From a New Player


New member
Jun 2, 2022
First of all, respect to many players who are awesome in this game--to all the good guys I say thanks, and to all the bad guys that have a small bit of an evil code of honor I give props. All in all I find most guild groups I met have a code, whether they be sheriffs or bandits, or somewhere in between.

New players have a long road ahead of them, mostly due to the inevitable kill on sight mindset of a few (Trust me, one or two of you in-between towns is enough]

When I am killed, There are fun encounters and BS encounters.

The fun encounters with dying: (These make me stick around, support the game]

When someone says something, like, This is my forest, now you must die. That is awesome.
When you get involved in a story, like being caught between two revenging guilds in the sewers, and can't tell who the heck you are fighting, but everyone is definitely after you. They both think your with the other side.
When you get a chance to fight back, even if you die
Every time you make it out alive to get a few items. But you must be afraid the whole time, this is essential.(yeah I did not die on this one, miracles do happen]
Best time ever: After getting killed trying to PVE, and heading back in-- then managing to come out of the sewers to outside the gates of the city and seeing a horse, thinking: this is the guy's horse that just killed me--should I get payback? Then thinking, nah, just leave it alone--be a nice guy. Turning around to see like 20 people in a guild watching me. Whew! They let us live, but it was sketchy there for a while. Could of been the wrong horse, at the wrong time. Nicely judged, we were innocent (we only thought we should kill the horse] What cracks me up, the leaders says "Go in peace, God bless"--nice line! You too buddy! Let me go clean my pants though.

BS Encounters: (note all these encounters are with players, obviously vets, high tier armor, weapons, or skill]

Killed in sewers while engaging monsters, no chance at all, waited for us to get involved in combat to strike, geeze stop farming low level dungeons
Lagged out for five seconds, kills horse, moves on. Middle of nowhere. (kind of funny though]
Taking hours to get first pet, pet gets killed by archer hiding outside graveyard--calls his equipment pet killer. lol. Okay that is kinda funny, but still BS.
Blue Characters (names are blue] who you meet, won't talk, then who shoot you in the back, then engage after your down to 30% health--could not even get a hit em, even though I was swinging right at em. (server lag, not syncing?--were they fighting near a load spot?]
People who camp the way out or into towns, I'd like to see the world--but murderous bastards keep me locked in. Plus if you let me out, I'll have more loot coming in!
When you obviously don't need my gear, but throw it away anyway (geeze at least farm me once more when I try to get my bag] If your not putting my head on auction house, then have the courtesy to leave my leather pants please.]
Any killer who seems to be afraid of a noob, and won't let me practice at least 2.1 seconds of PVP,---I mean--play with your food a little (Your excused if you are a mage, I should not be able to get near you]
Spawn killers in lawless towns who shoot laser beams through buildings at naked people. I know its lawless, but should it be that lawless-I'm conflicted on this one

These B.S. things turn quickly to non-BS things, if you are not facing NEW players, so if you see us in crappy armor, or having trouble fighting at skeleton-- try not to BS us. If you do, at least scream "I am the God of hellfire, this is your Death Day!"

So I say, don't lose the faith new people, but vets don't crush our hope. Good, bad, your the guy with the sword, and your sword is better and does more damage than mine, but keep giving help or sowing fear--just try not to BS the new players out of the game. Perhaps a guild will set up a help desk, where we can report on the state of their territory: like: Yeah, so there is this guy named _________ and he is killing anybody on a horse who looks weak, look man I am just trying to mine some granum for the tier 1 flakestone straight sword I just learned to make at a skill level of 21, if you don't mind I'll drop the one gold coin I own if you have a stern "talking" to em.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Maybe I'm really sensitive, but I prefer the brutal, no-nonsense killers. The ones that annoy me the most are this 'This my land' or some other condescending or apologetic shit. I would rather someone just either kill me and say nothing or some trash-talk then pretend to be my friend or something or like they had some grand reason for it. Most people are just scrounging around to find anyone at all they can kill, highly doubt they care who it is. But even then it's very hard to tell a new player from a veteran player at a glance
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Active member
May 3, 2022
I have no preference for being murdered, personally. You can even thank me for my gear/resources in /help. Doesn't really matter after the fact.

