Consequences for Murder


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
In Ultima Online, on some servers, you actually went to a magical jail as a ghost if the guards killed you when you were a murderer and players of a certain religion were able to send you there too. Other criminals could break you free, they killed a bunch of monsters in a dungeon and pulled some levers and maybe did some lockpicking too... or you needed to do your time. It was a nice system I think, and it could work here too. Like it was said, this is an MMORPG with open PvP, not just a PvP griefing simulator. Your evil deeds have consequences.

If we had a jail system here.
10 Minutes per Murder, up to a maximum of 12-20 would be reasonable. And this should be Online time. If the sentence could be served offline, then it should be like 1-3 hours per kill, up to a maximum sentence of 2-3 days or maybe even up to a week.

Also you should be able to choose a longer sentence, something like 3x the maximum sentence - this would grant you a pardon for your past crimes and give you a chance to re-integrate with society.

And before all criminals and murderous c-words start crying that "this is a hardcore game, just learn to deal with PvP" - the same right back at you. This is a hardcore game, there should be consequences for your actions and do your time like a man.

PS. Back in Ultima Online, my main characters were always red and I waited countless hours in jail while my friends coordinated a rescue, sometimes took days to get out.
Oh i see you want to kill all PvP in this game. Just because some UO servers have jail system doesn't mean it's a good idea, and it's certainly a terrible idea (like all the timesink ideas) when there's no proper forced wardecs in the game.
The consequences for murdering people's pets/horses then running away is just so laughable
Most people don't realize, but if your pet was attacked or killed and you die afterwards by some means other than suicide (guildmate, friend, fall damage), you can give a murder count and rep loss all the same to the player that did it.

Doesn't do you much good in a town like Meduli where people can easily fire in from the outside, but works well enough elsewhere.
Jan 28, 2022
Oh i see you want to kill all PvP in this game. Just because some UO servers have jail system doesn't mean it's a good idea, and it's certainly a terrible idea (like all the timesink ideas) when there's no proper forced wardecs in the game.

Kill all PvP ? What ? How exactly would this kill PvP ?

Are you constantly running to guards as a murderer ? You kill 5 people, and then just casually go high five the town guards ?

You are avoiding guards when you're a murderer anyways, so for many PvP people this wouldn't even change anything.

This was a common practice on many UO shards, and there still was constantly PvP going on. It's amazing how you people can think that an RPK players should have no limitations to their actions or play style, but a crafter or a lawful player should just learn to deal with the constant griefing from an endless line of dimwits coming their way when they're just trying to enjoy the other parts of the game.
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New member
Mar 25, 2021
I'd be okay with a respawn timer of a few seconds that increments to like idk (arbitrary number incoming) a maximum of 5 minutes every time a player (all players, be they innocent or murder) dies. It would promote getting better at pvp AND pve, while also disuading griefing in towns, but this would very much be an arbitrary punishment for playing the game a certain way.

I don't really understand your post because from your OP your goal with this mechanic doesn't seem to have the intention to stop or reduce griefing but rather to punish players who kill other players in the open world under the argument that killing is inherently "evil".

What's the reason for implementing a punishment for this? Are you assuming that there is a Diety that has dictated that killing is inherently evil? If so, there are many races in Nave who follow different religions and have religious lore that makes it right to murder other races in many cases. So would some races be forgiven for murdering said races? Should players who are of a race that has an affinity to nature be punished for murdering nature's creatures (i.e. farming mobs), because by your assumption it would also be "evil" for them to do so.

If you're going to make the claim that your suggestion is not arbitrairy based on the assumption that killing is inherently evil and all of Nave's inhabitants should be held to that standard, then explain why within the lore it is "evil" for npc priests to resurrect a player who killed another player.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but it's quite clear you are asking for the implementation of an arbitrary punishment for another player's action that you personally dislike. Would you advocate for a mechanic that forces a price floor on items sold on the broker so as to force players who would "evily" undersell the competition and keep new players from being able to fairly enter the market?

OP's suggestion is very much arbitrary and is clearly aimed at punishing other players' actions that they personally disagree with. While I would be in favor of a mechanic that would aim to disuade griefing, I don't see how this suggestion would help the game overall or even make sense based on his assumption that killing players is inherently "evil".


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Are you constantly running to guards as a murderer ? You kill 5 people, and then just casually go high five the town guards ?

Eeh. Yes.

It's amazing how you people can think that an RPK players should have no limitations to their actions or play style

They do have limitations and your suggestions would hurt every PvP player and not just RPK.

but a crafter or a lawful player should just learn to deal with the constant griefing from an endless line of dimwits coming their way when they're just trying to enjoy the other parts of the game.

I enjoy other parts of the game just fine and i honestly suck at PvP, it's a non issue.

