Intelligent Ways to Change The Game!


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Hello, friends!

I have been thinking about the promise of all reds to kill as many nubs as you can. I believe this sort of thinking lacks foresight, and let me explain what I believe you should do! It will be HARDER, but it will have potential to CHANGE the player base so that MO becomes more of a pvp game.

Instead of going into the GY and just slaughtering everyone... how do you know who bought the game for open world pvp and who bought it for pve? Would it not be better to ASK nubs if they bought the game for open pvp, guide or guild them, give them shit tier gear and allow them to continue to do your work while you are offline? :eek: I know RPK did this in a way by recruiting the people who didn't quit after being camped, but even that is kind of a 'wrong answer.' What if we assumed 25-50% of the new players came into the game for the open pvp sandbox part, why are you shitting on them? The people who are pve-ers are here and established. The new pvpers can't pvp for reasons we've outlined (it being tough to support yourself as a pvping solo esp as a nub.) Why not try to look at it more as a meta scale thing. "Everyone who likes pvp come to this side of the GY," then start killing everyone WITH those people, and afterwards... guild them or at least help them in some way if they can't go back into town (OR AT LEAST TELL THEM THEY CANT GO INTO TOWN IF THEY GO NEGATIVE REP.)

Then you have effectively INCREASED the pvp population while stifling the pve population. Players are what Henrik wants; I doubt he cares if they are pvpers or pve-ers. Put in some fuckin work dudes. Use your sandbox mind. There have to at least be a quarter of the pop that wants open world pvp, and if you get those dudes involved in the joy of fighting vs other nubs and whoever comes to defend them, you have PVP... sure it's entry level pvp, but it's enough to hopefully show both sides PVP IS GOOD.

Just an idea. Gotta head out, but I'll have you know I logged on ESPECIALLY to type this idea before I do!

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Active member
Jan 29, 2022
killing people in newbie camps one way to kill the game fast thats one thing that hurt darkfall aswell, and lets face it your not even realy getting a fight either so where the fun exactly.I suppose there some pvp players that need to feel big and strong by killing noobs when they get there but wooped by somone who better than them
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
The ones that do are not open to change tho.
it's a sandbox, to each their own, if people want to slay newbs they will slay newbs.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I'm not saying don't slay nubs, I'm saying involve other nubs who want to pvp and get them interested in the game, thus increasing the population of pvpers and balancing it out so that the pop is more pvp-centric... thus game changes will be more in their favor. It's kind of like planting a seed instead of just going into someone's garden and stomping it out. It's a 'long term strategy.'

Alas, I tried!


Active member
Dec 3, 2021
Stop whining already. Everything will balance itself. Who likes what, that's what he does. Go play already, everything is functioning and developing, there is no need to drag the balance from one side to the other and back. Get busy already.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Stop whining already. Everything will balance itself. Who likes what, that's what he does. Go play already, everything is functioning and developing, there is no need to drag the balance from one side to the other and back. Get busy already.

I hate that the level of reading comprehension on this forum is so low. I should stick to writing one or two line posts.

Edit: maybe it's lack of context? I dunno, kinda wack thoo.
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Jan 24, 2022
I hate that the level of reading comprehension on this forum is so low. I should stick to writing one or two line posts.

Edit: maybe it's lack of context? I dunno, kinda wack thoo.

Gronk want smash smash. Show where noob noob so gronk go smash smash.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
You've already written a bunch of different posts and there's whining everywhere. The developers know without you what the game should be and do everything right.

This is just not true rofl. I hope you're trolling. It's possible my post was long, but I dunno how it was whiny. The point of my post was that THIS IS A SANDBOX. WE ARE PLAYERS. WE SHAPE THE WORLD. There are people coming into the game that WANT to pvp, why just randomly kill noobs when getting those people INTO the game would do more for your side.

The amount of influence someone can have on other people in a sandbox by who you choose to support, give gear to when beginning, etc is immense, and who you starve off from the jump. In some ways, it does suck for newcomers that the community has the power to decide who gets to enjoy the game, but that's the world of sandboxes. If you got a lil hustle, you can make it work haha. People are so caught up in the building part of sandbox, they forget the people part.

All I was saying was don't forget what power you have and make the mistake of mindlessly slaughtering nubs when there are more dynamic ways to change the game AND have fun AND make friends AND change the future of the game. The devs can slap a patch on that totally changes the game, but PLAYERS have to do change things slowly. That's why a lot of the famous guild leaders in MO history were kinda cult leader personalities.

So quite simply: it's true that people can be the gatekeeper of the game, but do use no discretion and say U CAN'T PLAY, NOBODY CAN PLAY, I'M MAD... is just gonna end up driving all of the people away from the game, and you will be left with the PvErs who, in the long term, will benefit from the changes, so they don't even have to try to outlast you. They win by default while you are wasting your energy. You start shaping the world from the start (which is why I keep saying gear nubs!), it's totally different. Some people say 'grow... harvest.' lol I forgot who said that, but that's a fucked up mindset. It's whatever, if that's how you wanna think of it, but one of the greatest power an established player has is to choose who gets to play the game. In the beginning a scale set and a flake wep is a HUGE advantage and has almost no value to someone who is established. I'm just saying don't forget that.

I like pvp. I want more pvp, and I'm not even a PKer. It makes the game interesting. There is a severe lack of drama in the game right now. It's stale AF. You can say the dudes who you kill at first will find ways to stay if they want to, and that's true, but that doesn't mean they're gonna end up on your side. You don't have to have an ulterior motive, you can spell it out. SV tryin to make pvp wack, if you came into the game for pvp, join with us and let's pvp and show everyone how cool pvp is, down w/ guard-rail systems, etc... and you can sit in the GY and laugh while you watch the nubs you gear bust the ass of other nubs, then when the guys from town come in, you can jump in and help. Then in the end, even if everyone didn't have 'fun' at least they had an experience. MO is lacking EXPERIENCES, which are what drive people to action and make interesting things happen.

The game is still in the shallow grave of its shite launch and it needs to climb out now that the queue is a bit better. IMO, at least. Pretend the game launched w/ the instance patch except for some of you guys who had a 2 week headstart are MASSIVELY GEARED (or should be), use your resources wisely. - shrug - or just camp the GY. But I'm saying IT'S AN OPTION.


Active member
Dec 3, 2021
too many letters, too lazy to read. And the game is not made by players, it is made by developers, you can't let any snotty whiners interfere in the balance process, it's not up to you to decide.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
The only change that I want to see is a cap on how many forum posts Emdash can make

I wish there was a cap on my brain ;) Life would be easier.

Edit: incase unsure, that is a joke. I do not wish there was a cap on my brain. I love being me, and I'm sorry you guys can't love me, too! - does fred astaire dancing on the ceiling shite - Learn to love yourself, first!

You'll get over it. Such things have happened before. They ebb, they flow.