I cannot open my horse bags. First, I assign the bag to a hotkey. When I press the corresponding key, no bag opens. Then, if I press 'P' for the Pet Menu, equip the bag to the horse, and then press the hotkey again, nothing happens. Even if I click on the bag in the inventory, it doesn't open. However, bags for my character work as desired. Does anyone have any advice?
Mortal Online 2 on Steam
I cannot open my horse bags. First, I assign the bag to a hotkey. When I press the corresponding key, no bag opens. Then, if I press 'P' for the Pet Menu, equip the bag to the horse, and then press the hotkey again, nothing happens. Even if I click on the bag in the inventory, it doesn't open. However, bags for my character work as desired. Does anyone have any advice?
Mortal Online 2 on Steam