Deleted member 44

Stop losing?

The concept of murder in a world that deals in immortalality is rather strange. If anything, your items are stolen when you "die" and the game actively includes mechanics to get your stolen stuff back after you respawn. If anything, we need more mechanics in the game that punish the player for losing rather than punishing them beating an enemy.

This entire "griefing" term is over used and has really lost meaning from the initial intent. If you go out in the world and you fight someone and you lose, they aren't grieifing you. You and that person are playing a full loot PvP game and the enemy won.
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Apr 22, 2021
I think this is again removing sand from the sandbox. The penalty for murdering is the loss of protection from the 1 shotting lictor guards and the safe material handling of towns. The players should be the ones dealing out the punishments, not these time wasting mechanics.
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New member
Feb 9, 2022
Is there any bounty system ingame? . i am kinda new and only get murdered so far, especially by elite super skilled players who farm newbies who hardly have a full day in game due the queue problem .buying there first books outside town.

Just add a 10g or 20 g or whatever number per murder count as a bounty, things will sort out then and make the locations visible, or announced somewhere or if you wanna take it further, make them hunted by guards, although that would probably not be sandbox enough. They want a realistic game, murderers in the realistic world get hunted, so make make it realistic, because the same 2 guys killing noobs in a lawless town, is everything but realistic.

ps: of course that would be incredible exploitable, so let's just stick to the guards, let hem be hunted all over the place, random 15 min timer in a certain random ranged area and guards will show up.
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Apr 22, 2021
Is there any bounty system ingame? . i am kinda new and only get murdered so far, especially by elite super skilled players who farm newbies who hardly have a full day in game due the queue problem .buying there first books outside town.

Just add a 10g or 20 g or whatever number per murder count as a bounty, things will sort out then and make the locations visible, or announced somewhere or if you wanna take it further, make them hunted by guards, although that would probably not be sandbox enough. They want a realistic game, murderers in the realistic world get hunted, so make make it realistic, because the same 2 guys killing noobs in a lawless town, is everything but realistic.

ps: of course that would be incredible exploitable, so let's just stick to the guards, let hem be hunted all over the place, random 15 min timer in a certain random ranged area and guards will show up.
There are players who offer gold in exchange of heads. Events guild has a bounty board up in their discord where people can submit and claim bounties.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
In Ultima Online, on some servers, you actually went to a magical jail as a ghost if the guards killed you when you were a murderer and players of a certain religion were able to send you there too. Other criminals could break you free, they killed a bunch of monsters in a dungeon and pulled some levers and maybe did some lockpicking too... or you needed to do your time. It was a nice system I think, and it could work here too. Like it was said, this is an MMORPG with open PvP, not just a PvP griefing simulator. Your evil deeds have consequences.

If we had a jail system here.
10 Minutes per Murder, up to a maximum of 12-20 would be reasonable. And this should be Online time. If the sentence could be served offline, then it should be like 1-3 hours per kill, up to a maximum sentence of 2-3 days or maybe even up to a week.

Also you should be able to choose a longer sentence, something like 3x the maximum sentence - this would grant you a pardon for your past crimes and give you a chance to re-integrate with society.

And before all criminals and murderous c-words start crying that "this is a hardcore game, just learn to deal with PvP" - the same right back at you. This is a hardcore game, there should be consequences for your actions and do your time like a man.

PS. Back in Ultima Online, my main characters were often red and I waited countless hours in jail while my friends coordinated a rescue, sometimes took days to get out.
Lol they tried dumbass timesink punishment in MO1, it didn't work and it was bypassed by other mechanics. Anything that involves forcing a player to AFK sucks dick and it's a concept from another era of gaming. You failing to understand the value of player interaction, and most people that require" more punishment it's only cuz they need to relay on punishment and hardbrake mechanics because are unable to ressolve situations having to deal with other players. When i'm murdering someone if they say the correct words they can dissuade me from killing them or their horses, generally people instead of trying to make a case just surrender and insult you, some fight and others say "wait".
What i mean if the player doesn't care to defend itself, to be alive, to react and/or talk why should a mechanic do it for them. It's understandable theres law and npc enforcenent in the immediate surroundings of a town but not an extra-diegetic invisible law that punish what was not seen by guards.
That is a massive concept failure that goes against the nature of the game and the sooner devs and players realize about this the better, or not. Or just add themepark mechanics to "protect" the ones unable to understand how to interact with other players.
I vouch like said many times for mechanics that give tools for players to make their own justice and not an automated law that just cripples real player interaction.

