Is there unplayable ping/lag issues for North American players?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Im from west coast NA. I have regular broadband high speed internet (not fiber optics) and get about 100 to 150 ping to the server.
It all depends on what unplayable is for you. For the most part i consider my experience playable, but not smooth or ideal. in small group fights i get the odd lag spike and the desync is there but manageable. this however also depends on who i am fighting(their ping).

If there are over 20 or 30 people in close proximity, lag starts to really be a problem. Also certain parts of the map (like Tind for example) are almost unplayable. Huge lag spikes all the time.
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New member
Jan 14, 2022
Im from west coast NA. I have regular broadband high speed internet (not fiber optics) and get about 100 to 150 ping to the server.
It all depends on what unplayable is for you. For the most part i consider my experience playable, but not smooth or ideal. in small group fights i get the odd lag spike and the desync is there but manageable. this however also depends on who i am fighting(their ping).

If there are over 20 or 30 people in close proximity, lag starts to really be a problem. Also certain parts of the map (like Tind for example) are almost unplayable. Huge lag spikes all the time.
thank you, feedback appreciated.


New member
Jan 14, 2022
I rarely notice any lag or problems parrying or anything, west coast na, like 150-170ms, wired gigabit.

I think some people are confusing fps spikes to latency. You lagging in tindrem or in a 30v30 is not due to the server lol.

I regularly participate in large scale fights, and with the right hardware (high end 30 series gpu with dlss) there isn't more than an occasional small hiccup, and nothing below 60 fps (unless crossing a node line). This is on epic settings at 3440x1440

Eu no doubt has an advantage, they have a longer window to read and parry, but some of the best pvpers are na players. You don't really get to the point where shit becomes unreadable in the parry window till your on like 300+ ms australian ping. Someone did a YouTube video on this showing it in depth.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Unplayable depends on where you are at. You will always be at a disadvantage compared to EU players.

If you are on west coast better just play mage fighter will just be harder for you then for EU players.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
yea I feel bad for West people, and I am surprised at your somewhat low pings. But I mean I think that net mmm... what's the word... infrastructure is prol diff from cali---> or whatever across US, but from TX (makes a diagonal line) it was pretty bad. I'm in Central now, and I haven't experienced any real lags. I can def tell when people have better connections than me tho, like "prol a euro." Cuz people be doin' some wild shit haha. But in general, the playability of MO has drastically improved and I feel like I can figure it out now. I don't feel that I can't compete w/ people. I am just making mistakes at this point. In MO1, it was like I was standing there and seeing slashes on my screen but nobody was there vs 'good players.' Most of whom I assume were much closer to the server.
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[CTX] Contractor

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2021
You are at a disadvantage on a competitive level.

If anyone else tells you otherwise, they are wrong and spoon feeding you sweet-sweet lies that they for some reason wish to tell others.

If you don't care about being competitive in PvP, then honestly it doesn't matter where you are.

If you do care:

1.) Get ExitLag
2.) Play with a guild that has varied members, so you can get used to how people from different regions fight (or fight others outside of your guild from different regions.)
3.) Learn to anticipate moves.

I know step 3 is kind of like a "lol what" moment, but seriously. You kind of need a bit of luck and disciplined practice in reading broken animations whilst also having a better reaction time then others.


New member
Jan 15, 2022
I've not had any issues thus far with ping. I'm closer to the East coast. So far, the only issues I have had are with FPS drops in combat.
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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
I got mexican ping (170-200) and its pretty noticeable when dueling actual good eu players. You cant correct your block 8/10 times, acels and feint parrys will go thru your blocks, etc. While you have to do multiple jumping feint backflips to even get a hit in. Against most players who cant even hide their swings you wont really notice tho
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Some of the better fighters are US. I don't mind it or notice much but I also focus on group fights. 1v1's are more noticeable but 1v1's will be rare in actuality.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
3.) Learn to anticipate moves.

I know step 3 is kind of like a "lol what" moment, but seriously. You kind of need a bit of luck and disciplined practice in reading broken animations whilst also having a better reaction time then others.

nah that's what I was tryin' to tell you before, no matter how someone plays, they have 'openings', it's impossible to not have them. Well, I fought a few people whose openings were super tight, and I've taken 100-0s from good and bad players alike ahaha, but now that you said it, I can say that's what I mean. If you see how someone moves, you will see their openings, and it doesn't matter what their ping is or how well they parry, of course this is THEORY, but it's absolutely true if executed correctly. You should be able to hit someone basically blind, by swinging before you even visually register where they are.

