Guards will be why a ton of new players stop playing the game


New member
Oct 14, 2020
Atm, guards are extremely weak, feel like a group of 10+ players can just wipe a towns guards. I understand the devs want the players to defend towns, but what happens when a huge guild like Legion just decides to take over fab and kill and grief all players and new players? These new players are going to expect some relative safety, but atm thats not a thing when a big group like legion comes in and kills all the guards and players. Now Meduli doesn't have this issue since Koto keeps the peace, but how many players do we expect to lose when they go to fab and just die cause a huge group comes and takes it over.

I'm not really sure how they can make guards stronger tbh, their melee is extremely easy to parry , thus making them easy to take down if you have enough players.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
Or you could just ban the people that lure guards to get stuck inside buildings that have no entrance or exit. That would be a good step towards cleaning the community up.

Outside of that, take it as a learning experience to learn to group up and organize better.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
The guards as they are now are way too ineffective that’s true. You can literally sit on a roof in Fab main square and thunder lash people while guards run around looking for you below like a bunch of morons. Half the guards don’t even have ranged attacks. So yea guards need to be made way stronger. Even in MO1 the guards were much more effective than now. Yes towns could still be wiped of guards but it took like 30+ players in full pvp gear, and usually you had time to log off before they killed all the guards.

To those that say “too strong and it ruins pvp” I say “towns are not pvp spots. Go pvp outside, in the other 98% of the map. Towns are where you greef not where you pvp.”


Active member
May 28, 2020
Henrik and the team have said dozens of times that the guard system in place now is very limited in scope and it will be enhanced and changed with more patches over time. Guarded towns should be "mostly safe at release" as it was put. Never 100% but mostly will be good enough.
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Jun 6, 2020

The PvP community of this game doesn't have to play the game at the pace of the new population. If we get to a point to PvP, then we will PvP. That being said, Guards aren't supposed to protect the outside of a city where most of the fighting takes place.

Inside the city becomes not only the responsibility of the guards to kill criminals, but the players as well. Yesterday I took 8 guys to Fabernum to remind people that this is a PvP game, and like the good developers intended, the cities population came outside and killed us all. The guards aren't your saviors, so don't come to the game with that mindset.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
It's pretty common that I see three nakeds with starter swords/torches or a vendor weapon just beating someone's horse to death in town while 20+ players nearby just kinda idle or watch. It's definitely more than just an NPC problem.

Pls insert Lictors though so I can kill them and take their armor c:
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New member
Oct 14, 2020
The guards as they are now are way too ineffective that’s true. You can literally sit on a roof in Fab main square and thunder lash people while guards run around looking for you below like a bunch of morons. Half the guards don’t even have ranged attacks. So yea guards need to be made way stronger. Even in MO1 the guards were much more effective than now. Yes towns could still be wiped of guards but it took like 30+ players in full pvp gear, and usually you had time to log off before they killed all the guards.

To those that say “too strong and it ruins pvp” I say “towns are not pvp spots. Go pvp outside, in the other 98% of the map. Towns are where you greef not where you pvp.”
thats how I felt, it was cool when a massive group went into bakti killed all the guards and players, but they needed a huge group to do it since the guards were a lot stronger


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Nothing changed between MO1 and MO2. We had the same "events" all the years of MO1 lifetime. I remember the huge gate fights at Fabernum in the early years of MO1 when groups of red players camped both gates. It's part of the game.

I think this will change a bit with persistent state when players in town get a bad reputation and have to leave some cities. The problem of Fabernum has always been the short distance to the red city of Kranesh. I you want to avoid those attacks completely you have to chose another city with larger distance to red cities.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
Its fine tbh. Only capital cities should be very safe with lictors. Every other town like Fabernum should be raidable


Active member
Mar 4, 2021
Atm, guards are extremely weak, feel like a group of 10+ players can just wipe a towns guards. I understand the devs want the players to defend towns, but what happens when a huge guild like Legion just decides to take over fab and kill and grief all players and new players? These new players are going to expect some relative safety, but atm thats not a thing when a big group like legion comes in and kills all the guards and players. Now Meduli doesn't have this issue since Koto keeps the peace, but how many players do we expect to lose when they go to fab and just die cause a huge group comes and takes it over.

I'm not really sure how they can make guards stronger tbh, their melee is extremely easy to parry , thus making them easy to take down if you have enough players.
its called politics. people already dont like legion for a lot of obvious reasons, use that to your advantage


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
guys what are you on... the blue towns are the only place for most solo players and starters... you have politics and pvp and all such things enough outside the few blue towns.
you HAVE TO make them noob friendly otherwise all the non hardcore pvp freaks wont make the early game and most of the solo players will leave.

the whole idea behind bad blue towns is because MO1 was dead behind walls and farming some under geared players on the edge of meduli was often the only thing that brought some action...


Active member
Jun 3, 2020

The PvP community of this game doesn't have to play the game at the pace of the new population. If we get to a point to PvP, then we will PvP. That being said, Guards aren't supposed to protect the outside of a city where most of the fighting takes place.

Inside the city becomes not only the responsibility of the guards to kill criminals, but the players as well. Yesterday I took 8 guys to Fabernum to remind people that this is a PvP game, and like the good developers intended, the cities population came outside and killed us all. The guards aren't your saviors, so don't come to the game with that mindset.
Raiding towns could be fun part of the game but you know that the guard system is uncomplete and not working as intended so at one point interesting event turned to be just exploit and abuse of broken code.


New member
Oct 14, 2020
Lol u obviously havent fought an elite guard yet, they block 90% of hits 🤣
ummm not when its 10 players against it lol, ranged and magic it can't block haha.

As well, Henrik already mentioned on steam, they know they are weak atm so intend to make them stronger and more responsive, along side im hoping the lictors are monsters