It's so typical from players to do that thing tho, i was a murderer in "whatever" game but i have balls for asking more punishment against my kind. ROFLMAO get out of the box and quit replicating dumbass ideas from another games.
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Active member
Apr 6, 2021
- you don't have access brokers
- you don't have access to stables
- you don't have access to crusher, refining over, or press
- you don't have access to utility vendor or magic vendor or grocery vendor or whtever vendor

I would happily trade all of that for stat loss. This is a pvp game and having to wait 100 minutes for pvp is a trash idea. Especially since we don't have proper war declarations and if some big guild is hostile to you, you may never kill anyone but your enemies and still go negative.
since alts are accepted by SV for some stupid reason all that stuff you just listed is moot.


New member
Feb 9, 2022
i agree, the only system that matters is a system that there are actual consequences, aka murderers get hunted. The more you murder the more you get hunted, player bounties are not effective enough, e.g i will never check whatever discord channel to see if there is a bounty, the game needs to provide a system for it. Also most murders probably are stupid ganks anyways, hardly any pvp involved. As ganking is not the same as pvp.

Also not saying that a ganker is not skilled at pvp, just saying murders are just ganks, if it was pvp you would not get the murder count would you?


Active member
Nov 27, 2021
i agree, the only system that matters is a system that there are actual consequences, aka murderers get hunted. The more you murder the more you get hunted, player bounties are not effective enough, e.g i will never check whatever discord channel to see if there is a bounty, the game needs to provide a system for it. Also most murders probably are stupid ganks anyways, hardly any pvp involved. As ganking is not the same as pvp.

Also not saying that a ganker is not skilled at pvp, just saying murders are just ganks, if it was pvp you would not get the murder count would you?
If you want to convince anyone in your ideas or get them through to people at all, please use words with their conventional meaning.
PvP = Player versus Player. How is one player killing another using an advantage deriving from ambush, numbers, skill or being adequately prepared and equipped (which is what a gank is, generally) not PvP?
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
i agree, the only system that matters is a system that there are actual consequences, aka murderers get hunted. The more you murder the more you get hunted, player bounties are not effective enough, e.g i will never check whatever discord channel to see if there is a bounty, the game needs to provide a system for it. Also most murders probably are stupid ganks anyways, hardly any pvp involved. As ganking is not the same as pvp.

Also not saying that a ganker is not skilled at pvp, just saying murders are just ganks, if it was pvp you would not get the murder count would you?
Yeah but if you are unaware, AFK or watching a movie its your own fault lol. Like for example 90% of the times i gank horses it's cuz the owners realize i'm attacking them when the horses already dead. Go figure.
I don't see how someone that is actually playing, paying attention, exploring and preparing an attack should be penalized for attacking someone thats not aware or AFK.
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Active member
Aug 1, 2021
Yeah but if you are unaware, AFK or watching a movie its your own fault lol. Like for example 90% of the times i gank horses it's cuz the owners realize i'm attacking them when the horses already dead. Go figure.
I don't see how someone that is actually playing, paying attention, exploring and preparing an attack should be penalized for attacking someone thats not aware or AFK.

the fact is you can do that without real penalty , i don't want pvper to be punished for being better in something , i want them punished because at the moment you can kill ppl without real consequence as long as your not solo
Is there any bounty system ingame? . i am kinda new and only get murdered so far, especially by elite super skilled players who farm newbies who hardly have a full day in game due the queue problem .buying there first books outside town.

Just add a 10g or 20 g or whatever number per murder count as a bounty, things will sort out then and make the locations visible, or announced somewhere or if you wanna take it further, make them hunted by guards, although that would probably not be sandbox enough. They want a realistic game, murderers in the realistic world get hunted, so make make it realistic, because the same 2 guys killing noobs in a lawless town, is everything but realistic.

ps: of course that would be incredible exploitable, so let's just stick to the guards, let hem be hunted all over the place, random 15 min timer in a certain random ranged area and guards will show up.

i like your idea , but hey , you have the wordl againts you i think xd


New member
Feb 9, 2022
Yeah but if you are unaware, AFK or watching a movie its your own fault lol. Like for example 90% of the times i gank horses it's cuz the owners realize i'm attacking them when the horses already dead. Go figure.
I don't see how someone that is actually playing, paying attention, exploring and preparing an attack should be penalized for attacking someone thats not aware or AFK.

Well, that's why you want a system where you can keep doing that, roam and kill people, heck you can even circle around and get back to the murder area after an x amount of time, you just cannot kill the same person on the same spot over and over, well for a max of whatever x time they would implement. I guess for some people it's fun to do that endlessly just like some others like to kill the same mobs endlessly.

But i imagine it must be much more satisfying when it becomes a challenging game with consequences, the current system has no consequences at all, looking at alt accounts it's useless.

To me i like being able to get murdered or murder an long time enemy or taking stuff that does not belong to me make criminal, but even i also would like to have real consequences tied to it, the current system works for me as a new player, but once i am settled i will just use my alt acount to provide me with the things i need.
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