Another Reason why Players Quit


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
I like your faction idea. It definitely puts everyone in a state of conflict which is good yet it promotes meaningful PvP. At this point if you go red it’s because you wanted to not because you had to. The only concern is will the factions be balanced or will players only join the faction where the good PvPers or zerg guilds are to be safe. That could create more grief. It has to be fleshed out. And a wipe would be needed. Especially if they made the factions clade orientated.
It wouldnt be perfect but I think it would balance out ok. Some guilds already gravitate to certain areas and towns. So I dont think that would change. A lot of the PVE players would go Khurite. Some pvpers would go meduli. But some may go khurite to fight the others, etc.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
There's a few problems with ARPK in this game. First of all - no reward. You should get rewards or something for killing criminals in the act of committing a crime. Secondly - you never know who a criminal is before it's too late, Thirdly- because pking gear is so cheap you get way more from killing people mining than you ever would killing someone for their crapite bow


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
You asumming people behave ingame like in real life, and thats just the most imbecile thing i've seen in my life.
I've seen this pattern tho, in mortal theres people that call other players psychos because they killed them. Or you have to read idiotic shit like "rpks probably kick their dogs in the balls when not playing", roflmao.

I like to roleplay my characters and their evilness, some characters are good and just and others are massive bitches but not for that it means i grab a bow, mount a horse and murder people irl and steal their clothes.

Where do you people come from, dude this Is obsene to read. Such a reductive and short sighted perspective of social interaction.
At no point did I say people act the same way in real life as they do in games.

My examples were given in the context of a player doing what naturally comes to them, and not through a filter of role playing a villain or evil persona.

When given complete freedom, the choices people instinctively choose to make reveal things about their character.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
At no point did I say people act the same way in real life as they do in games.

My examples were given in the context of a player doing what naturally comes to them, and not through a filter of role playing a villain or evil persona.

When given complete freedom, the choices people instinctively choose to make reveal things about their character.
I don't think we should do psychology outside of the lab. Leave that to the professionals.

The causal factors on why people behave in X manor on a video game are unknown.

how people behave under anonymity is well known though. I suspect that is what is going on. What you’re saying is basically equivalent to judging people who swear at other drivers because the other driver can’t hear them. Probably not a great thing to judge overall character on.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
It comes with the territory I will say. And I love MO2 for it. This is the niche that is satisfied for small group of players, like me.

I do not murder blue berries and I am friendly to other neutral guilds.

I love the thrill that going out in the wild alone gives you. When I travel with my guild mates I feel safer, but not invulnerable. I want that. Conflict is forever on the horizon. Just the other day my guild and allies were confronted by a group of Empire about 150% our size. We had to flee, but in the process we lost some but they lost a lot more. It was a highlight in my MO2 career.

The ARPKs are few, but that is fun.

A true hero overcomes insurmountable odds. If you want EZ mode, this is not the game for you. MO2 is fine this way.
This. If MO2 didn't have omnipresent pvp and full looting on death, I'd fall asleep while travelling or even doing something as simple as woodcutting or mining. Wouldn't have stuck around for as long as I did with MO1 and MO2.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
If a player derives no pleasure from killing someone else and taking their hard earned belongings, and instead would rather help that person and grow together cooperatively, that says a lot about that person and what their values are.
So if in HOTI multiplayer i play as Germany and wage war on everyone i'm basically Hitler. Got it.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
It's just how it is with all mmorpgs and any multiplayer games in general where strangers from all corners of the planet come together into one game world like MO2.

Anonymity and the freedom to perform hostile actions and trickery against another player is the recipe for all kinds of unsavoury things we see in games like MO2.

Most people I meet in-game just want to get on with their own business. As long as I don't appear threatening to them then normally we just do a wave or nod before moving on.

Then there are the silent guardian angels and good samaritans who often spontaneously perform altruistic or brave acts for others but are rarely recognised or spoken of.

But when a bad deed is committed, it sends a signal to not just the person on the receiving end that bad things do happen, but word gets around much more and spreads quickly.