I will say, you can definitely tell a 'very new player', or someone who is clearly not out to PvP, by the fact that they have no or minimal gear. For example, a new player starting fresh heading out to make money & tame horses etc., is wise to head out with only what they can afford to lose-- which is probably very little for the first couple days. So maybe a bow and a cheap weapon. In that instance, it's pretty obvious.

Most blues will leave you, as they wager you are not even worth the MC. That is the extent to which the MC system actually works as intended, whereas everything else surrounding it as a mechanic is a bit of a mess imo. Criminals will RPK you even if you're helpless just for the fun of it, already suffering the consequence of having long res walks & minimal towns... Blues will still take the MC hit if you look like you're worth it & they have room & don't like the cut of your jib/are feuding with you for some reason... etc.


Active member
Apr 26, 2022
I once killed a naked guy on a horse, who masked himself as having gone for a horse taming run. He had 3 horses. The guy had 700 gold in his inventory.
Pretty smart if you ask me, but I kill everyone, regardless of what they wear, or what they don't wear for that matter, it makes no difference to me.
I don't discriminate. Sometimes i talk to them, but very rarely.

Many times Ive let people live and regretted it, because not 2 minutes later they would group up with more people and gank me and my friends. You will find that people in this game have absolutely no gratitude for your act of mercy. Why should I or any PVP player have any mercy for them?

And also, why should i roleplay my killings? What's the point? I start talking to you and i let my guard down and your friends struck me from behind. Or, i start talking to you, and a random passerby on a horse gets away because I didn't kill you fast enough. No thanks.

You can't tell someone how to play their game, don't try to.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
First of all, let me just say that I enjoyed reading your story @Motarus , and hope you stick around long enough to find your place in this game and make a name for yourself, whatever that may be.

As a longtime vet of both MO1 and MO2, there's one thing that will always be true of both games: Strangers you meet may try to gank you outright, and that without any formalities or rules of engagement.

You simply have to do the best you can to survive, so you can live to fight another day. When things don't go to plan, it's back to the drawing board, see what worked, what didn't, and rethink your strategy and battle plan the next time you head out.

Little by little, you will learn to master this game in your own way. You will find ways to avoid being ganked, and turn the tables in your favour. With or without a fight.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Tindrem sewers is a pvp hotspot. It's a place where you get scribing book and a cape. Now most of those who wanted either have both, but sewers remain a pvp hotspot by inertia. That's both bad and good news for you, bad because you get killed there, good because you can learn pvp there easily.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
First of all, respect to many players who are awesome in this game--to all the good guys I say thanks, and to all the bad guys that have a small bit of an evil code of honor I give props. All in all I find most guild groups I met have a code, whether they be sheriffs or bandits, or somewhere in between.

New players have a long road ahead of them, mostly due to the inevitable kill on sight mindset of a few (Trust me, one or two of you in-between towns is enough]

When I am killed, There are fun encounters and BS encounters.

The fun encounters with dying: (These make me stick around, support the game]

When someone says something, like, This is my forest, now you must die. That is awesome.
When you get involved in a story, like being caught between two revenging guilds in the sewers, and can't tell who the heck you are fighting, but everyone is definitely after you. They both think your with the other side.
When you get a chance to fight back, even if you die
Every time you make it out alive to get a few items. But you must be afraid the whole time, this is essential.(yeah I did not die on this one, miracles do happen]
Best time ever: After getting killed trying to PVE, and heading back in-- then managing to come out of the sewers to outside the gates of the city and seeing a horse, thinking: this is the guy's horse that just killed me--should I get payback? Then thinking, nah, just leave it alone--be a nice guy. Turning around to see like 20 people in a guild watching me. Whew! They let us live, but it was sketchy there for a while. Could of been the wrong horse, at the wrong time. Nicely judged, we were innocent (we only thought we should kill the horse] What cracks me up, the leaders says "Go in peace, God bless"--nice line! You too buddy! Let me go clean my pants though.

