warriors got sword, aercher got bow so mage got a magic book. so magic book is a mage weapon. Why isnt it lootable? as far as i know u cant loot book.
also. with iscription crafters will make scrolls and that is the way how magic will get to the book right? by adding scrolls to the book.
why cant we make those scrolls also with a power??? now we have a scroll and its always the same, no matter how powerful inscripter you are. why fireball of isc 10 is similar in power to fireball of isc of 100??? now it just depend on a power of mage using it. it so limited system.
we gotta make them all diffrent.
iscripter skill 10 made fireball scroll with power of 10, iscripter of 100 made fireball scroll with power of 100. right? so you added fb 10 to book, then u added healing 20 to book. then earthquake 30 to book, so you have sort of weak book, cos its cheap and poor player can afford it. but u can have book with magis of all power 100 and it very powerfull expensice book. to craft such scroll you need top sill and a lots of reagents, cos one scroll like this will 100% will be addedd to the book and last forever, u cant use it just to cast scroll magic once cos its expensive.
this way people will be collecting scrolls since book is lootable. one book can collect all magic - spiritism ecumumical, necro and so on. but players will not want to put it all in one spot since its lootable. they will have most powerfull book or medium power book or weak book for newbies. players will be selling and buying all diffrent sort of books. more veriety is more market. more economy. dedidicated magic book will appear.
to be able to inscript most powerfull scroll you dont just need 100 of iscription, but also ecumumical magis lore, necromancy lore, spiritism lore and so on. also you can maybe create a legendary scrolls if u also 100 in magic skills itself, like you best mage on top of the iscription.
also. with iscription crafters will make scrolls and that is the way how magic will get to the book right? by adding scrolls to the book.
why cant we make those scrolls also with a power??? now we have a scroll and its always the same, no matter how powerful inscripter you are. why fireball of isc 10 is similar in power to fireball of isc of 100??? now it just depend on a power of mage using it. it so limited system.
we gotta make them all diffrent.
iscripter skill 10 made fireball scroll with power of 10, iscripter of 100 made fireball scroll with power of 100. right? so you added fb 10 to book, then u added healing 20 to book. then earthquake 30 to book, so you have sort of weak book, cos its cheap and poor player can afford it. but u can have book with magis of all power 100 and it very powerfull expensice book. to craft such scroll you need top sill and a lots of reagents, cos one scroll like this will 100% will be addedd to the book and last forever, u cant use it just to cast scroll magic once cos its expensive.
this way people will be collecting scrolls since book is lootable. one book can collect all magic - spiritism ecumumical, necro and so on. but players will not want to put it all in one spot since its lootable. they will have most powerfull book or medium power book or weak book for newbies. players will be selling and buying all diffrent sort of books. more veriety is more market. more economy. dedidicated magic book will appear.
to be able to inscript most powerfull scroll you dont just need 100 of iscription, but also ecumumical magis lore, necromancy lore, spiritism lore and so on. also you can maybe create a legendary scrolls if u also 100 in magic skills itself, like you best mage on top of the iscription.