— Horse Murderers of Nave — "The Family"
The Horse Murderers are a family recognized by the titles: traker. stalker, hunter, predator, and venator. They follow "The Way" that is taught by the Fathers and Mothers of the Family. The Way of anti-PKs who help the non-guilded called “the Blessed” and punish the “the Corrupt” (PKs or Psychopathic Killers) individuals or guilds that kill the non-guilded Blessed.
Each region of Nave is headed by a "Father or Mother" that is selected by the region's family of Brothers and Sisters. Recruits of the Family are called Siblings. Those that don't follow "The Way" are known as Arent Siblings.
The Family targets these griefer's horses or pets. The family sacrifices horses to "Dragon" Mother of Lykiators for their return. HorizonDragon sent her away at the Great Fall and how she is calling them back. They are prophesied to return when the 10 Family Venators return.
Foundups Streamer, HorizonDragon is its Founder - Also known as The Fake Horizon, The Whore of Killox, The Great Mother of Horse Murders, Grandmistress of Zoophilia Taming (specifically Equidaephilia and Lykiatorphilia). The Great Mother of Lykiators (Every horse killed is sacrificed to bring back Lyks.
The Family is sacrificing 100K horses to bring back the wingless dragons!
“Arant Sibling” - They can hold any family title but do not follow The Way. Anyone griefing the Blessed is an Arant Sibling.

Join MO discord General Comms and talk to Horizon the streamer. Check out foundups twitch.
The Horse Murderers are a family recognized by the titles: traker. stalker, hunter, predator, and venator. They follow "The Way" that is taught by the Fathers and Mothers of the Family. The Way of anti-PKs who help the non-guilded called “the Blessed” and punish the “the Corrupt” (PKs or Psychopathic Killers) individuals or guilds that kill the non-guilded Blessed.
Each region of Nave is headed by a "Father or Mother" that is selected by the region's family of Brothers and Sisters. Recruits of the Family are called Siblings. Those that don't follow "The Way" are known as Arent Siblings.
The Family targets these griefer's horses or pets. The family sacrifices horses to "Dragon" Mother of Lykiators for their return. HorizonDragon sent her away at the Great Fall and how she is calling them back. They are prophesied to return when the 10 Family Venators return.
Foundups Streamer, HorizonDragon is its Founder - Also known as The Fake Horizon, The Whore of Killox, The Great Mother of Horse Murders, Grandmistress of Zoophilia Taming (specifically Equidaephilia and Lykiatorphilia). The Great Mother of Lykiators (Every horse killed is sacrificed to bring back Lyks.
The Family is sacrificing 100K horses to bring back the wingless dragons!
- The Father or The Mother (of City) — these are voted in by the family in any specific city.
- Must possess the title of The Predator or The Venator.
- Minimum 75 standing for their city. Ideally 100.
- Req: 300 hrs of gameplay MO2 must be a Mounted Archer. Anyone can challenge an Elder who has greater city standing and rank. The challenge is determined by the sitting Elder.
- They provide ranger services and scouting to the Family and
- Provide information on horse spawns and their current viability for a donation
- Can issue a Fa’tal against any guild for witnessing the murder of a Blessed. Meaning that the guild horses are killed.
- Morin Kur/Toxi - Horizon Dragon. Vadda/Bakti - Krankone
- “Brothers and Sisters”
- Must possess the title of Stalker or Hunter
- Must display Title. Hold 50 standing in their home city.
- Must have passed The Test - the Elder sets the test.
- Can petition a Fa’tal for witnessing the griefing of a blessed by an ARPK guild.
- Brothers or Sisters can rally families to support their battles by petitioning a Strife to their Elder. There could be situations where both sides will have Family members. The Family will never shoot another member's horse. They will only kill horses and pets or disrupt a mage that is suspected of casting on a family member.
- “Siblings” and “Arant Sibling” — all others guilded or unguilded family members. An “Errant Sibling” is a horse murderer who is a member of an RPK guild or a Corrupt. They are KOS to all Family members.
- Possess the title of Tracker
- In the process of getting the Horse Murder title
- Errant Siblings display a title but do not follow the ways of the family.
- Errant Siblings haven't passed “The Test” - The Test is determined by the Father or Mother of a region.
- Siblings nor arent siblings can not vote for an Elder appointment
“Arant Sibling” - They can hold any family title but do not follow The Way. Anyone griefing the Blessed is an Arant Sibling.

Join MO discord General Comms and talk to Horizon the streamer. Check out foundups twitch.
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