I've made it no secret that the last time I played was early early 2017. I moved on with my life. I drive big rig trucks, make a good living, have a girlfriend on my arm and I am seeing out with love the last stretch of my dog's life. He has a tumor in his liver.
I do not have time for games like this anymore and I think if nothing else, I can provide a measured and rational viewpoint to help steer this game in the right direction. Because as much as O hated dealing with the absolute assholes in this game, we were all complete cunts with each other for the better part of 10 years. Hell a lot of us are still here, browsing, lurking, commenting here and there like me.
The single biggest gripe I heard, raising up generation after generation of newbie, the weak being culled naturally and the strong raised up; it was the bugs, the inconsistency, the harassment, the feelings of futility and impotence that came with *trying* to play a "good" guy, only to see that being the biggest most lawless cunt was the most rewarding way to play.
Being principled was punished, having a code made you weak, being lawful made you a target.
And to back up, when I said strong; I did not just mean pvp capable, I meant being strong mentally. It takea grit to play this game, many simply tune out, others burn out, and yet fewer still rise up, and only a handful shine and excel.
I trained several players, taught them and tested them, some were quite badass on the battlefield, but their complaints on the game were consistent whereas the game and SV were not.