I think that is why there is this perception that the game is full of psychopaths and whatnot permeating the consciousness of people within and without the community.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
There's a few problems with ARPK in this game. First of all - no reward. You should get rewards or something for killing criminals in the act of committing a crime. Secondly - you never know who a criminal is before it's too late, Thirdly- because pking gear is so cheap you get way more from killing people mining than you ever would killing someone for their crapite bow

It's more dynamic. Just like how some people who are (lol fun how this always comes up! The comparisons!) like serial killers go after hookers or w/e, undesirables. You can actually farm 'rpk' shit tiers, but most of them are smart enough to not have good loot, however, it's possible you can get them w/ other people's loot.

So, you can have your cake and eat it, too... there are plenty of people to PK, just circle when one player in their guild killed someone else and be like OK PK! I think ARPK is something that is trying to be more meaningful than its phrase. It's like a philosophy where as 'rpk' isn't. RPK is just opportunism, at worst.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
At no point did I say people act the same way in real life as they do in games.

My examples were given in the context of a player doing what naturally comes to them, and not through a filter of role playing a villain or evil persona.

When given complete freedom, the choices people instinctively choose to make reveal things about their character.
"Speaks Volumes of you" you started with that sentence.
A very different thing would be talking about player behavior instead of the "persona" and stablishing cheap morality judgement mentioning pleasure and kill on the same sentence.

Ill correct it, "speaks volumes of your gamestyle". Gotta be clear with what you say because you may end up looking like a fool unable to abstract this Is a game, trying to stablish any comparison with reality Is futile and should be considered harrassment.

It's like when all the recent war shit, i got tired of hearing USA people from "good" guilds would be yelling and insulting russians in voip.

Or all those arpk good guys that dont kill innocents but they are the most racist pieces of shit.

It's this double standards and cheap morality people has that bothers me. This Is a game, not the place to be harrassing people judging their ingame actions.

I've been yelled at more times i could count and sadly many times people that are supposed to be "good guys" ingame break the diegetic code to get into racial slurs and harrassment type of thing.

This happens because theres people unable to abstract anything, and thats probably one of the reasons they suffer so much Is because they can't accept the fictional contract the game gives you the moment you log in.

People that can't separate reality from the fiction shouldn't be playing this game. But who am i to judge, they can obviously play aslong as they don't harrass people with their pitifull hillbilly mindset.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
"Speaks Volumes of you" you started with that sentence.
A very different thing would be talking about player behavior instead of the "persona" and stablishing cheap morality judgement mentioning pleasure and kill on the same sentence.

Ill correct it, "speaks volumes of your gamestyle". Gotta be clear with what you say because you may end up looking like a fool unable to abstract this Is a game, trying to stablish any comparison with reality Is futile and should be considered harrassment.

It's like when all the recent war shit, i got tired of hearing USA people from "good" guilds would be yelling and insulting russians in voip.

Or all those arpk good guys that dont kill innocents but they are the most racist pieces of shit.

It's this double standards and cheap morality people has that bothers me. This Is a game, not the place to be harrassing people judging their ingame actions.

I've been yelled at more times i could count and sadly many times people that are supposed to be "good guys" ingame break the diegetic code to get into racial slurs and harrassment type of thing.

This happens because theres people unable to abstract anything, and thats probably one of the reasons they suffer so much Is because they can't accept the fictional contract the game gives you the moment you log in.

People that can't separate reality from the fiction shouldn't be playing this game. But who am i to judge, they can obviously play aslong as they don't harrass people with their pitifull hillbilly mindset.
There is no correction required.

Unless you're a mindless drone whose actions are the result of purely random processes, the choices and decisions you make are directly related to your character. Your actions are part of what define you as a person.

Whether you make these choices in real life, or in a video game it doesn't matter. Anything and everything can and will be analysed, who are you to say where and when that can happen?

I also notice how I never accused you, or anyone else specifically of anything, or said that the kinds of people I used in my example were "bad people". I simply pointed out that the choices people make in sandbox games do indeed reveal aspects of a person's character. Yet, you seem to feel personally attacked enough to respond in such a hostile manner.

It's also humorous to me that you would consider someone simply judging your in game actions as a form of harassment.

Your comments about the inability to abstract are also probably misplaced, likely almost no one actually has this problem. Perhaps the reverse is more true, whereby people who are incapable of empathizing with the people they murder in game fail to understand the perspective of the victim.