BS Encounters: (note all these encounters are with players, obviously vets, high tier armor, weapons, or skill]

Killed in sewers while engaging monsters, no chance at all, waited for us to get involved in combat to strike, geeze stop farming low level dungeons
Lagged out for five seconds, kills horse, moves on. Middle of nowhere. (kind of funny though]
Taking hours to get first pet, pet gets killed by archer hiding outside graveyard--calls his equipment pet killer. lol. Okay that is kinda funny, but still BS.
Blue Characters (names are blue] who you meet, won't talk, then who shoot you in the back, then engage after your down to 30% health--could not even get a hit em, even though I was swinging right at em. (server lag, not syncing?--were they fighting near a load spot?]
People who camp the way out or into towns, I'd like to see the world--but murderous bastards keep me locked in. Plus if you let me out, I'll have more loot coming in!
When you obviously don't need my gear, but throw it away anyway (geeze at least farm me once more when I try to get my bag] If your not putting my head on auction house, then have the courtesy to leave my leather pants please.]
Any killer who seems to be afraid of a noob, and won't let me practice at least 2.1 seconds of PVP,---I mean--play with your food a little (Your excused if you are a mage, I should not be able to get near you]
Spawn killers in lawless towns who shoot laser beams through buildings at naked people. I know its lawless, but should it be that lawless-I'm conflicted on this one

These B.S. things turn quickly to non-BS things, if you are not facing NEW players, so if you see us in crappy armor, or having trouble fighting at skeleton-- try not to BS us. If you do, at least scream "I am the God of hellfire, this is your Death Day!"

So I say, don't lose the faith new people, but vets don't crush our hope. Good, bad, your the guy with the sword, and your sword is better and does more damage than mine, but keep giving help or sowing fear--just try not to BS the new players out of the game. Perhaps a guild will set up a help desk, where we can report on the state of their territory: like: Yeah, so there is this guy named _________ and he is killing anybody on a horse who looks weak, look man I am just trying to mine some granum for the tier 1 flakestone straight sword I just learned to make at a skill level of 21, if you don't mind I'll drop the one gold coin I own if you have a stern "talking" to em.

Despite general balance issues and the overall lack of noob content and poorly guided learning curve i often find people unable to sign in for the fictional contract the game offers you when you play it.

This fictional contract definitely includes the social aspect of the game, as an example, making a dumb comparison, bandits in a "medieval" era or even prior to monarchs would steal without asking for permission or stablishing dialogue and in the wrong place at a wrong time someone could encounter death.

In mortal theres people that play bandit/murderer playstyle, some more or less willing to seek for dialogue. A murderer looking for someone to steal from wont go into chat mode, a clever murderer would increase It's chances of success by doing what needs to be done as fast as possible to avoid unintended conflict, this strategy applies the same to the víctim.

So it would be naive to expect a bandit who seeks for success to take the time to chat with someone instead of robbing him.
But then again i've met thiefs that instead of murdering they would just steal some or most someone Is carrying.
It would also be naive to asume someone you don't know Is going to be good when you turn your back.

Can't asume the best of people in Mortal, you have to asume the worst. There are lots of players that are tricky, backstabbers, con artists and whatever else you can imagine.

And thats not wrong and it definitely shouldn't be framed with arbitrary non diegetic rules that would cripple player interaction.

People that don't sign in for the game's fictional contract also refuse to understand the social interaction component by assuming they can trust any random.

Understanding how people operate is a key element for understanding the game itself. Part of that understanding and learning curve Is to encounter these "shitty" scenarios where theres loss and death involved.

The game Is much more than steel swords and mounted archers, how you choose to play is elemental if you want to thrive.

I've seen people with really good social skills to bypass zergs, i've done it myself. I've pretended to be someone else and people didnt even check. Done it countless times in MO1 and MO2. Obviously that for pretending to be someone else or tricking people you have to be convincing.
I've lied to be other people, or friend of someone they know or even lie im transporting a trade for their guild just to escape when im not willing to fight or can't win.

Known traders use their reputation to their advantage same as other known forgiving or well connected people. Having a good standing with other people will definitely increase your survicing chances.

