Give fast travel a try

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Active member
Jan 11, 2021
I think we can all benefit from fast travel.

The map is huge now, nobody can deny. I think a system like Naval Combat could work.

You get 1-2 travels per day and then it's on cooldown.

This would promote cross-map economy which is non-existent right now since it takes too long to cross the map.

Maybe we can even limit the weight you can carry during a transfer to keep it limited.


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
No. This is not in the spirit of the game. Mages were said to MAYBE have very limited teleportation later with high risk, which I think might be okay. Other than that, no thank you. Cross continental caravans to transport goods and the ability for emergent game-play to come of this (caravan attack etc) is important for what this kind of MMO is trying to achieve. We also need to keep in mind this game is 10% complete. We need to wait for better support of cross continent travel by normal means of travel (caravan, ships etc).


Nov 21, 2020
I assume this post a troll but I will reply anyway. The only way I could see fast travel truely being balanced and working is if they required massive amount of skill and resources and atleast two people to generate a limited time portal. In eve online we used titan ships to bridge entire subcapital fleets directly into combat in distant solar systems.

In mortal terms it would require the use of special static structure to be built that is highly vulnrable to being attacked and cost a lot of expensive resources, so setting them up without an active army guarding it would be a huge mistake. We will call this object, the teleportation tower. Once this teleportation tower is built, a mage with the right reageants can start summoning a portal in a distant location. This portal should have a big graphical effect and be able to be seen from a long ways away, It would take atleast 5 minutes for the mage to complete the summoning ritual, during which time he is completely vulnrable to being killed and cannot move or do anything. He would have to be fully protected by others. The mage summoning the portal would also need some resources that are hard to come by and not easily stockpiled. As soon as the mage completes the summoning ritual at the intended destination, the mage at the origination point would also need to cast a spell that uses rare and hard to get resources to bridge the two points and form the portal.

Once the portal is summoned it rapidly begins draining the mana of the mages on both ends, as it takes all their mental energy to maintain. 20-30 seconds of portal time and the link is severed and the portal closes. During the time the portal is active an army is sent through on a one way trip to the destination location.

I basically converted eve titan and jump bridges to Mortal mechanics, with some changes, but tbh, before they even think about adding something like this, they need to consider the problems eve has dealt with over the years in regard to portals/ titan bridges.

- If I can project force to a distant location, how as a developer can they prevent players from stockpiling too many of these rare resources, thus negating the cost of it?

- How far should a portal reach in mortal? 1 mile? 2 mile? the whole map?. In eve people eventually built networks of titan jump bridges to project force anywhere in the game within a few minutes. They had to severly nerf the jump drive range and spool up timers in a later expansion because it was simply too easy to cross the entire map in very little time. Any portals they add in mortal would have to have a limited range of operation as well as a lengthy setup time.

- How long should a portal take to complete and what are its implications for large scale pvp? Assuming a target is in range, if mortal was like eve, you can instant cast a portal and have an infinite amount of foot fighters come in around the caster and begin fighting. In eve this was called hot dropping, and was the bane of less organized pvp groups. It also caused alot of issues with people just fishing for targets while the majority of the guild sat on the titan(teleportation tower) waiting for the chance to go in and suprise buttsecks the enemy. If portals are ever added to mortal, they 100% need setup times.

- Who can build these hypothetical teleportation towers? Keep owners? anyone with the mats? The problem in eve was that if you didnt have titans, you were at a significant combat and logistical distadvantge compared to non titan owning alliances. Do we want such a large and useful powerfuly ability only relegated to the top groups in mortal, possibly making it harder for newer groups to siege and get established? Food for thought.

Personally, I hope they dont add it to the game, because distance and location should matter.. but if I was going to do portals and force projection in mortal, this is how I would do it. #armchairdev


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Might as well add ATM machines and bank transfers at that point.

Only type of fast travel I could see viable and suit MO2, is potentially a statue like in Haven where you can select any Major NPC cities from, and teleport there. No red towns, no places like Cave camp or Jungle camp. Only items allowed on you are basic soul bound items like starter sword and a spell book with ecumenical. Would cut back on the whole ghost travelling aspect and save people time. No magical item transfers.


Mar 16, 2021
Hot place full of hate.
Thanks my friend, I now have again a reason to keep reading the forums constantly.
So if we gotta do it let's dance!
I think we can all benefit from fast travel.
Carebears will sure benefit from it.
The map is huge now, nobody can deny. I think a system like Naval Combat could work.
What is the correlation between fast travel and Naval Combat? did I miss something?
Fast travel would reduce the engagement possibilities.
If you want to promote Ships, Boat and naval combat I'm in, but do not improperly use it to advocate for a totally different feature.
You get 1-2 travels per day and then it's on cooldown.
So carebears will only commerce travel on these 2 chanches and then logoff for the entire cooldown time?
Interesting way to reduce the MMO concept!
This would promote cross-map economy which is non-existent right now since it takes too long to cross the map.
NO. This will only promote to make the map even emptier since commerce will be done only by fast travel.
Big map, nobody exploring it, nice idea to trash all the work done till now! (y)
Maybe we can even limit the weight you can carry during a transfer to keep it limited.
So what about empty travel?
Good sandbox players know how to deal with it by differentiate their interests, so that the come back travel is never empty and pointless.
You are literally reducing gameplay chances.

