Fishing feedback


Dec 18, 2021
Did good amount of fishing since patch release, here is the feedback i have:

* If fish breaks your line sometime you line stack gets reduced by multiple pieces, for me max i have seen is 4 lines taken at once, don's doesn't seem to be intended.

* Hook sizes don't seem to affect catch size or type a lot or at all, hooking monsters who unwind/break my line is few seconds on 0.02 and on 5 size hooks equally with same bait.

* Damage to line is done even if you don't reel in or hold the rod up, so if the fish is simply running with the line damage is already ticking, the bigger the fish the more damage. To the point where i kept hooking up some monsters with medium line who on hook up proceeded to go on a run unspooling the line, while i do literally nothing, don't reel in or hold rod up and line gets broken in 2 seconds after hook up, not sure it is intended. Seems rather unfair.

* Tension sound is very quiet compared to other fishing sounds(unspooling, cast), i can clearly and loudly hear cast and unspooling sounds, while i cant hear tension/line damage sound at all if i breath slightly louder. While on the same volume if my bear is sitting near by and doing his occasional roars, it scares my dog under the bed.

* Casting into same place within 10cm radius can have huge difference in depth up to 10s of meters, doesnt seem intentional. Can be easily reproduced.

* Would have been nice to get all the fishing equipment sizes in beta so we could test everything and then on release stick the bigger sizes into NPC somewhere hidden.

* Line damage system feels not very intuitive, even if you have best reflexes in the world you will still take damage on every single fish. Would be better system for example if you keep the line under tension for X amount of time*fish strength then your line snaps, but if you release it before it hits critical then line health regens, like most fishing games do. At the moment you have no idea how much damage you have taken and how much you can take more.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
Weird. I've never even seen "line damage" or broken lines or lost any hooks. Unsure why you encountered so many issues.

My feedback (so far):

  • Fishing needs more audio ques for bites and the sound of the fish fighting you needs to be louder. It's hard on the eyes staring at the tip of the rod for so long and my vision is already starting to go as is.
  • Reeling in a fish takes too long. There doesn't seem to be any major difference in reeling time if you cast at a deep depth close to you or a deep depth far away. It causes your hand to ache after fishing for a bit because you have to hold inputs down for so long while reeling in fish.
  • Large sizes of some fish do not seem to exist, but maybe I just have not caught them yet.
  • If you only have 1 piece of bait on the line, you do not get to visually see your catch when you reel it in and get the "you lost your bait!" message.
  • The new crafting materials from fishing are underwhelming. For something that is much more difficult , time consuming, and complex to get I expected better. They have their use and a place, but they could stand to be a little better.
  • We could use something on the HUD that visually tells us the maximum depth of where we are trying to cast. Yes that's a bit meta, but it's a bit of a drag to do it over and over and in terms of ocean fishing it's more difficult to tell where some underwater sandbar or object ruins your cast. This isn't super important and players can work around it, but it would be a QoL thing.
  • Maybe a little bell on the tip of the rod for nibbles/bites/big bites?


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Idk guys, I feel pretty simple to catch any kind of fish or at least much simple than MO1. I have 4 skill points.
I can see and hear clearly the nibbles and the splash, and the rod curve when a fish hook. Simply when you see the big splash ,click left mouse button and hold It. At this point you start to recover your line BUT If you see the rod curve increase stop to hold left click and do right click and hold It untill the increase rod curve end, or you'll lost the fish and stuff. Left hold click again untill you catch the fish, stop again If you see the rod curve and so on....untill you catch the fish.


Nov 2, 2021
I like it so far. Fishing in this game is already leagues beyond fishing in other MMOs I've played. My only problems with the system atm is it seems like fishing rods can't be crafted still, and we're all stuck using the vendor stick with a reel, and also that a lot of fish and other critters caught in a pond are also found in the oceans.

Most fishing spots so far kinda seem... The same.

Can't wait for river fishing though!


Oct 3, 2020
I've done a lot of MO1 fishing, so a lot of the changes are not very welcome.

-Reeling system finally adds some depth to fishing, it makes sense that the further you cast, the more you need to reel in.
-You can see what you caught on the line which is very aesthetic, I would have settled for generic fish but the artists went the extra mile to make all the fish.

-Fishing items now cost substantially more compared to MO1, for example a strong line in MO1 costs the same as a weak line in MO2. This means that losing fish now costs more, and getting killed while fishing now costs way more.
-The "endgame" fishing items are also restricted to a single vendor, adding even more costs to those fishing items.
-Reeling in takes way longer than MO1, I know that MO1 was broken, but it should not take me a whole minute to reel in a 90g frog when I'm casting at 50cm depth while right next to the water.
-The fish quantity received per catch appears to be significantly smaller on average. This is harder to show, but back in 2014 I was recording the fish weight I received per catch, and for Herbeus catches with a size 5 hook, I was receiving around 2kg catches on average, while now with the same setup I am receiving around 1kg on average. This is just one example.

So in conclusion, you pay way more for fishing equipment while taking much longer to reel in fish that weigh less on average. It could use some balance.