If this were a simpler game where the loss of serious time investment wasn't possible, such as battlefield, pubg or other round based games, then the amount you can affect someone due to killing them and stealing their things obviously lessens. Especially when killing other people is the literal only objective of the game, that everyone explicitly signed up for.

However in a sandbox game, where you aren't given any explicit direction to kill and steal from people, where when doing so can result in the loss of hours or even days of time investment for that player in seconds, the impact you can have on someone is immense. This is why many people choose to play games like DayZ, Rust and Tarkov, because it allows them to take things from other people that those people care about.

To do this to someone in a sandbox game like Mortal, unprovoked, and for no other reason than you want their things, with complete disregard for what it means for them, and how much of their time and effort you are wasting, shows either a lack of empathy or a lack of thought given to the situation and all of its factors.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I don't think we should do psychology outside of the lab. Leave that to the professionals.
You might want to leave "the thinking" up to other people you deem credible enough, but to each their own.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
In MO1 I rp'ed a specicist terrorist. But in real life I have no problem with elves or halforcs(or any other human races or animal species). And I must say that I honestly felt a little bit bad every time I ganked a random thursar or alvarin. Yet I did it. Roleplay.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Perhaps the reverse is more true, whereby people who are incapable of empathizing with the people they murder in game fail to understand the perspective of the victim.
The perspective of the victim is "it's a full loot PvP game, i like that kind of games and like being kept on my toes, i expect being ganked and losing stuff, if it couldn't happen i wouldn't be playing this game". If your perspective is "PK are griefers" then you're playing a wrong game. Simple as that.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
your character.

You're not wrong, in a lot of cases. BUT... I dunno! Like you come walk into me listening to some kill a N*gga rap and be like damn this dood crazy, or walk in on me listening to some oldies and be like heh.

It's a lot like writing IMO! I would argue for the analysis of people's writing. I mean, there's SOMETHING there. I am not gonna put that on someone just like that. The people who seemed most against accepting that seemed to be writing the most vile shit haha. I agree w/ most people who are writers... I am me. I inhabit my own space. Character is character, it inhabits its own space. There is a connection, and in this game, one is a driving force, but it's not 1:1.

GENERALLY it does say something, though. There is some deep seated persona that we are using to play this game. The people who say "it takes a certain type" are right. Maybe we are all really dark people deep inside. haha.

I've seen plenty of people of good character in different situations. And hey, you CAN have some fun. Like when I dropped dude into a mob of sators. That was funny. Maybe not for him! But when I got back to JC and saw dude standing there I was like sry I didn't take your stuff that was too hard to resist, and his friend was like DID U JUST KILL HIM? I was like well nah not technically, he was grey and his horse was last hit so I fed him to mobs LOL. And his friend was like LOL, I just went out and got his stuff.

So yea, shit got real, esp in MO1... cuz siege and just more stuff you can do. But also have fun in the game. The fact that shit CAN get real is a plus, but it doesn't have to be always real.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
There is no correction required.

Unless you're a mindless drone whose actions are the result of purely random processes, the choices and decisions you make are directly related to your character. Your actions are part of what define you as a person.

Whether you make these choices in real life, or in a video game it doesn't matter. Anything and everything can and will be analysed, who are you to say where and when that can happen?

I also notice how I never accused you, or anyone else specifically of anything, or said that the kinds of people I used in my example were "bad people". I simply pointed out that the choices people make in sandbox games do indeed reveal aspects of a person's character. Yet, you seem to feel personally attacked enough to respond in such a hostile manner.

It's also humorous to me that you would consider someone simply judging your in game actions as a form of harassment.

Your comments about the inability to abstract are also probably misplaced, likely almost no one actually has this problem. Perhaps the reverse is more true, whereby people who are incapable of empathizing with the people they murder in game fail to understand the perspective of the victim.

If this were a simpler game where the loss of serious time investment wasn't possible, such as battlefield, pubg or other round based games, then the amount you can affect someone due to killing them and stealing their things obviously lessens. Especially when killing other people is the literal only objective of the game, that everyone explicitly signed up for.

