Alliance Members should show up in green color. We need an alliance or party System to distinguish between friends an enemys in huge Battles.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
We had a 50 men Battle today. It was organized, and that's why one team put up banners.
When such a battle takes place in the open world unsettled , the players can hardly distinguish who is friend and enemy.
That would be totally confusing, especially when several guilds are involved in a conflict.

I think the friends should at least show up in green color and that´s why we need an Alliance System or Party System. I am not sure how the players could else be highlighted.

Maybe everyone in the alliance or Party could wear an immginary banner, or an immginous top in a certain color, that only the other party members can see. That wouldn't of course be a very realistic solution, but it would be a way to tell party members and enemies apart, which is much more important than untrarealism !

Fights with an extremely high number of players are a real problem if they happen without any

We need a solution for this problem. It's already hard enough to switch through all the targets to see who needs a heal, or who is the target or get focused, when the other team carries banners when there are more than 50 Palyers on the screen and especially during the night time.

In the case of sieges, murder counts are likely to be given out and also to the players who accidentally hited you.

I think this shouldn´t be even possible. All core mechanics need to be added to the game before release and the wartag system is a core mechanic that should be a bit different from the first game for verious good reasons !
I also see an alliance system or a party system as a core mechanic that need to be tested before release.

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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
I fight in mixed groups all the time. Its a skill you pick up with a little time into the game. You develop situational awareness of where your people are in comparison to where the enemy is. Along with call outs your guild mates can say such as cardinal direction, description of the character model of the enemy.

Even in mixed team fights for practice you just keep track of the player names and dont need banners. This round so and so is on my team from this guild while my guild mate is on the other team. Its just a skill people need to practice a little bit inorder to get down.

The Chaos does help better organized groups against less organized groups. Even if the randoms are not in your coms its just about keeping a memory of who is friend or foe and reading their names when you are in range.

Basically read the names of who you are about to hit, its like how you would take some time in IRL to determine friend or foe
I would at least like guild capes to be in game if they dont want you to recognize enemy names untill you are very close.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I fight in mixed groups all the time. Its a skill you pick up with a little time into the game. You develop situational awareness of where your people are in comparison to where the enemy is. Along with call outs your guild mates can say such as cardinal direction, description of the character model of the enemy.

Even in mixed team fights for practice you just keep track of the player names and dont need banners. This round so and so is on my team from this guild while my guild mate is on the other team. Its just a skill people need to practice a little bit inorder to get down.

The Chaos does help better organized groups against less organized groups. Even if the randoms are not in your coms its just about keeping a memory of who is friend or foe and reading their names when you are in range.

Basically read the names of who you are about to hit, its like how you would take some time in IRL to determine friend or foe
I would at least like guild capes to be in game if they dont want you to recognize enemy names untill you are very close.

How you do it an an Archer, if you are out of range to see the names ?
As a hybrid you need constantly look arround, to not get focused, becuase you die in some hits. I had to constantly turn arround, so noone jump on me from behind pr from the side. The banners helped a bit. If you have to switch through all the targets to see their Guild Tag makes everything overcomplicated, if you want to finish of a player and run into enemy lines. I personally want to see if a friend comes to help me, or if those players are enemys without switching through all targets. When you get focused you need to block a lot and switching through targets is nearly impossible. As someone playing on the backline you not have this problems. Even if you clearly see who is a friend or enemy you can win with less Players, if your shotcaller is good.
Even a team with worse players can beat a team of good players if the shotcaller gives good instructions. A team is usually only as good as its commander in this game.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I would much prefer to have no alliance colors or party system, but rather tabards, banners and matching armor

I think that Guilds owning a keep should not be able to give Murdercounts to Members owning a Keep aswell. Thats why i think we need a new colour in the flagging system. Those Kingdowms should be in war or everyone turn red after a huge battle, what would be bad for the game, as red players tend to kill everyone, even players that are not interested in PVP. We need harsh punishments fpr murderers but also ways to not get murdercounts for PVP. Thats why i made this thread about the flagging system and the changes we need to make MO2 a better game.
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New member
Aug 22, 2021
I think that Guilds owning a keep should not be able to give Murdercounts to Members owning a Keep aswell. Thats why i think we need a new color in the flagging system. Those Kingdowms should be in war or everyone turn red after a huge battle, what would be bad for the game, as red players tend to kill everyone, even players that are not interested in PVP. We need harsh punishments fpr murderers but also ways to not get murdercounts for PVP. Thats why i made this thread about the flagging system and the changes we need to make MO2 a better game.