But when i said you gotta assume the worst of people i really ment it, can't be expecting the best cuz you will get fucked.

Signing in for the fictional contract means you understand not everyone Is good, and getting that suddently means that for whatever you do you gotta work on your awareness.

I for example made some extractor lives miserable because it took them a while to understand what and how i was doing it and how they could increase their success rate. Eventually they learned but at a price, then again the exercise of awareness
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Maybe I'm really sensitive, but I prefer the brutal, no-nonsense killers. The ones that annoy me the most are this 'This my land' or some other condescending or apologetic shit. I would rather someone just either kill me and say nothing or some trash-talk then pretend to be my friend or something or like they had some grand reason for it. Most people are just scrounging around to find anyone at all they can kill, highly doubt they care who it is. But even then it's very hard to tell a new player from a veteran player at a glance
Years back in MO1 me and my friend logged in the jungle for like a month and would go raid this unwalled public TC farming spot at the razorbacks. We went full RP. This is the land of our ancestors. We will cleanse the land with their blood. what we were actually doing was dunking their asses and then banking all their stuff in the public bank. Every time we said something they lost their shit lol. Most people dont appreciate RP.
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
Great post.. but... "low level areas" ???? The most valuable item in the game drops in sewers....the black cape.

Dont worry about the kill everyone guys.. they are mostly trash and play the game of cowards crying "zerg!" When the real powers start to roam. Even though they will gank some noob in the GY with 2-5 friends as if that isnt also a form of zerg. These guys are usually so bad at the game they actually need your arthropod set or vendor gear because of their reputation, because everyone kills them on a regular basis. They are a part of the community however and do provide a sense of urgency in the world in a sense that, you are never safe.

Join a good guild with a stable history and you will reap the rewards of glory.

Also, my best tip for a new player. Dont hesitate. That split second you could have fired the first shot 9 times out of 10 will save your ass. Ive had enemy guild members walk straight up to me full bravado thinking they were safe. By the time I was 4-6 strikes in it was too late for them to properly recover.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Also, my best tip for a new player. Dont hesitate. That split second you could have fired the first shot 9 times out of 10 will save your ass. Ive had enemy guild members walk straight up to me full bravado thinking they were safe. By the time I was 4-6 strikes in it was too late for them to properly recover.
They really need to add red names back. Its stupid that a red can walk up to you and you dont know they are red and are worried about losing standing. And then still go grey from hitting them and can get attacked by their blue friends for no punishment. People should want to KOS reds on sight, and shouldn't go grey from it. And I play a red.


Active member
Apr 20, 2022
Despite general balance issues and the overall lack of noob content and poorly guided learning curve i often find people unable to sign in for the fictional contract the game offers you when you play it.

This fictional contract definitely includes the social aspect of the game, as an example, making a dumb comparison, bandits in a "medieval" era or even prior to monarchs would steal without asking for permission or stablishing dialogue and in the wrong place at a wrong time someone could encounter death.

In mortal theres people that play bandit/murderer playstyle, some more or less willing to seek for dialogue. A murderer looking for someone to steal from wont go into chat mode, a clever murderer would increase It's chances of success by doing what needs to be done as fast as possible to avoid unintended conflict, this strategy applies the same to the víctim.

So it would be naive to expect a bandit who seeks for success to take the time to chat with someone instead of robbing him.
But then again i've met thiefs that instead of murdering they would just steal some or most someone Is carrying.
It would also be naive to asume someone you don't know Is going to be good when you turn your back.

Can't asume the best of people in Mortal, you have to asume the worst. There are lots of players that are tricky, backstabbers, con artists and whatever else you can imagine.

And thats not wrong and it definitely shouldn't be framed with arbitrary non diegetic rules that would cripple player interaction.

People that don't sign in for the game's fictional contract also refuse to understand the social interaction component by assuming they can trust any random.

Understanding how people operate is a key element for understanding the game itself. Part of that understanding and learning curve Is to encounter these "shitty" scenarios where theres loss and death involved.

The game Is much more than steel swords and mounted archers, how you choose to play is elemental if you want to thrive.

