Alchemy Demystified


New member
Nov 10, 2021
This guide aims to explain how Alchemy works. Starting from how you brew potions to how exactly every property of a potion is calculated, and how you can find out the exact property values of any ingredient.

Creating Potions
Alchemy is pretty simple in a nutshell. Put a bunch of ingredients along with a vial on the Alchemy Table and get a potion. You start with just a single slot when you have no Alchemy-related in-game skills. Two skills help unlock more slots:
  • Potion Making. Unlocks 4 slots total at 100. The in-game description says it unlocks more, but last time I checked it was 4. Not sure how many it actually will unlock in the end. But if you are serious about alchemy, you should unlock all 16 slots anyway.
  • Advanced Potion Making. Unlocks the remaining 12 slots at 100. Also, it multiplies the effects of your potions by 1.2 at 100. More on this later.
Once both skills are at 100, you have 16 slots at the Alchemy Table. You can add almost any material in the game to a potion.

If you are new to this, put a Minor Vial and 11 Sea Dew on the table. That’d be your first healing potion! Extract Sea Dew Leaves from Sea Dew on the Herbologium table. 11 Sea Dew Leaves make an even stronger potion.

Potion Units
The amount of a potion you have in the vial is measured in Potion Units (PU). 0.01kg = 1 PU.

PU of your potion is calculated as:

PU = (W - 1) / 10

The division here is integral, meaning you should truncate the fractional part.
If the result of truncation is 0, you won’t get a potion.

Alvarins have a Clade that increases the result of this formula by 10%, rounded down.

W in the formula is a sum of Alchemical Weights (AW) of all ingredients in a potion. AW is either 0 or 1, depending on the type of the material. Plants, edible ingredients, carcasses have AW = 1, while minerals, metals, and (non-edible) animal materials have AW = 0.

So if you mix 11 Sea Dew you get PU = (11 - 1) / 10 = 1. And if you add 10 000 Blood Ore to that 11 Sea Dew, you still get 1 PU, because Blood Ore has AW = 0.

The formula above simply means that the PU you get is distributed in ranges:
  • 11-20 AW = 1 PU
  • 21-30 AW = 2 PU
  • 31-40 AW = 3 PU
And so on.

Potion vials differ in their PU capacity:
  • Minor Vial: 15 PU
  • Medium Vial: 40 PU
To see how much PU a potion has you should subtract the weight of the vial from the weight of the potion. If a potion in Minor Vial has 0.20kg weight, then the actual liquid in it has 0.20-0.10 = 0.10kg weight, which is 10 PU.

Each character has a Thirst attribute that puts a limit on how much PU the character can consume at a time. The default maximum for Thirst is 10. A character with 10 Thirst can consume up to 10 PU at a time. The Thirst limit is increased by 1 for every 10 points in the Potion Utilization skill. Oghmirs have a Clade that increases it by 10. So the maximum achievable Thirst limit is 30 for an Oghmir.

Potion Properties
The properties a potion can have are:
  • Direct Healing (DH). How much HP is restored immediately. It is multiplied by PU drunk. So if DH of a potion is 2 and you drink 10 PU, you restore 20 HP.
  • Direct Poison (DP). How much HP is subtracted immediately. Multiplied by PU drunk.
  • Healing Over Time (HoT). How much HP is regenerated per second after the potion is drunk. Multiplied by PU drunk.
  • Healing Length (HL). How long HoT ticks. Not affected by PU drunk.
  • Poison Over Time (PoT). How much HP is drained per second after the potion is drunk. Multiplied by PU drunk.
  • Poison Length (PL). How long PoT ticks. Not affected by PU drunk.
  • Alcohol (Alc). Seems to have no effect as of this writing.
Each ingredient has hidden properties that are not listed in the game interface and match the above properties. Notice that the value of the properties that ingredient contributes to a potion can be different from the raw ingredient values, so I prepend “Potion” to them: Potion Direct Healing (PDH), Potion Direct Poison (PDP), and so on. The full list of these hidden properties is:
  • Potion Direct Healing (PDH)
  • DH Multiplier (DHM)
  • Potion Direct Poison (PDP)
  • DP Multiplier (DPM)
  • Potion Healing Over Time (PHoT)
  • HoT Multiplier (HoTM)
  • Potion Healing Length (PHL)
  • Healing Length Multiplier (HLM)
  • Potion Poison Over Time (PPoT)
  • Poison Over Time Multiplier (PoTM)
  • Potion Poison Length (PPL)
  • Poison Length Multiplier (PLM)
  • Potion Alcohol (PAlc)
  • Alcohol Multiplier (AlcM)
So each of the 7 properties has the corresponding base value and a multiplier. Both the base value and the multiplier can be negative.

