Is this true?


Active member
Nov 29, 2020
I once read that if you kill someone in a guarded town, even unseen or if you escape a guard & hide, they appear right by you anyway.


Active member
Jan 27, 2022
Guards as all NPCs track by ''sound'' when they dont see you. When you are in their proximity even unseed but you can aggro them (criminal status) they will slowly start walking towards your last location when you aggroed them after then if they dont see you they go back and repeat the process once they're at their originap pathing post.
If they see you, most guards either follow on foot with melee or in worse case they pull a bow and snipe you. Exception is lichtor guards, those have the ability to teleport right next to you every few seconds if you've aggroed them and they also cast much stronger version of outburst spell.


Active member
Nov 29, 2020
So if you are quite & unseen, if you wait out being gray you can just walk out like nothing happened, thought so.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
I have had this happen multiple times. Went grey in town making sure no guards were around me. Ran inside a building where I've never seen guards patrolling, and tried to wait out the grey flag by standing still. Somehow guards magically appeared next to me and killed me.

No idea what mechanics make this happen but its not just line of sight or even “sound”. I think that if you are grey within a certain proximity of guards, regardless if they can see you or hear you, they will spawn lictors on you. Either that, or certain zones simply spawn lictors, and others don't.

To be fair i’ve only tried this in Tind so im not sure if different towns have different outcomes. I also cant be sure that those guards weren't stuck “under the map” or just happen to walk through walls to find me. Regardless it made little sense and makes avoiding guards pretty much a crap shoot.
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
I have had this happen multiple times. Went grey in town making sure no guards were around me. Ran inside a building where I've never seen guards patrolling, and tried to wait out the grey flag by standing still. Somehow guards magically appeared next to me and killed me.

No idea what mechanics make this happen but its not just line of sight or even “sound”. I think that if you are grey within a certain proximity of guards, regardless if they can see you or hear you, they will spawn lictors on you. Either that, or certain zones simply spawn lictors, and others don't.

To be fair i’ve only tried this in Tind so im not sure if different towns have different outcomes. I also cant be sure that those guards weren't stuck “under the map” or just happen to walk through walls to find me. Regardless it made little sense and makes avoiding guards pretty much a crap shoot.
Line of sight would be so much better and actually make sense in a game striving for "realism"
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Active member
May 7, 2022
I stopped doing my evil stuff inside towns because of this pathetic ridiculous rule.

I used to go gray inside town and hide at places noone has ever seen...or any NPC guard has ever patrolled in... Suddenly, a guard pops up near you and insta kills... its beyond ridiculous... Totally kills the immersion.
I tested in every single town. It happens everywhere.
You cant go gray inside town. Even if you hide, you will die in 5 to 9 seconds max.

Line of sight would be super cool.... But they re making this game so much more carebear over and over that I doubt they will fix this issue...
All those disgusting guard towers in the wilderness always make me vomit. I cant get used to them. Makes absolutely NO SENSE at all.

I hate that our devs are catering to the carebears more and more...
Did any of you guys watch the last Stream ? Henrik was answering questions, and suddenly a cry baby started to cry in the Chat..."ooo someone has killed me inside town and i lost 100k gold and I quit, help me "

Then, Henrik spoke about how he also lost a Keep in Ultima Online and felt bad...but carried on, learned the lesson and moved on.... But the guy continued crying... and Henrik then said they could study new ways to provide more security inside towns..

A CRY BABY cried and then Henrik raised the possibility of giving EVEN MORE PROTECTION on this game...full loot game....

This is so frustrating.
This game was SO GOOD in february 2022... Why do they need to screw it up so much ??

On the other day I decided to go PK a little bit around Moh ki.... I attcked a guy in the forest, IN THE WILDERNESS... Then I was heavily shot and started looking for whoever was shooting me... Then I took another hit, like 90 damage again.... and then died, with 3 hits... IT WAS A LICTOR GUARD... IN THE WOODS....
There was a god damn guard tower in the middle of the FOREST.

