Keep in mind to not spin around in team fights. These are dueling tactics. In team fights you have to keep the focus on the opponents, you might have to block several players and therefore many of the shown tactics are counterproductive in groupfights. The risk of team damage is way too high. Even in duels, these feints are very situational and should only be used when the opposing player is in turtle mode. That means standing still when he has few hitpoints and tries to parry all your attacks, becuase he have low stamina.
you might also not be able to do this moves without changing the default settings. I rebound the Walk/feint to E, Overheadstrike to Q, Interact to F and self cast to R
I recommend to not Spin arround all the time in Duels, becuase if the enemy notice that, we will run arround, change his position and punish you for that.
Fight normal as in the video and add the moves from the video at certain moments/situations to confuse the opponent. Ps this not not my footage !
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