Favonius Cornelius

Active member
Jun 4, 2020
The Empire
I don't see how all the line breaks and micro sized catches, with standard return for materials at the venders, can be seen as a viable trade, which is strange to say because fishing is one of the most basic trades going way back in history. Right now MO2 fishing is more the past time of the rich and the veteran.


Jun 12, 2020
The time it takes to reel in isn't fun or proportional. I was interested in seeing if anyone had any footage of real life fishing what it looked like underwater to see how much the fish struggled to get unhooked and saw a video (
) where the guy fished 600 feet deep (182 meters) and it took him about 4 minutes to reel it in. I timed myself with multiple catches in game and going just 100-400 cm deep it takes about 2-4 minutes to reel in. Fished up something 1900 cm deep and it took 11minutes. It just doesn't seem worth it because you have to stay focused to make sure your line doesn't break if you're not using a strong line. Just thinking about doing that 5 more times means I've spent 1 hour fishing with majority of that time spent staring at the bend of the rod and holding and releasing left click. Oh and I got 82 units of the fish so if I wanted to do it for the whole hour I wouldn't even get 500 units which just feels bad. I would turn up the speed on fishing or make the skill do more because I believe once you know the setup for a fish you can have 0 fishing skill and do everything except throw far. 0 skill you reel in slow so it might take 11mins but 100 skill and max time is 3 mins for the far fish.

The lines having different durabilities just makes it feel like you're being forced to focus even more on holding left click and releasing more than any other game if you don't spend the money on the strong line. I think there are some fish you can't even get with the weaker lines because their pull alone over time will eat up all the durability even if you don't make a mistake with your reeling. So I can't see where the need for 3 lines comes from except to make a profit for players willing to stock up on strong lines and sell to other players.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
The splitting up of the fishing tackle on 2 vendors is super annoying to's a far treck just to get some large hooks and strong line....this is another one of those changes where SV thinks traversing the map for something as small as fishing tackle somehow makes the gameplay better...but it just doesn't, it makes it a chore and a hassle and the opposite of fun.

even if the payoff for using this rarer tackle was/is/can be substantial, it will end up being this annoying thing you have to set aside a large amount of your sometimes limited playtime just to go and restock...just so you can then go and spend time staring at your rod squinting trying to make out subtle changes in the line as it sits in front of busy textures....reeling in for possibly 4x the time it probably should.

I like the system overall tho, I think it's a really good system and better than anny other MMO fishing I've done, but they just need to tweak some of the QoL things and it'll be great.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
agree with others that the reel in time is far too long and the fish sizes seem to be much smaller than in mo1. long casts are a complete waste of time as a result.
henrik mentioned that rods will be craftable at some point so thats a good thing. Hopefully other things will be craftable as well (even if its just creating the same item that you currently buy from the vendor) so we can make our own tacke (and by extension, bandaids, arrows, normal inventory bags, etc).

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I'm more worried about how you can't really use your catch for anything really. I was all excited to try everything in alchemy but it looks like all the fish stuff's alchemy stats are just zeroes. Even toads. I had so much hope for toads.
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New member
Jun 15, 2020
I'm more worried about how you can't really use your catch for anything really. I was all excited to try everything in alchemy but it looks like all the fish stuff's alchemy stats are just zeroes. Even toads. I had so much hope for toads.
Judging by your message it looks like you didn't catch "anything" yet either.


New member
Jun 15, 2020
When im fishing in toxai with a hook 50 or hook 100 all I get is snapping turtle. The bait doesnt matter. Ive probably caught 15 in a row by now. Does this happen for anyone else? Can anyone confirm that youve gotten something else on that hook type, and in that case which region?

Seems like a major bugg.

Favonius Cornelius

Active member
Jun 4, 2020
The Empire
So I think I have to issue an ultimatum, and I'm not trying to be petulant with this but rather it should be interpreted as someone who is trying hard but has no further recourse. I like a lot of what fishing looks like right now, the mechanics are improved over MO1 and that's cool, and other than needing to fix the absurdly high number of line breaks going on, which I figure will happen, there's one last thing:

Either put the veteran fisherman also in Meduli and Toxai, ***which makes perfect sense***, or I'm giving up on playing this game. There's no way in burning hell I'm taking a week out of my life just to relocate to Jungle Camp for some pathetic strong line and a few larger hooks that for some reason only a few sweaty jerks in the middle of a jungle can only pull off.

You have to understand: I live in California. My connection will never let me be a fighter, the lag is too much, so the only way for me to play is a economic and political guy, but I can't do that with this fishing the way it is. Every other profession hardly has the same limitations.I mean for Chirst sake Starvault, if you're this paranoid of macro fishing, just get rid of fishing! Why waste a ton of programming time on building a system no sane person would stick with for long?

What's the point of fishing? You cant make money that's for sure, and the only way to make money is struggling with difficult catches in Toxai behind the MK bottleneck. You can easily make more gold slaughtering pigs for a fraction of the psychological pain. Placoid or leptoid scale? Pfft, worthless. Dyes? Are those even implemented? How about sophistication? Nope gutted. I waited two long years for fishing to finally drop to find this.

Calxfish....guess that's it.