However in a sandbox game, where you aren't given any explicit direction to kill and steal from people, where when doing so can result in the loss of hours or even days of time investment for that player in seconds, the impact you can have on someone is immense. This is why many people choose to play games like DayZ, Rust and Tarkov, because it allows them to take things from other people that those people care about.

To do this to someone in a sandbox game like Mortal, unprovoked, and for no other reason than you want their things, with complete disregard for what it means for them, and how much of their time and effort you are wasting, shows either a lack of empathy or a lack of thought given to the situation and all of its factors.

You can precariously analyze player behavior, nobody cares. What you can't do is harass people implying someone is a psychopath just because it ganked you, that the toxic community right there.

You didn't accuse me of anything, you can't really. Who doesn't understand how acting works, theres a whole baggage each individual has and direcly affects these actions, you ain't inventing gunpowder here dude.

I don't feel personally attacked, but i do feel theres a lot of toxic players that harrass other players trying to pull out real life shit and thats unacceptable.

You can judge players actions diegetically in context but implying those players are murderers irl because they do it on a game is harrassment. And thats just an example, an hyperbola and real nonetheless.

Yes theres people that can't abstract and won't understand this game is fiction, i'd say its all the people that get super upset when killed, all this crying about the world's design because they expect a mainstream instanced pvp game.

I really didn't saw myself explaining this, guess i was hoping anyone playing this game would understand it. Theres people unable to abstract that on a fiction anyone is" more than the real life persona, its the acting or roleplay component that some people ellaborate more than others. Some won't ever get into character and will just play themselves and thats part of the inhability to abstract, saying shit like "i can't murder people irl and i can't kill people ingame" is stablishing an extra-diegetic entailment between roleplay and reality, and thats not only unfair but mistaken.

Empathy is just a tool in the wide variety of behavior spectrum anyone can excersize diegetically, you can't asume someone is not empathic irl because they killed your piglet outside town, that would be fallacious and against the fiction itself. You could" asume and try to, judge diegetic behavior and stablish ill comparisons with reality, it would be idiotic tho, but you could.

Then again, you could analyze player behavior, diegetically, entirely. And that would be the only understandable and fair way to do it, in this context.

You bring that whole empathy thing, trying to stablish a link with reality. What are you trying to say, people does irl what they do ingame?

I myself, for example, roleplayed characters completly disposed of any empathy. Not because of that you can intuit im a sadistic person, and that wouldn't be only erroneous but fallacious. You are just mixing planes that shouldn't be mixed in this context, seen people that has this inherited vice of harrassing players, unable to abstract this is a fiction.

Im probably more empathic irl than many "good guys" playing the game. Some people roleplay themselves and their goodness, but when you actually see past that cheap morality, you start noticing theres people wanting to flex power, force people, replicate shitty social structures, denigrate people, be unfair and more but hey they are emphatic and don't murder innocents.

So yeah, i think this judgemental cheap morality is ass and shouldn't be used in this terms to discuss anything in the game, because it would be a flawed argument that wouldn't go anywhere. Yes, people that can't abstract this game is a fiction. Thats just the reality.

For example.

In MO1 I rp'ed a specicist terrorist. But in real life I have no problem with elves or halforcs(or any other human races or animal species). And I must say that I honestly felt a little bit bad every time I ganked a random thursar or alvarin. Yet I did it. Roleplay.

Grendel, under my off-diegetic eyes seems like a nice person, someone accessible, with its charisma and spark. But then, roleplayed a specist terrorist in the game, murdering other players. And not because of that im going to say this person is a psychopath or a bad person, or someone that kicks a dog in the balls when not playing. That would be fallacious out of place harrassment. Because i can understand this person is roleplaying, and creating a diegetic fictional character to play in the universe mortal offers.
And even if people is not roleplaying and act as themselves (never entirely in a fiction) it is not my or your place to judge. I accept theres people that can't abstract the fictional nature of the game, thats understandable. What is not understandable is when this people unable to sign in the fictional contract end up harrassing other players because they can't deal with it.