If you wanna Trammelize this game, at least make these pathetic guard towers SO HIGH THAT WE CAN SEE THEM FROM TWO MILES away.... Why do they have to HIDE these insta killing guard towers in the wilderness ??? Make them NEON PURPLE OR SOMETHING so that we can see.

And I wont even mention ritualists and necromancers problems... These people cannot even WALK on the roads without getting insta killed by guards in the middle of nowhere.

ARGH... So stressful...
But yes, guards will pop up right at you if you go gray inside ANY town.
So, dont even bother trying to hide.


Active member
Nov 29, 2020
I stopped doing my evil stuff inside towns because of this pathetic ridiculous rule.

I used to go gray inside town and hide at places noone has ever seen...or any NPC guard has ever patrolled in... Suddenly, a guard pops up near you and insta kills... its beyond ridiculous... Totally kills the immersion.
I tested in every single town. It happens everywhere.
You cant go gray inside town. Even if you hide, you will die in 5 to 9 seconds max.

Line of sight would be super cool.... But they re making this game so much more carebear over and over that I doubt they will fix this issue...
All those disgusting guard towers in the wilderness always make me vomit. I cant get used to them. Makes absolutely NO SENSE at all.

I hate that our devs are catering to the carebears more and more...
Did any of you guys watch the last Stream ? Henrik was answering questions, and suddenly a cry baby started to cry in the Chat..."ooo someone has killed me inside town and i lost 100k gold and I quit, help me "

Then, Henrik spoke about how he also lost a Keep in Ultima Online and felt bad...but carried on, learned the lesson and moved on.... But the guy continued crying... and Henrik then said they could study new ways to provide more security inside towns..

A CRY BABY cried and then Henrik raised the possibility of giving EVEN MORE PROTECTION on this game...full loot game....

This is so frustrating.
This game was SO GOOD in february 2022... Why do they need to screw it up so much ??

On the other day I decided to go PK a little bit around Moh ki.... I attcked a guy in the forest, IN THE WILDERNESS... Then I was heavily shot and started looking for whoever was shooting me... Then I took another hit, like 90 damage again.... and then died, with 3 hits... IT WAS A LICTOR GUARD... IN THE WOODS....
There was a god damn guard tower in the middle of the FOREST.

If you wanna Trammelize this game, at least make these pathetic guard towers SO HIGH THAT WE CAN SEE THEM FROM TWO MILES away.... Why do they have to HIDE these insta killing guard towers in the wilderness ??? Make them NEON PURPLE OR SOMETHING so that we can see.

And I wont even mention ritualists and necromancers problems... These people cannot even WALK on the roads without getting insta killed by guards in the middle of nowhere.

ARGH... So stressful...
But yes, guards will pop up right at you if you go gray inside ANY town.
So, dont even bother trying to hide.
I have UO Outlands, it is on the classic client & really hard to see clearly. I so want to play, but vision probs. I wish some one would give UO a new paint job, it just needs better graphics just leave it alone besides that.


Active member
May 7, 2022
I have UO Outlands, it is on the classic client & really hard to see clearly. I so want to play, but vision probs. I wish some one would give UO a new paint job, it just needs better graphics just leave it alone besides that.
AGreed man... If they re-make UO someday, with those very 1997 rules, no safe pathetic crap or Trammel BS, id play FOR SURE... WOuld even pay sub to play that.

Today, the only option we have is Mortal Online... Its the only game that still offers some kind of good gameplay... But they re trying HARD to destroy that it...
I hope it lasts more time !
If thievery comes to MO2, I will never leave though


Active member
Nov 29, 2020
AGreed man... If they re-make UO someday, with those very 1997 rules, no safe pathetic crap or Trammel BS, id play FOR SURE... WOuld even pay sub to play that.