The resulting value of a property in a potion is calculated as:


A - Advanced Potion Making (APM) multiplier. Ranges from 1.0 with 0 APM to 1.2 with 100 APM. So if X is the APM level, then A = (1 + 0.2 * X / 100).
Ci - Count of the ingredient in the potion
N - Total number of ingredients (sum of all counts)
Bi - The base property value of the ingredient
Mi - The multiplier value of the ingredient
Li - Lore multiplier of the ingredient

The result is rounded to 3 decimal places. If the result was 0 or lower before rounding, the effect will not be in the potion. If the result was higher than 0 before the rounding but was rounded to 0.000, you will still see the effect with a value of 0.000.

The Lore Multiplier is calculated as (1 + F * L / 100) where L is the level of the corresponding Lore skill and F is the "lore factor". Lore factor is different for different lores. Notice that the Lore skill of the ingredient affects the base value, but not the multiplier.

Now for some examples. Sea Dew Leaves have PDH = 1.2 and DHM = 0.0. Muse Fruit has PDH = 0.15 and DHM = 0.44. Let’s see what DH you get when you use these in a potion.

Lore Factor is 2/3 for Herbology. With 100 Lore the Lore Multiplier equals 5/3. And with 100 Advanced Potion Making, its multiplier is 1.2. So the total "extra multiplier" would be 2 with 100 of both those skills. I will use it directly below.

DH of 11 Sea Dew Leaves
2 * 1.2 * 11/11 * (1 + sqrt(11/11) * 0.0) = 2.4.

DH of 11 Muse Fruit
2 * 0.15 * 11/11 * (1 + sqrt(11/11) * 0.44) = 0.3 * 1.44 = 0.432.

DH of 11 Sea Dew Leaves + 1 Muse Fruit
2 * (1.2 * 11/12 + 0.15 * 1/12) * (1 + sqrt(11/12) * 0.0) * (1 + sqrt(1/12) * 0.44) = 2.508

Because Muse Fruit has a non-zero multiplier for DH, we were able to increase the effect of Sea Dew Leaves from 2.4 to 2.508 just by adding 1 Muse Fruit. That’s the basic idea behind improving the potions. Find out what multiplies the effect, find out the best ratio, and voila.

Notice how adding an extra ingredient reduced the ratio of Sea Dew Leaves, which decreases the sum that gets multiplied. After reaching a certain ratio of the multiplier, the total result will actually start decreasing, because the multiplication in the formula will no longer be significantly affected, but the multiplied sum will keep decreasing.

Because many ingredients have multiple non-zero properties, obtaining the best healing potion is not just a matter of maximizing the DH output. You should also keep in mind the poison. Many ingredients may have positive DH multipliers, but also positive poison bases and/or multipliers. However, in the current version of the game ( the HoT and PoT values are very low, making HoT potions useless and PoT not significant enough for you to care too much about reducing it. Hopefully, this will change in the future to add more depth to alchemy.
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New member
Nov 10, 2021
Finding Out Ingredient Properties

I’ll describe the approach I use to determine values for each of the ingredient effects. The values provided here are from the version of the game. They may change in the future, but the overall approach should remain the same unless the Alchemy mechanics are significantly overhauled.

