

New member
Aug 21, 2023
Why can't Henrik figure out that the main problem with the game is that there's no punishment for murder, so griefing. Old games like UO made you a murderer and a target for 8 hours after your third kill. You damn sure couldn't go back to town in 5 min, and for the next 8 hours you had to watch your ass. He will never achieve a large game population if the game only serves a pleasurable experience to the small percentage of people who enjoy killing, not for the goods they have, but to ruin the other persons day to feel better about themselves.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Its definitely not the MAIN issue with the game, but yeah I agree it is an issue. One symptom of balance by outrage.
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
Ehh, how is there no punishment for murderes ? I would agree with you pre UE5 but now, after 10 murders your name becomes red and any blue (less that 10 murder counts) player can attack you without going criminal themselfs so as a red you bascially cant go to towns since blues will swarm you to death and you can be attacked in any viscinity of guard towers by blues while they're safe around every major town.
And if the reds double down on beiing red and give up on farming standing, they are automatically attacked by guards as well, not to mention that bounty hunting is a fairly popular activity for blues too.
And remember that it takes 8 hours of active playtime to lower your murder count by 1 which resets if you kill anyone during that period, offline it ticks 6x times slower.

I'd say there's plenty punishment for reds and plenty safety nets for blues. If you're getting "griefed" by reds near town, you're clearly not utilising the new guard towers properly .


New member
Dec 1, 2021
Ehh, how is there no punishment for murderes ? I would agree with you pre UE5 but now, after 10 murders your name becomes red and any blue (less that 10 murder counts) player can attack you without going criminal themselfs so as a red you bascially cant go to towns since blues will swarm you to death and you can be attacked in any viscinity of guard towers by blues while they're safe around every major town.
And if the reds double down on beiing red and give up on farming standing, they are automatically attacked by guards as well, not to mention that bounty hunting is a fairly popular activity for blues too.
And remember that it takes 8 hours of active playtime to lower your murder count by 1 which resets if you kill anyone during that period, offline it ticks 6x times slower.

I'd say there's plenty punishment for reds and plenty safety nets for blues. If you're getting "griefed" by reds near town, you're clearly not utilising the new guard towers properly .
I wish this was accurate but it is not. I was recently outside toxaii farming bandits when Omerta reds showed up and came charging at me, I got the first hit but was out numbered by bandits/red players so mounted up while they backed up bandaged and mounted up as well. I was chased ,while being shot a,t to the guard tower at the top of toxaii ramp. I dismounted expecting help from the guard.... the guard did nothing. The red Omertas slaughtered me and my horse in front of the guard tower with guard(s) present....

So yeah, the system is not working in a way that a total blueberry would feel protected at all. Reds should be restricted to red towns and lawless areas. No recovery, no return. There are plenty of us to murder in those areas and on the roads between towns.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Its definitely not the MAIN issue with the game, but yeah I agree it is an issue. One symptom of balance by outrage.

If they made it so you can't blow up horses in town, stuff like that, the kinda stuff that Mo1 people would have raged about, that would be fine, to me. It's crazy no matter how soft they make pvp, someone is always talking about grief, though.

The crazy part is that with all of the changes to make pvp soft, I'd like to know how many people were like oh the game was griefy before, but now it's better. That's a survey we need. It's supposed to be griefy to die in the wild. It's griefy to die in any game. lol. I don't die in PvE in games, but if I do, it's like FUCK. I don't understand why people are so much more insulted when a player, instead of a DYNAMIC SPAWN or something kills them. I find it way more griefy to die to BS. Like I remm in MO1 getting stuck in the jungle on a tree and getting pecked to death by a terror bird like 2-3 dmg at a time. haha. Spamming tickets like YOOOO. That's grief.

Once again, 1000th again, the main issue with MO is VERY SIMPLE. The game needs to have MORE THINGS for people to do. They need to have SOMETHING for EVERYONE to do. Each thing should be able to be disrupted, but there should be plenty of opportunity for people to succeed if they are inspired. There will still be people who quit because people camp them out of doing what they want to do, but there will be more who get inspired to push through it and then enjoy the 'rush' they get when they finally get things set up correctly and, even if they do get killed, it's just a minimal thing... like lol u guys are still griefin while I'm DOIN THINGS.