There is a very clear distinction between the flagging/murder count system and a party system. I specifically addressed the latter. I personally think the game needs as little of such "artificial means" as possible.

In regards to MC's and flagging, it should be very simple imho. Guild wars should override crimes/murder and rep loss so long as outside of NPC towns.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Allied members need another colour then green ...

You did not read my thread. Guilds that own a keep should be in war with all other Guilds that are owning a keep and should show up to each other as purple and allied Guilds as green.

Why it make sense to add an additional colour to the flagging System ?

You declare a Guild the war to get rid of them in towns. That should not automatically be the case with the conflicting kingdoms,
because they should be able to trade with one another despite the war.

There should be a difference between the orange and purple colour. Orange players can be attacked in towns and purple players should not be able to get attacked in towns.
Neither orange players nor purple players should be able to give each other murder counts.

I think we should be able to kill everyone we want, but we need a hard punishment for murderers and many ways to avoid murdercounts.

An optional Faction System like the Chaos Order System in Ultima Online and that the Guilds owning a keep are in war and can´t give murdercounts to each other would be good ways to avoid murdercounts. It is bad for the game if every Player that participate in big battles get red after the battle and maybe never get blue again. Red Players that can´t get blue again tent to kill everyone. Even Players not interestedf in PVP.
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Active member
May 31, 2020
I totally desagree with this system you propose, its terrible imo. Is not the system who needs to declare my enemies but the player.

Why a guild that have a keep need to be at war with the others guilds that have a keep too? If two of the guilds that have a keep are ally to each other, they still are at permanent war at each other showing " purple colour" than "green"?

Game need to evolve deeply on diplomatic relations ... increasing diplomatic possibilities and pacts, non agression pact and comercial pact i.e..

Guilds should be green ...

allies ... another colour ...

declared enemies red or other colour

Non agression pact .... another colour

Comercial pact .... another colour

Guilds that lives in your keep influence area and pay tributes ... another colour....

Declared war is an unilateral act of one of the parties. So doesnt need to the other side to accept the war.

At war , members of the guilds can kill each other inside and outside towns without the penalty of increasing Mudercount or losing reputation, but guards will attack to mantain order in towns and vicinities.

Wars doesnt have deadlines for guilds above 50 players in guild stones.

To go to war against smaller guilds you should use wardeck mode.


You will be able to distinguish fast by a diferent colour then your guild, no mc or lose rep if u attack and kill an allie.

Guilds need to solve their internal problems if they have with some players.

Non agression:

You be interessing to make non agression pact with some protection gold to make it worth. Like both guilds deposits 100g for a non agression pact in good faith ( can be 1000g or whatever)

First guild to attack the other guild can claim the gold which will auto resign the deal.

The number of hits of a guild do on another after a non agression pact is settled can be seen in a special tab (of diplomacy) and guild stone or whatever they create. That may say who hit first.


Declaring war against smaller guilds then 50 players can only be made throught a wardeck.

How it works:

Declared wardeck is an unilateral act of one of the parties. So doesnt need to the other side to accept the wardeck.

THE WARDECK last for a week and cant be declared again after three days of cool down. However, if both sides accepts it ... it will go on till one of them quit the wardeck.... need a three days cooldown to be ask again.

At wardeck, members of the guilds can kill each other inside and outside towns without the penalty of increasing Mudercount BUT THEY WILL LOSE REPUTATION. NOTICE, guards will attack to mantain order in towns and vicinities.


one time per week a guild with no relation with other that is getting siedged or just with a non agression pact or even a comercial pact .. . can claim an unilateral act called a SIEDGE DECK to help the attacker side of the siedge or the defender side (that works well for mercenary guilds that arent allied with any side, gold talks louder).