Today, the only option we have is Mortal Online... Its the only game that still offers some kind of good gameplay... But they re trying HARD to destroy that it...
I hope it lasts more time !
If thievery comes to MO2, I will never leave though
The Ultimate Medieval MMO Experience is Back! - Life is Feudal: MMO


Active member
May 7, 2022
The Ultimate Medieval MMO Experience is Back! - Life is Feudal: MMO
What ? Are you suggesting Life is Feudal MMO ?
No man... They screwed up.... You get skill loss after dieing if you have bad alignment.

In other words, only masochists would play such a game.
Stat and skill loss is a garbage and lazy way that incompetent develeopers and designers imagined to be a solution to try and counter the PKing on their games... Never worked on past games and never will.
Its a game killer, since UO times.

PKs should get Skill GAIN bonus instead...for making the games more exciting. PKs are the reason MMOs have success...
If a game has no PKs or thieves it becomes tedium and trashy.

Just look at 99% of MMOs out there... Pure boredoom.
The only playable game today is Mortal Online 2. EvE doesnt count because its sci fi stuff.... it has good rules and freedom but the game itself sucks for being futurist crap.
Albion has safe zones, but might offer some fun sometimes wherever it allows pvp... Guess why ? Becase PKs bring excitement.

Everything else is garbage. Only graphics and no freedom.

MO2 stays on top...

But thanks for the suggestion.


Active member
Nov 29, 2020
What ? Are you suggesting Life is Feudal MMO ?
No man... They screwed up.... You get skill loss after dieing if you have bad alignment.

In other words, only masochists would play such a game.
Stat and skill loss is a garbage and lazy way that incompetent develeopers and designers imagined to be a solution to try and counter the PKing on their games... Never worked on past games and never will.
Its a game killer, since UO times.

PKs should get Skill GAIN bonus instead...for making the games more exciting. PKs are the reason MMOs have success...
If a game has no PKs or thieves it becomes tedium and trashy.

Just look at 99% of MMOs out there... Pure boredoom.
The only playable game today is Mortal Online 2. EvE doesnt count because its sci fi stuff.... it has good rules and freedom but the game itself sucks for being futurist crap.
Albion has safe zones, but might offer some fun sometimes wherever it allows pvp... Guess why ? Becase PKs bring excitement.

Everything else is garbage. Only graphics and no freedom.

MO2 stays on top...

But thanks for the suggestion.
A friend said it is pay 2 win anyway. The gathering sys is awesome though, god I wish Owyn would update the graphics on Outlands. They just need to do line of site for guards that would be great.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
LiF was a great terraforming and castle building simulator, but failed spectacularly as a sandbox mmo.
There was zero pve to be had, the world was deader than middle of sausage lake, the pvp was slow and boring and restricted to a handful of hours a week, penalties for PKing were ridiculously harsh, nodelines were horribly laggy, the grind for every skill was agonizing, and everyone just lived inside their fortress and never came out.

Thats why it didnt last more than a handful of years. The pvp server died within 2 years, and the pve one followed as soon as most people had built their castle and realized there was nothing else to do.


Active member
Nov 29, 2020
LiF was a great terraforming and castle building simulator, but failed spectacularly as a sandbox mmo.
There was zero pve to be had, the world was deader than middle of sausage lake, the pvp was slow and boring and restricted to a handful of hours a week, penalties for PKing were ridiculously harsh, nodelines were horribly laggy, the grind for every skill was agonizing, and everyone just lived inside their fortress and never came out.

Thats why it didnt last more than a handful of years. The pvp server died within 2 years, and the pve one followed as soon as most people had built their castle and realized there was nothing else to do.
MO2 would be very interesting if the core game had the gathering/crafting & building systems from LiF. I would love to see it really. Yes the PvP sys is harsh. I mean you already drop your loot, but skill loss & stat loss, shit guys...


Mar 27, 2024
Guilds exploit the crawling hand. After it was made a criminal action. they use it on a guild member after he has used crawling hand to steal from someone they killed in town. So after the original crawling hand user gets killed by guards they can loot their guildie without going crim. I'm sure this exploit is known about, but probably won't get fixed as game seems increasingly leaning towards larger group play.