That's also why I dunno if I'm feeling the whole 'counter reduce' system. If you get tagged, you get tagged. Legit feints are respectable. I dunno how I feel about 'hiding swings (depending on the level of cheese you have to do and what the animation comes out looking like)', but no matter how someone plays, there is a moment where they have to be 'open', the key is creating that moment and no ping diff (assuming they are not zipping around your screen like old days) is gonna change that. If they are always parrying you instead of being aggressive, they might be able to completely close openings, but they aren't doing anything. If they try to swing at all, they have openings. It's just a matter of measuring distance and arc correctly.

I'm not saying that people don't have crazy fast reflexes, but I bet the fastest people you know probably have pretty good reflexes and crazy good intuition about where to swing or how you're going to react. Cuz if your whole game is reflex you're basically never in control.

MO combat, despite ping differences, is pretty interesting. Even tho parry being what it is, as I have said, does make it less dynamic.

My 2c. Even thooo youuuu say I'm trash n incomprehensible ;)
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Every good US player still complains about the ping. Its a major disadvantage. You got really good AUS players like Solario who has 300 ping and still beating EU. Does it mean that the game is fair for him. No, it just means hes extremely good which extremely fast reaction times and can predict what people will do well.

A lot of EU players are being ping carried and a lot of these best NA players are working extremely hard to competed vs EU players.

This 100ms ping normalization is not fixing the game. Most of the NA players have over 120 ping. Only NA near NY is getting sub 100 ping. Really need to move the server to NA east so more people are under this mystical 100ms ping normalization window. Centralizing the server will just make the game better or everyone and make it easier to balance out pings.

Edit: Another thing to add say ping is fine when you have a person walking backwards at you swinging while on his screen hes facing your or having multiple people inside of the same person swinging at you. Ping is not fine in this game Henrik will not do what needs to be done so people will just keep complaining.
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Active member
Apr 5, 2021
I wonder how many NA and EU players would still play if they had AUS ping lol


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
I wonder how many NA and EU players would still play if they had AUS ping lol
I wonder how many EU players would play if they had NA ping. Feels bad for AUS they currently all have to use exit lag because people warping.

Like as a Mage AUS allies are annoying when they try to sticky a half health dude because I always end up Tlashing them even tho they are 10 feet behind the guy Im tlashing. Its so annoying to try and heal them too.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Having played on basically all pings except for super low. I started with 80 on wifi, the routing to canada became god awful and was getting 150 ping and never noticed that this occured, to now using exitlag and direct plugin and back down to 80 with no packet loss. I can tell you that the amount of difference ping and/or packet loss makes is astronomical. Its the difference between being able to parry, hit a target with your parry return and parry again or not.
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Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Having played on basically all pings except for super low. I started with 80 on wifi, the routing to canada became god awful and was getting 150 ping and never noticed that this occured, to now using exitlag and direct plugin and back down to 80 with no packet loss. I can tell you that the amount of difference ping and/or packet loss makes is astronomical. Its the difference between being able to parry, hit a target with your parry return and parry again or not.
It's true, i have played with 350 and 16 and it is amazing how different the game feels, even landing spells on target is super lazy at low ping


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
I haven't checked in a while but I believe I get liek 80 ish east coast. Its annoying that some people have a slight advantage over me but to me ping is the least of the games issues, and adding servers shouldnt be what people are fighting over. The world is too big and doesnt promote conflict. That alone is going to kill off the game, the last thing we need is to split the servers.

And what people dont realize is that when games like this have multi servers, if you play at not high time the game is dead. One of the things MO has going for it is that the 1 server makes the high and low times less different, so if the game has a pop its playable any time of day.

For multi servers we need the pop Sv wants for MO2, in MO1 sized world or smaller. Then they can just have several servers. But its too late for that.

The other thing to keep in mind is that MO isnt a competitive game. Most of the time you get zerged, their magic ignores your armor, you cant parry arrows, etc. The only time ping matters is in a fair fight of melee combat. Which virtually doesnt exist outside dueling.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
I haven't checked in a while but I believe I get liek 80 ish east coast. Its annoying that some people have a slight advantage over me but to me ping is the least of the games issues, and adding servers shouldnt be what people are fighting over. The world is too big and doesnt promote conflict. That alone is going to kill off the game, the last thing we need is to split the servers.

And what people dont realize is that when games like this have multi servers, if you play at not high time the game is dead. One of the things MO has going for it is that the 1 server makes the high and low times less different, so if the game has a pop its playable any time of day.

For multi servers we need the pop Sv wants for MO2, in MO1 sized world or smaller. Then they can just have several servers. But its too late for that.

The other thing to keep in mind is that MO isnt a competitive game. Most of the time you get zerged, their magic ignores your armor, you cant parry arrows, etc. The only time ping matters is in a fair fight of melee combat. Which virtually doesnt exist outside dueling.
But MO could be a lot better if they move the server to a centralized location. Just be because there are some non competitive aspects to the game doesn't mean you should purposefully make it less competitive.