If this is your kind of attitude to a "full PVP" "Hardcore" "Sandbox" "MMO" (Quotation marks needed :sneaky:, if you know don't ask),
I think you better should switch to a mobile game where you can pay money to fasten and ensure your business.

Waiting for your kind dissection and reply. :giggle:


New member
Mar 31, 2021
The map is too big. This game won't have WOW population. Yet the world is BIGGER than WOW. I ran for HOURS and saw no one and nothing. I know it's a stress test but it starts to feel like you are playing a single player apocalypse game. I LOVED UO and I really like MO2 and how good it looks but playerbase isn't there for this size.


New member
Jun 1, 2020
The map is too big. This game won't have WOW population. Yet the world is BIGGER than WOW. I ran for HOURS and saw no one and nothing. I know it's a stress test but it starts to feel like you are playing a single player apocalypse game. I LOVED UO and I really like MO2 and how good it looks but playerbase isn't there for this size.

first in uo u could run for very long time an see no one at all too, i forgot the position of my house once and lost my runes to it and was searching it for days ..., in WoW noone could kill u and take u stuff u need areas to farm in mo where u dont meet other ppl all the time, SV allready said that not all is in beta so u can still explore the world when persitent start. Also there are still missing the majorety of animals and pickables now. and to the population this is closed beta ...


New member
Jun 2, 2020
I agree and disagree in 1 time.

First: fast travels no, bad idea, will kill everythink what Mortal Online is. Its preaty awesome when you need to join guild, or pay somebody to protection. Or even pay somebody to transport your stuff to another town, some type of contract with some group of people. It would be increase the economic component and cash flow.

Second its true that population not enought for this map. SV do great job, increase map, but where we would have guarantee that MO2 would be popular game? If in MO1 play maybe in 1 time average was 800-1000 pay accounts ( where half was like second and third account for extra charakters). Tehere somethimes was hard to find somebody, now if population doesnt increase, its would be like unreal to find PVP or somebody to gang.

We need to understand that maybe only 1 player for 10/15 would stay in game for some time. And game not bee so popular for mass players what prefer Safe Zones and carebearing.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
What comes next? Shared banks? Many players don't understand the game and should return to the standard games.

Yes, the map is large, but this is great! If you want to play in a certain area and e.g. run to a dungeon then you have to prepare for a week, build a house in the dungeon area and then visit the dungeon with your friends for some weeks.


New member
Mar 27, 2021
I haven't played MO1 that much because at the time the graphics didn't appeal to me. Now that I'm playing MO2 Beta I'm so exited about the open world of MO2 and what it has to offer, that simply wouldn't be possible when there were convenience features like fast travel, optional PvP, etc.
Think about business that players start for giving protection of the transportation of goods, player controlled banking service (as RBT does offer) and other cool things. All that wouldn't be possible if MO2 was more casual. Therefore I'm totally against such convenience features although I admit that I'd probably be tempted to use them. I'm glad there are no such features and that the game will stay like this.


New member
Apr 3, 2021
We also need to keep in mind this game is 10% complete.

What do you mean by that? My general understanding of "BETA testing" is that this is a final test of a product and it does not include new features. Taken from google - "It is the final test before shipping a product to the customers".


Active member
Jan 11, 2021
So carebears will only commerce travel on these 2 chanches and then logoff for the entire cooldown time?
Interesting way to reduce the MMO concept!

NO. This will only promote to make the map even emptier since commerce will be done only by fast travel.
Big map, nobody exploring it, nice idea to trash all the work done till now! (y)

This contradicts statements from other community members that claim they like the danger of being able to get ganked at any moment. It's one of the reason they play a full PvP game. Only trading by fast travel would be a big case of cognitive dissonance and a voluntary limitation on their own enjoyment. In which case you can blame the player, not the game/feature.

I believe what you said is nothing but pessimistic assumption, however. I don't feel such pessimism is in place when we have one of the friendliest and most sincere communities of any MMO.

So what about empty travel?
Good sandbox players know how to deal with it by differentiate their interests, so that the come back travel is never empty and pointless.
You are literally reducing gameplay chances.

No, I am creating more gameplay chances since the feature would be optional. Just because it's there doesn't mean you need to use it, just like microtransactions.

If this is your kind of attitude to a "full PVP" "Hardcore" "Sandbox" "MMO" (Quotation marks needed :sneaky:, if you know don't ask),
I think you better should switch to a mobile game where you can pay money to fasten and ensure your business.

As I said above, microtransactions are optional. I wouldn't mind if they added them to this game as well although it has been stated they won't.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
I think people see the large map all wrong. It should be secluded when you walk deep into a woods miles away from civilization, high up in mountains or in the middle of a desert. The end of the day there is no reason for it to be populated there.

There are also common direct paths of travel between points one would expect to find others more often. These can be avoided by players that are trying to avoid people. And patrolled by players that are trying to find people.

Even with the stress test numbers this all seems natural. The towns and cities are busy and filled with people. But as you venture farther from civilization the odds of finding someone greatly diminishes.
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