dodging the fact on the vid tho
Face the facts, one guy has your side and his biggest complaint was mages can't carry all his ore he just mined. Leave the balancing to people who actually care about the combat. You're not a good player, You get a pick axe and mine nodes. Understand your role to nave.


Jan 4, 2021
just because some trolls here from GK want to live the glory days of combat alpha doesnt mean i'm alone there's a silent majority that i talk to all the time and the noobs that think the same slowly they are making their way in and posting good ideas to improve the class and SV will soon see that there needs some change. nice job dodging the fact on the vid tho
Give me a time stamp on that video where he's missing outbursts because the range isn't good? He's spamming spells the entire video and doesn't oom till nine minutes in. He's throwing out tons of fulminations too, which is in no way shape or form a "discount" spell if it can high roll for damage comparable to flamestrike. You'd have a very difficult time formulating a more delusional argument.
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