The sidge decks works like a declararion of war in a window of 4 days, which the guild who declared can point out which guilds will be facing both sides .. guilds that will be in the attack and guilds that will be defending that castle .... to avoid mudercount and losing rep if they kill players of any of those sides, even by mistake.

Guilds that declared teh sidgedeck have till the end of the fourth day to fill in and modify which guilds are showing in the attack to be able to kill without getting mc or losing reputation.

Comercial pact

Guilds with comercial pacts has their npcs giving a better discount to buy equipment or better reward when selling to it.

The sidge.

To finish the idea of no timing for ninja siedges of mo1 ... but, at same way, not locking a sand box game too much, we need to think that those castles (keeps) we have in mo2 will be able to get sidge on a specific date of the week...

a siedge attack will neeed to be launch to be effective. Attack guild will informe the keep owner of attack (system information), and it will last for 4 days .... guilds will be able to siedge only in that net window of 4 days ... even if it is late at night (ninja sidge).

Ninja sidge will work here too but will a limited net of days to do a surprise attack ... and not like mo1 ... any hour of the existence of the game.

I think the hole area of the sidge location would turn a free pvp zone without mc or rep loss ( that could work with the siedgedeck to work better)

This will make that guilds envolved try to get the most of your guildies to atend and be at the event .

Im tired ... those ideas need to be discussed alot just


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The way it is now is fine and adds content of the player actually having to keep track of politic/persons them selves instead of off loading those skills onto the game to do it for you. Its not a very high skill floor either also give a advantage to groups that have good situational awareness and call outs.

Fast thinking and Identification Friend or Foe skill help make the game more interesting. Its also unique compared to handholdy games.

This is one times where I will say the realism will be a boon for the game and adds content. Medieval warfare didnt have matching uniforms. Knights would have half a dozen people with them with on holding that knights coat of arms. Coat of arms on a banner is how people recognized you along with the coat of arms on your gear. Coat of Arms are unique and you would have to discern whether that person was a friend or foe by memory.

Any problem with Identifying Friend or Foe after you see their name is a players problem and solvable by the player.


Active member
May 31, 2020
The way it is now is fine and adds content of the player actually having to keep track of politic/persons them selves instead of off loading those skills onto the game to do it for you. Its not a very high skill floor either also give a advantage to groups that have good situational awareness and call outs.

Fast thinking and Identification Friend or Foe skill help make the game more interesting. Its also unique compared to handholdy games.

This is one times where I will say the realism will be a boon for the game and adds content. Medieval warfare didnt have matching uniforms. Knights would have half a dozen people with them with on holding that knights coat of arms. Coat of arms on a banner is how people recognized you along with the coat of arms on your gear. Coat of Arms are unique and you would have to discern whether that person was a friend or foe by memory.

Any problem with Identifying Friend or Foe after you see their name is a players problem and solvable by the player.

Yeah do that with 200 ppl and many allies fighting together ... why would you need to dificult things? When can be more visible and simple and clear?

The size of the wars upcoming if the game gets to the right place i hope would be huge.

So thats need to be adressed. We not talking some 20 v 20 in gk or anywhere else.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
The way it is now is fine and adds content of the player actually having to keep track of politic/persons them selves instead of off loading those skills onto the game to do it for you. Its not a very high skill floor either also give a advantage to groups that have good situational awareness and call outs.

Fast thinking and Identification Friend or Foe skill help make the game more interesting. Its also unique compared to handholdy games.

This is one times where I will say the realism will be a boon for the game and adds content. Medieval warfare didnt have matching uniforms. Knights would have half a dozen people with them with on holding that knights coat of arms. Coat of arms on a banner is how people recognized you along with the coat of arms on your gear. Coat of Arms are unique and you would have to discern whether that person was a friend or foe by memory.