Determining PDH, DHM, PHoT, HoTM, PHL, HLM, PAlc, AlcM.

We will use Common Vitis Juice (CVJ) as a base for determining these. It has non-zero PDH, PHoT, PHL, PAlc, which makes it easy to see if the ingredient in question has an effect on these properties. Common Vitis looks like grape and can be gathered in the Tindrem’s Orchard, which is not far southeast from Tindrem. Extract CVJ from Common Vitis using a Press that can be found in any town.

The values for Common Vitis Juice are as follows. I assume 100 skills for the bases. PDH = 1.2, PHoT = 0.036, PHL = 28.8, HLM = -0.8, PoTM = 0.64, PAlc = 0.12. Other properties are zero.

Now, for each of the properties, we need to find X and Y, where X is the base value and Y is the multiplier. B would be CVJ’s base value of the property, and M would be the multiplier; L is the lore multiplier for the ingredient in question.

If we mix 11 CVJ with 1 of our ingredient, we will see this result:

(B * 11/12 + 1.2 * L * X * 1/12) * (1 + sqrt(11/12) * M) * (1 + sqrt(1/12) * Y)

We have two unknowns (X and Y) so one equation won’t be enough to pinpoint their values unless both of them are 0. Let’s mix 11 CVJ with 2 of these and we’ll get:

(B * 11/13 + 1.2 * L * X * 2/13) * (1 + sqrt(11/13) * M) * (1 + sqrt(2/13) * Y)

Now we have two equations. But since the result is rounded, and we don’t know the exact value before rounding, we may still not have enough information. This gets especially problematic with PHoT and PPoT values, which tend to be pretty low and you may have multiple possible solutions for the property values even after trying to add 3, 4, 5, 6 of the ingredient to the potion. There are a few things that will help here:
  • The multipliers currently never have more than 2 decimal places. So you don’t need to bother about 0.155 being a possible solution. It’ll either be 0.15 or 0.16.
  • The bases never have more than 2 decimal places for all values except PHoT and PPoT. Those never have more than 3.
  • Once you tried adding 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the ingredient to 11 CVJ, you already have 6 values. If there are still multiple solutions, list out what the values would be for each of the solutions if you added more than 6 ingredients, up to 20. This is easy to do in a spreadsheet or with a little program. Find out where the values diverge and create that potion. That will pinpoint the correct solution.
If the ingredient has a 0 base and a 0 multiplier, you’ll see these property values when you add just 1 of the ingredient:
  • DH = 1.1
  • HoT = 0.033
  • HL = 6.179
If you see this value, you can safely assume 0 base and 0 multiplier and not waste the ingredient further.

Determining PDP, DPM, PPoT, PoTM, PPL, PLM.

This is very similar to the above, but we use the poisonous Nitre as a base instead. Nitre is very easy to obtain - just purchase it from a Magic Vendor.

The property values for Nitre are as follows. Again, bases are provided for 100 skills. Lore Factor for Nitre is 1. Adjust to your skills as needed. DHM = -0.19, HoTM = -0.1, HLM = -0.1, PDP = 3, DPM = -0.36, PPoT = 0.072, PoTM = -0.19, PPL = 14.4, AlcM = -1. Other properties are zero.

If the ingredient has a 0 base and a 0 multiplier, you’ll see these property values when you add just 1 of the ingredient:
  • DP = 1.802
  • PoT = 0.054
  • PL = 13.2
Direct Healing With Examples