Yes, many (but not all) people unable to abstract this game which is a fiction end up asking for more and stronger punitive systems and behavioral hardbrakes. Because they can't understand mortal is another universe, with its own rules and context.
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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
To be honest, I find this discussion about the irl morals of mo players a bit silly. I mean you both have some good points and you are both kinda like in a trench shooting at each other.
I mean, griefing is a slippery thing to define. If you grieve about some slight or hurt... have you been griefed? Nah, I dont think so. Some players are very sensitive and feel grief over anything that goes against them. On the other hand, some players certainly go out of their way to cause grief for others.
Mmm.. I get the point about the spontaneous actions of new players in a game like MO, and sure, those can sometimes speak volumes about their character. Really, they can!
But it might as well be out of curiosity and seeking danger. ofc a game like mo attract people who will go to lenghts just to cause grief, no doubt about it. It also attract weirdos like me and sensitive people whgo grieve over nothing. The moment players have landed in the game, the time for judging spontanous actions have passed, players adjust and find their roles.
This is silly, lets just agree to love to hate each other. cya ingame

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
To be honest, I find this discussion about the irl morals of mo players a bit silly. I mean you both have some good points and you are both kinda like in a trench shooting at each other.
I mean, griefing is a slippery thing to define. If you grieve about some slight or hurt... have you been griefed? Nah, I dont think so. Some players are very sensitive and feel grief over anything that goes against them. On the other hand, some players certainly go out of their way to cause grief for others.
Mmm.. I get the point about the spontaneous actions of new players in a game like MO, and sure, those can sometimes speak volumes about their character. Really, they can!
But it might as well be out of curiosity and seeking danger. ofc a game like mo attract people who will go to lenghts just to cause grief, no doubt about it. It also attract weirdos like me and sensitive people whgo grieve over nothing. The moment players have landed in the game, the time for judging spontanous actions have passed, players adjust and find their roles.
This is silly, lets just agree to love to hate each other. cya ingame
For me It's not silly when people get worked out and starts being racist, xenophonic or calling people "psychos" because they can't handle the game.
That people ruins the game experience more than any "griefer". I don't really mind tho, but It's important to mention that and that it shouldnt be encouraged.

When someone tries to open the debate about balance it should be in the game terms, not anything else.
It's like when people blame the game development failures on the community.

Tired of that retarded logic some people wield it like its the ultimate truth, damn.

Also, griefing Is considered by a lot of players anything that goes against them. Call it killing them, or their pets, or steal their stuff, drowning them, fight for a farming place, assault them, etc. I disagree with that concept of griefing, for me is calling someone a "psycho" cuz they got ganked, psycho to say the least i have a dope compilation of insults recorded lol.

How many times i've been called griefer for killing horses lmao, thats just part of the game.

But i guess someone roleplaying a sensitive thursar could call pig farmers griefers. Why not.
Or a necromancer rioting at the entrance of graveyards could call griefer to a noob farming heads and that would be a great reason to slay them.
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Favonius Cornelius

Active member
Jun 4, 2020
The Empire
At the end of the day you can't separate freedom from what might be perceived as griefing naked miners. Attacking another guild's attempts to sustain itself is a legitimate tactic of war. People need to learn to be flexible rather than buckle at the first sign of trouble.

I will say this: GMs need to lay down the law in help chat. Stop being so damned kind to obvious trolls and BS talkers in there. Just ban them already. Nothing is gained by catering to aholes.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
In MO1 I rp'ed a specicist terrorist. But in real life I have no problem with elves or halforcs(or any other human races or animal species). And I must say that I honestly felt a little bit bad every time I ganked a random thursar or alvarin. Yet I did it. Roleplay.
This is precisely what I am referring to.

Role playing a speciesist and killing specific people is a good thing to have in the game, I would argue it adds a lot to the world to have players engaging in somewhat interesting behaviours.

What I am talking about however, is the people who are not role playing, and simply want to kill everything they see for no other reasons than because they want to make others unhappy, or to steal their things.

Those people, arguably, are quite boring and do not add much value to the world they inhabit.

Sure every hero needs a villain to fight, however you could easily role play a villain without actively trying to cause as much suffering as possible.

To me, it's the lowest effort, least interesting type of player we have. Think on social interaction games like DayZ, and how the best moments for a lot of people are the ones that involve talking to and engaging with other players, regardless of what happens afterward. If every single player only ever shot first in that game, and never interacted with anyone, it would not have been as popular as it was.
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