Any problem with Identifying Friend or Foe after you see their name is a players problem and solvable by the player.

The Problem is that your Character turn red after a huge battle. I have over 50 Murdercounts and i did not PK anyone. Just from the Stresstest Battles and defending the new Players from town attacks. It is bad if the largest PVP Guilds that are owning a Keep can give Murdercounts to each other.

Either the game would have to recognize when a huge fight is taking place, so that no player can give murder counts, or we need a new coloir for the flagging system. It could also be a new hidden colour. Murderers are not highlighted in red but are hidden red. Same could apply for this new purple colour. The former suggestion might be much more difficult to implement. At least I don't know how.

The only other possibility would be if the guild that occupies a city could deactivate the option to give murder counts for specific Guilds and specific Players in their region.

The current system punish Players that will only play on 1 Account. I defend our Town from PKS and try to roleplay the good guy defending the new Palyers and get a murderer for killing the attackers.
I am treated as a murderer from the Guards instead of being celebrated as a hero in the city. Ingratitude is an honorary citizen's reward. Just like in real life.

That does not feel right. You guys are propably roleplaying PKS but i want to roleplay as a Member of the local Policedepartment of our town and defend the new Players and getting punished for a non toxic behavior.

It is bad for the game if every PVP Player turn red.

Another Problem is see is the Lictor abuse. Take this example. Legion is a big Guild and want to attack Meduli and the Koto Members.
If they are not in war with each other by default, because both guilds are owning a keep and there will be a blue Player among them, the system could be abused like during the last Stresstest battle. Lictors comming out of the town teleporting arround and kill the grey players. That need to be prevented and this purple Tag could prevent that to some extrend. Not in every situation, if smaller guilds would attack the city, but at least in the cases when the big guilds fight earch other near the town. Guards defenetly need to reset and go back to town.
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Active member
May 31, 2020
thats why... its already happening since day one of Beta.

20 v 20 u still can have good vision of the fight and u can identify players ... 100 v 100 with many guilds involved turn to be much more dificult . . . And alliance colour will help to ppl focus actually in the fight and not hiting any player nearby
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
thats why... its already happening since day one of Beta.

20 v 20 u still can have good vision of the fight and u can identify players ... 100 v 100 with many guilds involved turn to be much more dificult . . . And alliance colour will help to ppl focus actually in the fight and not hiting any player nearby
Good luck finding 200 players playing a pre Alpha game released on steam as if it was a AAA game. Its hard AF to get 200 players in 1 fight during stress tests where they throw keys at people.


Active member
May 31, 2020
Thats an example .... but 50 x50 is ok to implement the idea.

Even with 20 x 20 is good to have the alliance colours like we had in mo1... dont need an effort to see that alliance system is not implemented yet and we do need those colours


Active member
Aug 7, 2020
Oh pfft don't waste your breath, I made a post like this a few weeks ago and people told me they want the game to be hard to distinguish between friend and foe. I agree with you though, I want to be able to see who my allies are instead of scanning the battlefield wasting precious seconds each time between attacks.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Oh pfft don't waste your breath, I made a post like this a few weeks ago and people told me they want the game to be hard to distinguish between friend and foe. I agree with you though, I want to be able to see who my allies are instead of scanning the battlefield wasting precious seconds each time between attacks.
This is how it should be, instead of the game playing its self for you. You have to play the game and determine if they are friend or foe. Its one of the plusses about this game.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Oh pfft don't waste your breath, I made a post like this a few weeks ago and people told me they want the game to be hard to distinguish between friend and foe. I agree with you though, I want to be able to see who my allies are instead of scanning the battlefield wasting precious seconds each time between attacks.

you have to scroll through the enemies even if the opponents wear a tabart, too see who is low hp, need help, a heal and to find the player that are focused. in 10 vs 10 or in 20 vs 20 you not need it, but in huge battles like 150 vs 150 Players we need to see who is the enemy.

A party System would be awesome. Everyone who get invited into the party during a siege should automaticly show up a white tabert over his armor. This could be a solution till someone have a better idea.
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