There are three notable DH bases currently in the game:
  • Sea Dew Leaves (100-skill PDH = 2.4). Extracted from Sea Dew on a Herbologium.
  • Salvia Carpels (100-skill PDH = 3.0). Extracted from Salvia on a Herbologium.
  • Salvia Oil (100-skill PDH = 4.2). Extracted from Salvia Carpels in a Press.
And a bunch of multipliers:
  1. DHM = 0.96: Argus Sponge, Skadite.
  2. DHM = 0.69: Gold, Jadeite, Nitre Queen Carcass, Great Horn.
  3. DHM = 0.56: Pirum Juice, Electrum, Green Jambura Juice.
  4. DHM = 0.44: Gamun Oil, Compact Horn, Basileus, Minotaur Carcass, Kyanite, Pirum, Waterstone, White Bear Carcass, Blood Ore, Green Jambura, Muse Fruit (this one also has PDH = 0.3 with 100 skills).
  5. DHM = 0.21: Horn, Gamun Seeds, Allium, Coralis Crab Meat, White Cavolo, Common Reedmace Shoots (this also has PDH = 0.6 with 100 skills).
You can obtain the optimal ratio for each of the multiplier values to get the best DH result based on the formula used for computing the properties.

Say, you want to fill a Medium Vial. Its capacity is 40 PU. You need at 401-410 AW for that. Or 371-380 AW as an Alvarin with a Clade.

The best ratio for an Alvarin would be:
  • 268 of Base
  • 24 of 0.96 multipliers
  • 15 of 0.69 multipliers
  • 10 of 0.56 multipliers
  • 7 of 0.44 multipliers, and 8 of Muse Fruit because it also has a non-zero PDH.
So here is a 106.17 DH / 10 PU recipe that will yield 40 PU for an Alvarin:

Salvia Oil x268
Argus Sponge x24
Skadite x24
Jadeite x15
Nitre Queen Carcass x15
Great Horn x15
Gold x15
Pirum Juice x10
Electrum x10
Green Jambura Juice x10
Muse Fruit x8
Green Jambura x7
Pirum x7
Blood Ore x7
Compact Horn x7
Basileus x7

Since Salvia Oil is valuable, and that fractional .17 isn’t much of a use, you can reduce the amount of Salvia Oil in favor of the cheaper ingredients, while lowering the value to exactly 106 DH / 10 PU. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader.

If you’re not an Alvarin, you have to spend more ingredients to get the same effect:
  • 285 of Base
  • 26 of 0.96 multipliers
  • 16 of 0.69 multipliers
  • 11 of 0.56 multipliers
  • 7 of 0.44 multipliers, and 8 of Muse Fruit.
Keep in mind we completely discarded poison here. So the absolute best potion would have a different recipe. Unfortunately, because with the current balance PoT effect is negligible, the absolute best potion is almost no better than the one provided here. Hopefully, this will change in the future. As things currently stand, DH is the only property you should care about in Alchemy.
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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020

there is still something that makes alchemy interesting: the cost effectiveness and availability of the resources.
MO2 alchemy will eventually see an expansion and more features to it, more than just potions, purify and age/size pots.


New member
Nov 26, 2021
The property values for Nitre are as follows. Again, bases are multiplied by 2. Adjust to your skills as needed. DHM = -0.19, HoTM = -0.1, HLM = -0.1, PDP = 3, DPM = -0.36, PPoT = 0.072, PoTM = -0.19, PPL = 14.4, AlcM = -1. Other properties are zero.

So with Advanced Potion Making at 72 and no Nitre lore, I should get 1.144 * 1.5 * (1-0.36) = 1.098 DP from 11 Nitre - but I get 0.915. What am I missing?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021

there is still something that makes alchemy interesting: the cost effectiveness and availability of the resources.
MO2 alchemy will eventually see an expansion and more features to it, more than just potions, purify and age/size pots.

Idk MO1 never got an alchemy expansion what makes you think MO2 will? I did alchemy for a bit but after you get over the 'hehe I know secrut potionz' you realize it's pretty boring and pretty unprofitable compared to other trades
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Great job to find the formula! I spent much time into alchemy in MO1 and even tried poison potions (I know they never worked but I tried the system with multipliers). But I never went that deep into the system!


New member
Nov 10, 2021
So with Advanced Potion Making at 72 and no Nitre lore, I should get 1.144 * 1.5 * (1-0.36) = 1.098 DP from 11 Nitre - but I get 0.915. What am I missing?

