I actually am really fond of this idea as well. I think it would be a good idea to make 100% accuracy at 110 dex so the Alvarin sacrifice the highest dmg bows for the most accuracy seeing as dex is not worth the speed gain atm.
The 121-123 huegar bow builds with 87 dex would have to be closer range instead of sniping and high dmg.
Yea exactly. Seems like a decent middle ground between the skill based gameplay of aiming and the stat based gameplay of builds etc. That said, the circle would still have to be relatively tight even at lower Dex levels to not completely make bows at close-medium range a meme. There only needs to be a slight angle variation at the point of firing to make a significant accuracy difference over long distances. Think of a right angle triangle to calculate this. Over a 100m distance, a 2 degree variation at the point of firing would make your arrow miss by 3m.
So even if the scale was linear, a random value within the aimcone could look something like this:
"Dex = min-max degree variation"
110 = 0
100 = 0-1
90 = 0-2
80 = 0-3
Aimcones do allow for a degree of randomness so sometimes they can fire dead straight at 0 degree, other shots might be at 1.5 etc. The penalty of accuracy lessens over shorter distances due to two things, obviously larger character hit boxes when closer and the distance traveled by the arrow.
And visually, something like this:
110 dex (basically default aim or a dot):
100 dex: