Combat - Why?


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2020
I won't discuss the nature of combat (as I don't have much experience on it). I jurt wanted to report that playing from Okinawa (Japan, east of China sea) i somehow have only 17ms ping. I actually used to have higher ping when playing from UK (40-50). so ping might not be a big deal from eastern countries.
Yeah you dont have 17ms ping from japan mate, unless Elon gave you alpha access to Starlink...


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
that's what the in-game FPS/ping counter reports. not sure how I can check in different ways. maybe with the server IP address?
That’s not ms for ping. It’s microseconds for frames per second.

It’s there for the sole reason to confuse players.


Active member
Nov 21, 2020
That’s not ms for ping. It’s microseconds for frames per second.

It’s there for the sole reason to confuse players.

and it worked very well :D. that's why i was also surprised to be so low. and at the same time i had hard time hitting people in duels


New member
Aug 29, 2020
Personally I think the combat is in the best shape, outside of a few edge cases than it's ever been. Yes, parrying is problematic and there needs to be away to punish it. Equipment hits probably need a pass over. I think the speed of combat is fine, especially when we're considering how it's going to perform. There's less desync, combat is way more transparent and there's less gimmicks.

A lot of the arguments feels like its veterans (a small subset) arguing that MO2 combat isn't exactly like MO1 combat, and to that I say thank god. MO1 was shit sandwich; people have just become so accustom to the taste of shit that when they taste filet mignon they find it repulsive. Their palate needs to adjust.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Personally I think the combat is in the best shape, outside of a few edge cases than it's ever been. Yes, parrying is problematic and there needs to be away to punish it. Equipment hits probably need a pass over. I think the speed of combat is fine, especially when we're considering how it's going to perform. There's less desync, combat is way more transparent and there's less gimmicks.

A lot of the arguments feels like its veterans arguing that MO2 combat isn't exactly like MO1 combat, and to that I say thank god. MO1 was shit sandwich; people have just become so accustom to the taste of shit that when they taste filet mignon they find it repulsive. Their palate needs to adjust.
I don't think its garbage, just a little too sluggish.


Oct 3, 2020
Personally I think the combat is in the best shape, outside of a few edge cases than it's ever been. Yes, parrying is problematic and there needs to be away to punish it. Equipment hits probably need a pass over. I think the speed of combat is fine, especially when we're considering how it's going to perform. There's less desync, combat is way more transparent and there's less gimmicks.

A lot of the arguments feels like its veterans (a small subset) arguing that MO2 combat isn't exactly like MO1 combat, and to that I say thank god. MO1 was shit sandwich; people have just become so accustom to the taste of shit that when they taste filet mignon they find it repulsive. Their palate needs to adjust.

If you've ever actually paid attention to veteran criticism most people praise the fact that Mortal Online 2 is far more polished. It doesn't feature figure skating players and non-sensical prediction isn't a factor. Veterans from Mortal 1 aren't delusional, there is some valid criticism to be found.

Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Personally I think the combat is in the best shape, outside of a few edge cases than it's ever been. Yes, parrying is problematic and there needs to be away to punish it. Equipment hits probably need a pass over. I think the speed of combat is fine, especially when we're considering how it's going to perform. There's less desync, combat is way more transparent and there's less gimmicks.

A lot of the arguments feels like its veterans (a small subset) arguing that MO2 combat isn't exactly like MO1 combat, and to that I say thank god. MO1 was shit sandwich; people have just become so accustom to the taste of shit that when they taste filet mignon they find it repulsive. Their palate needs to adjust.

No one on these forums has said to my knowledge that the combat needs to be exactly like MO1. MO1's problem was imbalance and latency. MO2's problem is speed and fundamentals.

Please give some actual specifics instead of just lumping things in MO1 as gimmicks. What is a gimmick to you?

MO1 combat even in the very end without pets and mounteds isn't bad and is quite enjoyable. Its the rampant tc, the placed guards, the pets, and every other system they just throws skill out the window and promotes anti social behaviors in an MMO of all genres.

To say MO1 vets are just rose tinted is being ignorant and sugar coating your own beliefs for purely selfish reasons.

MO1 vets speak up about shit a lot of the times because we were the ones experiencing the game the most, we were the ones theory crafting for the metas, we were the ones pvping and pveing constantly to do what we needed to, breaking the game to find what was bugged and what wasnt. But you'd have people like that TruthShower guy who admits to only playing for 6 months and getting griefed out of the game and take his suggestions because he isnt a vet, right?

I dont think our palates need to adjust, I think a lot of you who either didnt play for very much or focused more so on the PvE side of things should stick to what you know because clearly if a lot of you got what you wanted we'd have an even more skilless combat system.

The problem with the system is the transparency, everything is slow and easy to read. Ask any player who is good and you'll hear the exact same thing unless they like the zerg promoting combat. Duels are completely broken and group fights are determined by numbers not skill.