Turned out lores affect different ingredients differently. I updated the guide to reflect that. The Lore Factor for Nitre is 1, not 2/3. Check if the calculation now matches your result.

Great job to find the formula! I spent much time into alchemy in MO1 and even tried poison potions (I know they never worked but I tried the system with multipliers). But I never went that deep into the system!

Thank you. I didn't play MO1 past the beginner stage and didn't try alchemy there. I imagine the sliders made it much harder to figure out how things work precisely.

Awesome thank you. Wow that is scientific. Respect. Am I allowed to use that for a video?

Sure, it is public information now. Use it as you see fit.
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New member
Nov 26, 2021
Turned out lores affect different ingredients differently. I updated the guide to reflect that. The Lore Factor for Nitre is 1, not 2/3. Check if the calculation now matches your result.

It checks out now - thank you.

I think the research method you propose it not optimal for cheap materials. For those, I think it is better to make a potion of 11 and a potion of 11 and 11 purified water (should have 0 on all properties?). Also gives you two equations for two unknowns.

Edit: Well - that works only for non-zero base properties.
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New member
Nov 10, 2021
It checks out now - thank you.

I think the research method you propose it not optimal for cheap materials. For those, I think it is better to make a potion of 11 and a potion of 11 and 11 purified water (should have 0 on all properties?). Also gives you two equations for two unknowns.

Yes, that would also work, as long as the ingredient in question has a non-zero AW for you to be able to make a potion from 11 of it. I presented a cheap and universal method that I used. But, of course, you can invent your own! There are numerous ways to find out the properties when you know the formula.
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New member
Nov 26, 2021
The values for Common Vitis Juice are as follows. I assume 100 skills for the bases. PDH = 1.2, PHoT = 0.036, PHL = 28.8, HLM = -0.8, PoTM = 0.64, PAlc = 0.12. Other properties are zero.

Are you sure about PoTM for Common Vitis Juice? Mixing it with Nitre suggests something around 0.56.


New member
Nov 26, 2021
I have Silk Lore 0 and Advanced Potion Making 100. A potion from 11 Silk has 0.03 alc and one from 11 Silk and 11 Purified Water has 0.015. This cannot be possible if base alc has only 2 decimal places?


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Salvia Oil x268
Argus Sponge x24
Skadite x24
Jadeite x15
Nitre Queen Carcass x15
Great Horn x15
Gold x15
Pirum Juice x10
Electrum x10
Green Jambura Juice x10
Muse Fruit x8
Green Jambura x7
Pirum x7
Blood Ore x7
Compact Horn x7
Basileus x7
You sure it's 106/10 PU?

Because the multiplier product alone is

1 * \
(1+0.44*sqrt(7/449)) = 4.58

and PDH value for salvia oil would be 5/3 * 4.2 * (268/449) ~= 4.18 if the lore multiplier is correct
so it gives 1.2 * 4.58 *4.18= 22.97 so almost 23 direct healing / 1 PU

It does look too much though, where did i screwed up the math here?


New member
Nov 26, 2021
It does look too much though, where did i screwed up the math here?

The 1.2 and 5/3 factors are already included in the 4.2 dh value. Also you added a nonexistent third 0.96 multiplier in the multiplier product and forgot the Muse Fruit dh:

(1+0.44*sqrt(7/449)) = 4.226062463089597

4.226062463089597 * ( 4.2*(268/449) + 0.3*(8/449) ) = 10.61692306985538 = 10.617 (rounded)
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New member
Dec 19, 2021
This guide aims to explain how Alchemy works. Starting from how you brew potions to how exactly every property of a potion is calculated, and how you can find out the exact property values of any ingredient.