Bah, F this, time to find greener pastures.


Oct 3, 2020
Just buy the strong line from someone.

On a side note, I'd like to see the "Consume one bait per fish" part removed from the game, nobody is going to use items worth more than a silver coin in the vain hopes of finding some special fish. It's pretty much gacha territory, and you never want to be there.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
Just buy the strong line from someone.

On a side note, I'd like to see the "Consume one bait per fish" part removed from the game, nobody is going to use items worth more than a silver coin in the vain hopes of finding some special fish. It's pretty much gacha territory, and you never want to be there.
This. There have been teases about very expensive items or boss drops being bait for special catches, but expecting players to gather hundreds if not thousands of these so they can waste time and effort catching Herbeus and Snapping Turtles hundreds of times while guessing is insanity.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
This is "From my experience:" reply:

absurdly high number of line breaks going on
From my experience: I am fishing now for like 7 days, 3-4 hours per day. So far have 3 line breaks. That was on day1 in the first 30 min. of fishing. So I guess you need to work more on that mechanic.

Either put the veteran fisherman also in Meduli and Toxai, ***which makes perfect sense***
From my experience: I agree totally.

There's no way in burning hell I'm taking a week out of my life just to relocate to Jungle Camp for some pathetic strong line and a few larger hooks that for some reason only a few sweaty jerks in the middle of a jungle can only pull off.
From my experience: I take 50g from Meduli, ride to Jungle camp, buy hooks and lines (and few books while there) and ride back to Meduli. It takes me 2 hours most. Or you can just put order and buy hooks and lines from a players in Meduli.

What's the point of fishing? You cant make money that's for sure,
From my experience: I made 2000g in 3 days fishing.

Calxfish....guess that's it.
From my experience: Calx fish is good for Alchemy ;)

Placoid or leptoid scale? Pfft, worthless. Dyes? Are those even implemented? How about sophistication? Nope gutted.
Dont quit just yet. This is beta. Everything will improve so does fishing. Scales will have its purpose after balancing and adding more armor types. Dyes will come in to the game. Sophistication will also be a thing (I hope).

Don't quit just yet.
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Favonius Cornelius

Active member
Jun 4, 2020
The Empire
This is "From my experience:" reply:

From my experience: I am fishing now for like 7 days, 3-4 hours per day. So far have 3 line breaks. That was on day1 in the first 30 min. of fishing. So I guess you need to work more on that mechanic.

From my experience: I agree totally.

From my experience: I take 50g from Meduli, ride to Jungle camp, buy hooks and lines (and few books while there) and ride back to Meduli. It takes me 2 hours most. Or you can just put order and buy hooks and lines from a players in Meduli.

From my experience: I made 2000g in 3 days fishing.

From my experience: Calx fish is good for Alchemy ;)

Dont quit just yet. This is beta. Everything will improve so does fishing. Scales will have its purpose after balancing and adding more armor types. Dyes will come in to the game. Sophistication will also be a thing (I hope).

Don't quit just yet.

Thanks for your feedback. I'm not sure I believe some of the things you are saying. For instance, 2000 gold in 3 days? BS, prove it. That couldn't be done back in the best days of MO1, so there's no way that's possible now. Prove it, or else I declare you a big talker!

I am aware of a current fishing glitch I have already reported where you can fish without hardly linebreaks, perhaps that's the luck you are having? If I try fishing the normal way, then I get endless linebreak. Doesn't matter how I do it or what I'm fishing for, linebreak city everywhere....except for that one glitch. This is really true just outside Tindrem, very true in Meduli and Toxai, and true in the southern seas. I can be standing outside on the coast of Tindrem, using any size hook, using any bait, using medium line, and 10 out of 10 lines will break in a row. There is something wrong.

Finally, getting to Jungle camp or any other location is not a quick and easy experience, usually jungle camp is guarded by a bunch of the usual naked noob killers. This fact will kill fishing for all but a tiny handful of people, which is stupid.

Last edited:


New member
Dec 24, 2021
Thanks for your feedback. I'm not sure I believe some of the things you are saying. For instance, 2000 gold in 3 days? BS, prove it. That couldn't be done back in the best days of MO1, so there's no way that's possible now. Prove it, or else I declare you a big talker!

I am aware of a current fishing glitch I have already reported where you can fish without hardly linebreaks, perhaps that's the luck you are having? If I try fishing the normal way, then I get endless linebreak. Doesn't matter how I do it or what I'm fishing for, linebreak city everywhere....except for that one glitch. This is really true just outside Tindrem, very true in Meduli and Toxai, and true in the southern seas. I can be standing outside on the coast of Tindrem, using any size hook, using any bait, using medium line, and 10 out of 10 lines will break in a row. There is something wrong.

Finally, getting to Jungle camp or any other location is not a quick and easy experience, usually jungle camp is guarded by a bunch of the usual naked noob killers. This fact will kill fishing for all but a tiny handful of people, which is stupid.

View attachment 2980
you need someone to teach you how to fish correctly because I spend 7 hours fishing and my line doesn't break like you're talking about. If you want, we are in mortal discord and I show you how to fish correctly.
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