I've seen people with really good social skills to bypass zergs, i've done it myself. I've pretended to be someone else and people didnt even check. Done it countless times in MO1 and MO2. Obviously that for pretending to be someone else or tricking people you have to be convincing.
I've lied to be other people, or friend of someone they know or even lie im transporting a trade for their guild just to escape when im not willing to fight or can't win.

Known traders use their reputation to their advantage same as other known forgiving or well connected people. Having a good standing with other people will definitely increase your survicing chances.

But when i said you gotta assume the worst of people i really ment it, can't be expecting the best cuz you will get fucked.

Signing in for the fictional contract means you understand not everyone Is good, and getting that suddently means that for whatever you do you gotta work on your awareness.

I for example made some extractor lives miserable because it took them a while to understand what and how i was doing it and how they could increase their success rate. Eventually they learned but at a price, then again the exercise of awareness

I think the biggest issue many people have is that the fictional contract feels like it should be "Some people are bandits/murderers", but instead it is actually "almost everyone you come across is a bandit/murderer"
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
I think the biggest issue many people have is that the fictional contract feels like it should be "Some people are bandits/murderers", but instead it is actually "almost everyone you come across is a bandit/murderer"
This is almost directly due to the fact that theres no real punishment for being a murderer. Hardcore players dont care about MC's it is nothing to hardcore players to run a few parcels. Some dont even care about entering blue towns.

The reward is much greater than the risk. The reward being the loot of the victim. The risk is losing some arthropod/molarium gear and a 5 min run from red priest... Lol.

If they made less red priests...say...halved them...and placed them further away from popular areas... reds would probably wear better gear, so that they could have a higher success rate and reap the rewards of murder. While alao increasing the risk gear/time loss
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
I think the biggest issue many people have is that the fictional contract feels like it should be "Some people are bandits/murderers", but instead it is actually "almost everyone you come across is a bandit/murderer"
Not everyone definitely but that precise reason leads to be selective on the why and how to interact with someone or even go near. For example the moment i see a player render and im not willing to fight, ill automatically switch to the best direction against it, thats where the awareness kicks in.
I've found myself getting to a really close distance of people while chasing them and they wouldn't even notice me till they got attacked.

Then sometimes, not worried by gear or loot i could afford to go near people but otherwise i would be either hunting or avoiding contact at all cost.

And if its too late to escape and im willing to talk or know the attackers i might talk it out depending on the situation.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
This is almost directly due to the fact that theres no real punishment for being a murderer. Hardcore players dont care about MC's it is nothing to hardcore players to run a few parcels. Some dont even care about entering blue towns.

The reward is much greater than the risk. The reward being the loot of the victim. The risk is losing some arthropod/molarium gear and a 5 min run from red priest... Lol.

If they made less red priests...say...halved them...and placed them further away from popular areas... reds would probably wear better gear, so that they could have a higher success rate and reap the rewards of murder. While alao increasing the risk gear/time loss

Thats not a problem, the current punishments are more than reasonable and even tho cheap gear Is low risk theres a playfield you ain't taking in consideration.
The playfield of the victim and the reason why it happens and the context.

For example, in a transport maybe sounds clever to lower the risk of loss by taking certain messures, now the gamble travelling on road with loot will definitely present higher risks.

Can't punish and shouldn't punish criminal behavior exponentially to the loss because it's not quantifiable and if it were it shouldn't matter.
Theres obvious reward and low risk for bandits, but there is risk at the end. Suddently a regear and reposition costs a lot of playtime which is nothing lesser.
We know murderers have more to win than to lose thats a reason to be smart and understand the game mechanics and the nature of player interaction, when and how to be willing to fight, escape or talk. When to be sneaky or seek for help, from friends, guildies, hired people or whatever.

You gotta see both sides of the coin, if someone is caught thats a lesson, and nobody is talking about fairness because theres so much fairness you could get.