Creating Potions
Alchemy is pretty simple in a nutshell. Put a bunch of ingredients along with a vial on the Alchemy Table and get a potion. You start with just a single slot when you have no Alchemy-related in-game skills. Two skills help unlock more slots:
  • Potion Making. Unlocks 4 slots total at 100. The in-game description says it unlocks more, but last time I checked it was 4. Not sure how many it actually will unlock in the end. But if you are serious about alchemy, you should unlock all 16 slots anyway.
  • Advanced Potion Making. Unlocks the remaining 12 slots at 100. Also, it multiplies the effects of your potions by 1.2 at 100. More on this later.
Once both skills are at 100, you have 16 slots at the Alchemy Table. You can add almost any material in the game to a potion.

If you are new to this, put a Minor Vial and 11 Sea Dew on the table. That’d be your first healing potion! Extract Sea Dew Leaves from Sea Dew on the Herbologium table. 11 Sea Dew Leaves make an even stronger potion.

Potion Units
The amount of a potion you have in the vial is measured in Potion Units (PU). 0.01kg = 1 PU.

PU of your potion is calculated as:

PU = (W - 1) / 10

The division here is integral, meaning you should truncate the fractional part.
If the result of truncation is 0, you won’t get a potion.

Alvarins have a Clade that increases the result of this formula by 10%, rounded down.

W in the formula is a sum of Alchemical Weights (AW) of all ingredients in a potion. AW is either 0 or 1, depending on the type of the material. Plants, edible ingredients, carcasses have AW = 1, while minerals, metals, and (non-edible) animal materials have AW = 0.

So if you mix 11 Sea Dew you get PU = (11 - 1) / 10 = 1. And if you add 10 000 Blood Ore to that 11 Sea Dew, you still get 1 PU, because Blood Ore has AW = 0.

The formula above simply means that the PU you get is distributed in ranges:
  • 11-20 AW = 1 PU
  • 21-30 AW = 2 PU
  • 31-40 AW = 3 PU
And so on.

Potion vials differ in their PU capacity:
  • Minor Vial: 15 PU
  • Medium Vial: 40 PU
To see how much PU a potion has you should subtract the weight of the vial from the weight of the potion. If a potion in Minor Vial has 0.20kg weight, then the actual liquid in it has 0.20-0.10 = 0.10kg weight, which is 10 PU.

Each character has a Thirst attribute that puts a limit on how much PU the character can consume at a time. The default maximum for Thirst is 10. A character with 10 Thirst can consume up to 10 PU at a time. The Thirst limit is increased by 1 for every 10 points in the Potion Utilization skill. Oghmirs have a Clade that increases it by 10. So the maximum achievable Thirst limit is 30 for an Oghmir.

Potion Properties
The properties a potion can have are:
  • Direct Healing (DH). How much HP is restored immediately. It is multiplied by PU drunk. So if DH of a potion is 2 and you drink 10 PU, you restore 20 HP.
  • Direct Poison (DP). How much HP is subtracted immediately. Multiplied by PU drunk.
  • Healing Over Time (HoT). How much HP is regenerated per second after the potion is drunk. Multiplied by PU drunk.
  • Healing Length (HL). How long HoT ticks. Not affected by PU drunk.
  • Poison Over Time (PoT). How much HP is drained per second after the potion is drunk. Multiplied by PU drunk.
  • Poison Length (PL). How long PoT ticks. Not affected by PU drunk.
  • Alcohol (Alc). Seems to have no effect as of this writing.
Each ingredient has hidden properties that are not listed in the game interface and match the above properties. Notice that the value of the properties that ingredient contributes to a potion can be different from the raw ingredient values, so I prepend “Potion” to them: Potion Direct Healing (PDH), Potion Direct Poison (PDP), and so on. The full list of these hidden properties is:
  • Potion Direct Healing (PDH)
  • DH Multiplier (DHM)
  • Potion Direct Poison (PDP)
  • DP Multiplier (DPM)
  • Potion Healing Over Time (PHoT)
  • HoT Multiplier (HoTM)
  • Potion Healing Length (PHL)
  • Healing Length Multiplier (HLM)
  • Potion Poison Over Time (PPoT)
  • Poison Over Time Multiplier (PoTM)
  • Potion Poison Length (PPL)
  • Poison Length Multiplier (PLM)
  • Potion Alcohol (PAlc)
  • Alcohol Multiplier (AlcM)
So each of the 7 properties has the corresponding base value and a multiplier. Both the base value and the multiplier can be negative.

