I dont know what game you've been playing but with a fully maxed mage character you can cast tunderlashes untill the end of time, because guess what, a full skill mage only uses half the mana, and his mana recovery is so high that it grows back during the fight.Not really.
Thunder lash does around 45 damage. A 123 dex vheela has 140 mana so he can cast 4 T-lashes for about 180 damage.
No, you really cannot have pets as a foot fighter, because you cannot heal them. The main reason why you dont see every thursar and his mother with max level terror birds running amok, is the fact that they would lose them too fast, being unable to heal them during fights, because they cant afford the skills to do so.All that talk about pets and necro can be had by a warrior just as easily, most mages have it because otherwise they cant kill anything.
And the argument that Bow > Magic is the dumbest thing people that have no actual combat experience make. Let me explain why that is the case, you see, magic is hitscan, i put my mouse on you = you die. Arrows are not hitscan, not only do they have to travel the distance, the shooter being given no guarantee that his target will not move by the time the arrow gets there, but also arrows being affected by gravity, giving them an extra variable as to why you will not hit all your shots. But hitting all your magic abilities? Piece of cake.On top of that a warrior can just take out a bow and out dps a mage 2 to 1 with his paper armour and low hp, while tanking any magic damage simply with his high HP. A long bow will melt a mage and even a short bow will out dps the mage as he will run out of mana.
And guess what. You can cast necro spells while sprinting.
I don't even know why im entertaining this kind of inexperienced player as yourself, but its because of people liek this, of true carebears like you that the game is in such a state. This is how red priests got removed, this is how guards were adedd outside towns, this is how mounted magery was buffed... Absolute travesty.