Now if you really want punishment, i'd expect it should be a player centered mechanic and not some arbitrary punishment time/sink automated scenarios like yall like to so cassually think the game is in need of, but it ain't.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
They really need to add red names back. Its stupid that a red can walk up to you and you dont know they are red and are worried about losing standing. And then still go grey from hitting them and can get attacked by their blue friends for no punishment. People should want to KOS reds on sight, and shouldn't go grey from it. And I play a red.
Sorry dude red names are total dog ass. Theres absolutly no reason to hand feed anything to players, its fair that if you don't know someone you won't know how many players that particular player has killed.

Not having red names that literally tell you whos a criminal opens the playfield of intuition and awareness, instead of relaying on a dumbed down mechanic to tell you whos what.

When you fight enough times some people you may conclude who might be a murderer and speculate about it. I for example know certain players or certain guilds will most likely be murderers, giving me the upper hand.

I really disliked the red names in the previous game and i think its flawless they changed it, and i'd even vouch for a rework of the flagging.


Active member
Apr 14, 2021
First of all, respect to many players who are awesome in this game--to all the good guys I say thanks, and to all the bad guys that have a small bit of an evil code of honor I give props. All in all I find most guild groups I met have a code, whether they be sheriffs or bandits, or somewhere in between.

New players have a long road ahead of them, mostly due to the inevitable kill on sight mindset of a few (Trust me, one or two of you in-between towns is enough]

When I am killed, There are fun encounters and BS encounters.

The fun encounters with dying: (These make me stick around, support the game]

When someone says something, like, This is my forest, now you must die. That is awesome.
When you get involved in a story, like being caught between two revenging guilds in the sewers, and can't tell who the heck you are fighting, but everyone is definitely after you. They both think your with the other side.
When you get a chance to fight back, even if you die
Every time you make it out alive to get a few items. But you must be afraid the whole time, this is essential.(yeah I did not die on this one, miracles do happen]
Best time ever: After getting killed trying to PVE, and heading back in-- then managing to come out of the sewers to outside the gates of the city and seeing a horse, thinking: this is the guy's horse that just killed me--should I get payback? Then thinking, nah, just leave it alone--be a nice guy. Turning around to see like 20 people in a guild watching me. Whew! They let us live, but it was sketchy there for a while. Could of been the wrong horse, at the wrong time. Nicely judged, we were innocent (we only thought we should kill the horse] What cracks me up, the leaders says "Go in peace, God bless"--nice line! You too buddy! Let me go clean my pants though.

BS Encounters: (note all these encounters are with players, obviously vets, high tier armor, weapons, or skill]

Killed in sewers while engaging monsters, no chance at all, waited for us to get involved in combat to strike, geeze stop farming low level dungeons
Lagged out for five seconds, kills horse, moves on. Middle of nowhere. (kind of funny though]
Taking hours to get first pet, pet gets killed by archer hiding outside graveyard--calls his equipment pet killer. lol. Okay that is kinda funny, but still BS.
Blue Characters (names are blue] who you meet, won't talk, then who shoot you in the back, then engage after your down to 30% health--could not even get a hit em, even though I was swinging right at em. (server lag, not syncing?--were they fighting near a load spot?]
People who camp the way out or into towns, I'd like to see the world--but murderous bastards keep me locked in. Plus if you let me out, I'll have more loot coming in!
When you obviously don't need my gear, but throw it away anyway (geeze at least farm me once more when I try to get my bag] If your not putting my head on auction house, then have the courtesy to leave my leather pants please.]
Any killer who seems to be afraid of a noob, and won't let me practice at least 2.1 seconds of PVP,---I mean--play with your food a little (Your excused if you are a mage, I should not be able to get near you]
Spawn killers in lawless towns who shoot laser beams through buildings at naked people. I know its lawless, but should it be that lawless-I'm conflicted on this one

These B.S. things turn quickly to non-BS things, if you are not facing NEW players, so if you see us in crappy armor, or having trouble fighting at skeleton-- try not to BS us. If you do, at least scream "I am the God of hellfire, this is your Death Day!"