The resulting value of a property in a potion is calculated as:

View attachment 2743

A - Advanced Potion Making (APM) multiplier. Ranges from 1.0 with 0 APM to 1.2 with 100 APM. So if X is the APM level, then A = (1 + 0.2 * X / 100).
Ci - Count of the ingredient in the potion
N - Total number of ingredients (sum of all counts)
Bi - The base property value of the ingredient
Mi - The multiplier value of the ingredient
Li - Lore multiplier of the ingredient

The result is rounded to 3 decimal places. If the result was 0 or lower before rounding, the effect will not be in the potion. If the result was higher than 0 before the rounding but was rounded to 0.000, you will still see the effect with a value of 0.000.

The Lore Multiplier is calculated as (1 + F * L / 100) where L is the level of the corresponding Lore skill and F is the "lore factor". Lore factor is different for different lores. Notice that the Lore skill of the ingredient affects the base value, but not the multiplier.

Now for some examples. Sea Dew Leaves have PDH = 1.2 and DHM = 0.0. Muse Fruit has PDH = 0.15 and DHM = 0.44. Let’s see what DH you get when you use these in a potion.

Lore Factor is 2/3 for Herbology. With 100 Lore the Lore Multiplier equals 5/3. And with 100 Advanced Potion Making, its multiplier is 1.2. So the total "extra multiplier" would be 2 with 100 of both those skills. I will use it directly below.

DH of 11 Sea Dew Leaves
2 * 1.2 * 11/11 * (1 + sqrt(11/11) * 0.0) = 2.4.

DH of 11 Muse Fruit
2 * 0.15 * 11/11 * (1 + sqrt(11/11) * 0.44) = 0.3 * 1.44 = 0.432.

DH of 11 Sea Dew Leaves + 1 Muse Fruit
2 * (1.2 * 11/12 + 0.15 * 1/12) * (1 + sqrt(11/12) * 0.0) * (1 + sqrt(1/12) * 0.44) = 2.508

Because Muse Fruit has a non-zero multiplier for DH, we were able to increase the effect of Sea Dew Leaves from 2.4 to 2.508 just by adding 1 Muse Fruit. That’s the basic idea behind improving the potions. Find out what multiplies the effect, find out the best ratio, and voila.

Notice how adding an extra ingredient reduced the ratio of Sea Dew Leaves, which decreases the sum that gets multiplied. After reaching a certain ratio of the multiplier, the total result will actually start decreasing, because the multiplication in the formula will no longer be significantly affected, but the multiplied sum will keep decreasing.

Because many ingredients have multiple non-zero properties, obtaining the best healing potion is not just a matter of maximizing the DH output. You should also keep in mind the poison. Many ingredients may have positive DH multipliers, but also positive poison bases and/or multipliers. However, in the current version of the game ( the HoT and PoT values are very low, making HoT potions useless and PoT not significant enough for you to care too much about reducing it. Hopefully, this will change in the future to add more depth to alchemy.
Alchemy is pretty simple in a nutshell? I'm a new(ish) dad with a toddler, I never took advanced calculus, this looks complicated af lol, maybe alchemy isn't for me


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2020
Alchemy is pretty simple in a nutshell? I'm a new(ish) dad with a toddler, I never took advanced calculus, this looks complicated af lol, maybe alchemy isn't for me
No problem, do like me, Copy and paste and a Little search. Lol
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New member
Apr 10, 2021
What skills are required to be an effective potion maker? The ones under the alchemy tree are obvious, but I know there is more to it than that such as botany and some crafting appliances.