Nov 20, 2020
It does feel sluggish and I don't think a player should be rewarded by standing still and parrying everything. Something needs to change but I can't really give SV advice because they do in fact need to lower the advantage of 'low ping' players and I don't see how they do that while keeping everyone happy.
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New member
Aug 29, 2020
No one on these forums has said to my knowledge that the combat needs to be exactly like MO1. MO1's problem was imbalance and latency. MO2's problem is speed and fundamentals.

The problem with the system is the transparency, everything is slow and easy to read. Ask any player who is good and you'll hear the exact same thing unless they like the zerg promoting combat. Duels are completely broken and group fights are determined by numbers not skill.

Combat SHOULD be easy to read, it shouldn't be a jumbled unintelligible mess. Is combat perfect? No, but it's far from bad.


Active member
Nov 21, 2020
one thing I would change (which would impact combat as well) is the overal movespeed on foot. we are using maxed out characters in Alpha and still movement feels very very slow. maybe around a 20% increase in current movespeed would increase the dynamic feeling without affecting combat too much
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Nov 20, 2020
Combat SHOULD be easy to read, it shouldn't be a jumbled unintelligible mess. Is combat perfect? No, but it's far from bad.

Even mo1 combat wasn't difficult to read. It was just nearly impossible to parry everything against spammers for people with ping like mine. I'm not sure what you're getting at unless your reflexes are just slow.

It shouldn't be easy.. It should be quick and fluid but unfortunately I don't know how they cater to everyone with only a single server.

1v1's are completely horrendous right now. Team fights are a ton better. We have been doing a lot of team fights with even sides, and what it comes down to a lot of the time is coms and player skill and the other side making mistakes. Don't even bother trying to 1v1 someone in a team fight though..if they are parrying you just switch targets or it's going to go on forever as long as they know what they are doing.

Maybe it'll get better as time goes on. Maybe on persistent and with skills and magic and everything else that is coming eventually, it will feel a lot better. I am trying to stay positive and I'm sure SV will come up with a solution. It's all a waiting game right now.

I'm going to play the game regardless. I just don't want a dumbed down version of melee combat to where it comes down to solely numbers and not actual player skill. Skill should always be the number one factor in a fight.

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May 28, 2020
The turn cap needs to go. Especially in a MMORPG with minimum 100ms delay to server. Characters movement will be random to some extent. Restricting the aim is a really bad move due to this as there is in some cases no way to react to a random momentum change on the opposite player. Random factors with very little counterplay makes people demotivated.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Personally I think the combat is in the best shape, outside of a few edge cases than it's ever been. Yes, parrying is problematic and there needs to be away to punish it. Equipment hits probably need a pass over. I think the speed of combat is fine, especially when we're considering how it's going to perform. There's less desync, combat is way more transparent and there's less gimmicks.

A lot of the arguments feels like its veterans (a small subset) arguing that MO2 combat isn't exactly like MO1 combat, and to that I say thank god. MO1 was shit sandwich; people have just become so accustom to the taste of shit that when they taste filet mignon they find it repulsive. Their palate needs to adjust.
Quite the opposite. Combat has grown too close to late MO combat where parry whoring and staying defensive is the best option, where combat is easy and with long reaction times. Where the combat bypass skill through gear and numbers.

This is exactly what MO combat became after years of crying about dying by bad players, just like now in MO2. We went from a fast paced skill based combat (we also had 360 degree blocking and it was better) where you could beat 10 guys in a row in 1 health bar, now you cant 1v3+ against players who know how to parry.

So no its not us veterans with a critical view on things who want MO combat back, its everyone who says combat now is fine, and everyone who brought us to this point with their suggestions.

Atm MO2 is MO combat with a new swing and block direction added for flavour.
Us veterans are shaking our heads now wondering what exactly SV meant by "We have learned from MO". And the numerous times they told us MO2 will be improved yet we are still as limited by tech as MO was even though over 10 years have gone by and tech have sky rocketed since 09-10 and as such MO2 now gets the same treatment as MO did for the same reasons yielding the same useless results.

The problem lies with the fact that players generally cant accept constant humiliating defeats due to not being good enough and have not put enough time in to shine above others.

So why put in 400h training if you can simply whine to the devs and get your way through bastardizing the games combat to suit your needs.

The only thing that had a positive result of the changes put in place to curb the little desync there used to be was ping normalization that ofc was the last change they tried and so all the useless changes made before that came will most probably not be reverted to see the difference now after we have ping normalization which was needed and a good change.

Dumbing down the game does not help anything other than make the game worse when the game and Servers are still bottlenecked by tech like back in 09-10.
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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2020
the Jungle. Meditating on things to come.
Another thing that gets dragged under is how the time-to-kill is going up if it is only a single person attacking. I had so many situation where someone backed into a corner and just parried. I was using fast swords, axes, spears whatever - no way through that.

This is something that WILL translate into group fighting and will make 1vX pretty much impossible unless the person you are trying to kill is a complete scrub that does not know how directional combat works.

Putting speed right to edge of reaction time would help with that. Obviously it can´t be so high that any swing is unblockable.