They were never able to get that. There aren't even any notable personalities in MO2. Screenshot this post incase they delete it.
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
I wish this was accurate but it is not. I was recently outside toxaii farming bandits when Omerta reds showed up and came charging at me, I got the first hit but was out numbered by bandits/red players so mounted up while they backed up bandaged and mounted up as well. I was chased ,while being shot a,t to the guard tower at the top of toxaii ramp. I dismounted expecting help from the guard.... the guard did nothing. The red Omertas slaughtered me and my horse in front of the guard tower with guard(s) present....

So yeah, the system is not working in a way that a total blueberry would feel protected at all. Reds should be restricted to red towns and lawless areas. No recovery, no return. There are plenty of us to murder in those areas and on the roads between towns.

I mean, you're contesting a farming spot so you should expect danger from other players and just because there is guard tower nearby doesn't mean you're invicible and should be able to free farm risk free.
Also, why would you ever dismount and wait for them even if by guard tower, sounds to me like you wanted the guard to win the fight for you and unless you're sure of the guards behaviour, which way they're facing, if they pull bows or if they run in melee etc etc you shouldn't be suprised it didn't work out for you as you lacked infromation on how does the guard tower behaves and got greedy.

The guard towers are meant to add some more defensive options for blue players, not make you invincible.


New member
Dec 1, 2021
"I'd say there's plenty punishment for reds and plenty safety nets for blues. If you're getting "griefed" by reds near town, you're clearly not utilising the new guard towers properly ."
Do you not remember what you posted, which I responded to....? I never said anything about wanting to farm risk free, i enjoy that part of the game. Reread, think, then respond.
If you know the Toxaii area you know that their is a griefing area between guard tower at top of hill and one by the bridge, I dismounted at first guard due to them shooting my horse as I clearly stated in my post.

Reading comprehension matters.


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Why can't Henrik figure out that the main problem with the game is that there's no punishment for murder, so griefing. Old games like UO made you a murderer and a target for 8 hours after your third kill. You damn sure couldn't go back to town in 5 min, and for the next 8 hours you had to watch your ass. He will never achieve a large game population if the game only serves a pleasurable experience to the small percentage of people who enjoy killing, not for the goods they have, but to ruin the other persons day to feel better about themselves.
"No punishment for murder"


It takes 8 hours for 1 murder count to go down. 48 hours when they're offline. For a measly hundred murders, you're never getting back into town unless you play for 700 ingame hours...


Now, sure, the guards may not attack you but... You're going to get attacked. Once there is blood in the water, the blues don't take long to pile on.

The "real" criminals? The ones who go over the 10 count without hesitation, they are punished severely. Hardcore is an understatement ESPECIALLY if they're solo.

I think the reason the game gives leeway with the 10 murder count is because there are obviously scenarios whereby you have to initiate combat first to avoid being murdered yourself.

Example : You're a mage, someone in steel is running at you with their weapon drawn. You change directions, he is still running at you, weapon drawn.

You know he is very likely going to try and kill you. What do you do? Let him get close? No. You don't take that chance, you attack preemptively.

Sure, perhaps 5 was a better number, but... Give people room to just murder every now and again.. Like, stop being such a square.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
"No punishment for murder"


It takes 8 hours for 1 murder count to go down. 48 hours when they're offline. For a measly hundred murders, you're never getting back into town unless you play for 700 ingame hours...


Now, sure, the guards may not attack you but... You're going to get attacked. Once there is blood in the water, the blues don't take long to pile on.

The "real" criminals? The ones who go over the 10 count without hesitation, they are punished severely. Hardcore is an understatement ESPECIALLY if they're solo.

I think the reason the game gives leeway with the 10 murder count is because there are obviously scenarios whereby you have to initiate combat first to avoid being murdered yourself.

Example : You're a mage, someone in steel is running at you with their weapon drawn. You change directions, he is still running at you, weapon drawn.

You know he is very likely going to try and kill you. What do you do? Let him get close? No. You don't take that chance, you attack preemptively.

Sure, perhaps 5 was a better number, but... Give people room to just murder every now and again.. Like, stop being such a square.
The way it previously worked with guards protecting people with 1000 murdercounts was dumb.

I consider this whole red blue debate to be mostly solved now. If you go red and want to stay that way you can at least access your bank in town, it’s not gone forever.

Blue players are now actually blue players now. Not 10000 murdercount players walking around with a blue flag everywhere they go.

Issue closed


Feb 16, 2022
idk usually when i see red players in towns, they just go about their business, no one attacks them.


Active member
May 28, 2020
they made everything in the game to make it more casual , you know nothing about griefing and what was possible in this game or the previous one, they literally listened to all you complainers and cry babies for years and made it easier and easier months after months and people like you still find a way to fucking complain
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