can some of the end game content be made solo friendly.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I think SV said a bit while ago that they are putting effort into solo or small group content.

But I do also think that content should be commiserate with effort and skill. A difficult boss with high-value loot that requires a large group and good teamwork should not be solo-able. But ones that are less challenging and have lower-value loot, yes.


Active member
Aug 1, 2021
idk about now , but caelano ( did i get the right name ? ) weren't even solable ( maybe by a very experienced pet user ? ) so , soloing bosss ...


Active member
Feb 8, 2022
You do know they make single player games right?

Why can't I gear up and travel across the map to fight a boss for an equal portion of high tier loot? What difference does it make that im not with 10 other people? I still have to gear up, i still have to travel, i still have to fight, i still get an equal portion of loot, i still have to travel back...Why should I be punished because i can't stand to listen to a group of morons talk about dicks for 2 hours?


Feb 11, 2022
Why can't I gear up and travel across the map to fight a boss for an equal portion of high tier loot? What difference does it make that im not with 10 other people? I still have to gear up, i still have to travel, i still have to fight, i still get an equal portion of loot, i still have to travel back...Why should I be punished because i can't stand to listen to a group of morons talk about dicks for 2 hours?
What makes you special enough to opt out of the dick fee?

Seriously though what the fuck is with your entitlement? How do they plan an objective that gives you ‘your share’ of high-end loot that isn’t instantly put on farm by the groups that are actual groups? This is an open world sandbox game. Take your pants off and wear them on your head, because that is how ridiculous your proposal is.


Active member
Feb 8, 2022
What makes you special enough to opt out of the dick fee?

Seriously though what the fuck is with your entitlement? How do they plan an objective that gives you ‘your share’ of high-end loot that isn’t instantly put on farm by the groups that are, actual groups? This is an open world sandbox game. Take your pants off and wear them on your head, because that is how ridiculous your proposal is.

I don't have patience to listen to people chit chat for hours on end, or the lame humor that most groups use. what is so righteous about gatekeeping content with a group?

edit: also, don't the guilds give splits at the end of their encounters?
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Feb 11, 2022
The righteousness is economic balance. High end loot has to be a carefully gated faucet.
If there is too much flowing in it obsoletes content and materials below it as no one will use ‘worse’ stuff if the better is less expensive and easily accessible. Then the game becomes everyone running around in the best possible stuff and the grind of content creation slows and stops.
Buy it from the guilds farming it if you want high end materials. Your idea sucks jottun balls.


Sep 13, 2020
I don't have patience to listen to people chit chat for hours on end, or the lame humor that most groups use. what is so righteous about gatekeeping content with a group?

edit: also, don't the guilds give splits at the end of their encounters?

What they could do is have a welfare office you go to in Meduli and sign on at that gives you some loot weekly without having to actually work for it. You could then have some drunk bandit boss outside it shouting abuse at the staff in the office that you are tasked to kill once a week to get your loot handout.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
i wanna kill a boss but i don't want to be forced into a group.

Henrick said that they want to copy the treasure system from Ultima and that
low lvl tier treasure maps will be content that will be able to be done solo. If you open a map it will spawn mobs and a small boss somewhere randomly or at a point of interest + a tressure.

I think this should have priority, because SV could spawn a lot of mobs, if someone opens a higher tier treassure map. Mobs that not stress the server all the time, but only for a short ammopunt of time, when someone actually doing the tressure map Quest.


Active member
Feb 8, 2022
The righteousness is economic balance. High end loot has to be a carefully gated faucet.
If there is too much flowing in it obsoletes content and materials below it as no one will use ‘worse’ stuff if the better is less expensive and easily accessible. Then the game becomes everyone running around in the best possible stuff and the grind of content creation slows and stops.
Buy it from the guilds farming it if you want high end materials. Your idea sucks jottun balls.

so the rational "gated faucet" is create content that only exploiters or groups of people are able to meet the requirements for, alienating a large population of the player base.

Im lost on the logic.

you've solved the problem before it was even stated. you think the problem is metering the flow of material into the that. why stop people from completing content because they are one person.


Active member
Feb 8, 2022
What they could do is have a welfare office you go to in Meduli and sign on at that gives you some loot weekly without having to actually work for it. You could then have some drunk bandit boss outside it shouting abuse at the staff in the office that you are tasked to kill once a week to get your loot handout.

maybe the drunk bandit boss dresses like the boss the office gives you the loot from. and that drunk bandit boss sits in a room...but its a smaller room, and it looks identical to the room the boss is in...oh and the drunk bandit boss has the same mechanics as the boss you're getting the loot from. oh and that room is right next to the larger room where the groups go to fight it. so then all i have to do is everything the group has to do, except i don't have to be a group. and all i have to do to get into the drunk bandit boss who is dressed like a real bosses little room is show up with this welfare ticket that permits the solo or pre determined group of "x" players in. then anybody big or small has access to the content, and its not like you can gank people in the room anyways, the room always locks behind you.


Feb 11, 2022
maybe the drunk bandit boss dresses like the boss the office gives you the loot from. and that drunk bandit boss sits in a room...but its a smaller room, and it looks identical to the room the boss is in...oh and the drunk bandit boss has the same mechanics as the boss you're getting the loot from. oh and that room is right next to the larger room where the groups go to fight it. so then all i have to do is everything the group has to do, except i don't have to be a group. and all i have to do to get into the drunk bandit boss who is dressed like a real bosses little room is show up with this welfare ticket that permits the solo or pre determined group of "x" players in. then anybody big or small has access to the content, and its not like you can gank people in the room anyways, the room always locks behind you.
Go back to World of Warcraft.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
The issue with solo content in a game like this, is that groups will still just farm it easy. Theres no way to make a challenging solo only boss. But I'd be fine if they added easier bosses and stuff that also give less rewards than the harder group ones. Then a 5 man group can farm it but if it doesnt give enough rewards to split then they might not farm it. Which would then make it only worth it for solo or newer players. Which is fine.

This game does need more variety in pve difficulty. MO has always struggled with this. It's either 0iq shit easy to kill bow go brrr, or its like clipping into the ground spitting acid you cant dodge that ignores armor while running at you sprint speed. I've never enjoyed MO PVE, which is why I only gather and pvp. There needs to be a middle ground of less hard but not too easy PVE.
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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
What they could do is have a welfare office you go to in Meduli and sign on at that gives you some loot weekly without having to actually work for it. You could then have some drunk bandit boss outside it shouting abuse at the staff in the office that you are tasked to kill once a week to get your loot handout.
Oi! Thats my business model! I need people to gank those drunken players.
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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2021
The issue with solo content in a game like this, is that groups will still just farm it easy. Theres no way to make a challenging solo only boss. But I'd be fine if they added easier bosses and stuff that also give less rewards than the harder group ones. Then a 5 man group can farm it but if it doesnt give enough rewards to split then they might not farm it. Which would then make it only worth it for solo or newer players. Which is fine.

This game does need more variety in pve difficulty. MO has always struggled with this. It's either 0iq shit easy to kill bow go brrr, or its like clipping into the ground spitting acid you cant dodge that ignores armor while running at you sprint speed. I've never enjoyed MO PVE, which is why I only gather and pvp. There needs to be a middle ground of less hard but not too easy PVE.

Isn't that what a Troll is supposed to be (the in-game one, not the OP) ?


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Isn't that what a Troll is supposed to be (the in-game one, not the OP) ?
I thought trolls were aids and would dunk on 1 player. This was when they came out tho, idk if that changed at all.