So I say, don't lose the faith new people, but vets don't crush our hope. Good, bad, your the guy with the sword, and your sword is better and does more damage than mine, but keep giving help or sowing fear--just try not to BS the new players out of the game. Perhaps a guild will set up a help desk, where we can report on the state of their territory: like: Yeah, so there is this guy named _________ and he is killing anybody on a horse who looks weak, look man I am just trying to mine some granum for the tier 1 flakestone straight sword I just learned to make at a skill level of 21, if you don't mind I'll drop the one gold coin I own if you have a stern "talking" to em.

say thanks to the people who delete their whole inventory while you talk to them :)


Apr 1, 2022
MO2 push players into full RPK mode with lame friend/foe system, crapy flagging and no alignment.
Its much simpler to attack anyone in your way without even giving though about consequences.
RPKing is an easy mode to play in MO2. You have initiative that often mean -99% of success.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
MO2 push players into full RPK mode with lame friend/foe system, crapy flagging and no alignment.
Its much simpler to attack anyone in your way without even giving though about consequences.
RPKing is an easy mode to play in MO2. You have initiative that often mean -99% of success.
It pushes people to be RPK precisely because the complete law system Is dog ass and you can harvest 5+ murdercounts in one concensual fight.
Because ress to report Is retarded and what should be punishment for non concensual fights ends up being detrimental for all conflict.

So if any concensual conflict can make you a murderer despite your intentions might aswell murder anyone.

That means the actual law system Is stupid as fuck, idk whos the missing link in evolutionary process who thought it would be a fine mechanic for the game.
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
It pushes people to be RPK precisely because the complete law system Is dog ass and you can harvest 5+ murdercounts in one concensual fight.
Because ress to report Is retarded and what should be punishment for non concensual fights ends up being detrimental for all conflict.

So if any concensual conflict can make you a murderer despite your intentions might aswell murder anyone.

That means the actual law system Is stupid as fuck, idk whos the missing link in evolutionary process who thought it would be a fine mechanic for the game.


Nah man, the law system is too weak and a major reason for the massive drop in player base and also why the game will always be niche. Most gamers are casuals. No casual wants to spend 90% of their time getting killed by neckbeards who play all day and night doing nothing but killing players like a battle royale.

Another part of the problem is i can wear Molarium with a flakestone sword and kill players in steel. Especially if i get the initiative. With almost zero risk to myself i can win loot much bette than what I have and if i die or rack up 20 MC's it doesnt matter. Dont need to enter a blue town anyway when i can keep wearing trash gear and feeding myself gearsets all day killing random travelers.

This is where red tags come in. The red tag grants a higher risk being a murderer because it takes away that initiative.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I don't give a shit. I'm rich, bitches. I get paid allday.

Nah, but honestly, just like in other games... I mean, lol, I can draw comparisons, but I don't have a huge library of games that I am playing. Basically, when you die a BS death it might not be as exciting as a 'fun death,' but it's still the same. Same idea. Same game working as intended. In a way, DYING IS PART OF THE CORE GAME PLAY LOOP AND TRYING TO REMOVE THAT HAS BROKEN MO.

Esp because you can't really stop people from killing, and 'random killing,' like differentiating between RPKing and killing someone for 'a reason,' is almost moot in MO. But the whole RPK v PK 'idea' was core to MO, thru out history. It was supposed to continue to be a talking point, not something the game changed over. They could have given people who played less aggressively bonuses or give bonuses for keeping your land peaceful (somehow?), but basically they just nerfed the action by like 45%.

The two fallacies were 1. MO 1 was a failed game and needed to be taken in a new direction and B. there was solid content in MO so toning down the pvp would allow people to experience it.

The content is good enough, but without pvp it's just not interesting. DANGER/EXCITEMENT were a big draw to MO. If you were the dudes who were scaring people w/ your group, then you were 'winning,' kinda fluctuated who was doing what in MO1, again, that was good content. I never needed to be in that group, and diff groups had diff ways of handling stuff, again making the game INTERESTING and SANDBOXY. Some people were prol more bent toward "rpk" but less bent toward revenge, where as some might not PK you but might Siege your House if you put a big loss on them.

Long story short... trinkets. lol.

I remember when they added trinkets to MO1. I was like heh. I'm sure they were good but it's like ain't nobody got time for trinkets. STOP with TRINKETS. STOP adding shit when the core is blocked up.