When did they make this change? This seems a nightmare for 150+ ping players...
In the upcoming days i will release frame data and do deep ingame Testing with Australian and US players. I ask the guy who made the framedata Video. I already tested it against US Players. Further Tests will follow. All experienced Players,
that I know block pretty much all of my attacks.
This technique is very situation-related. You can´t do these moves if the player is moving. These are used when a player has little HP and is in turtle mode. That means that he stand still and tries to block the hits, if he is low HP. It not shorten the animation.
The timeframe of the attack, if you click left mouse to make a repost after a parry is the same as for a repost after a feinted attack, so you have the same time to react, but you might block in the wrong direction and have to switch your block stance. Because of this, the response time is not reduced but you you need switch the block stance more often.
In addition, these feints are very difficult to do. The frame window is so small that only the best players can carry out these attacks and they are not always consistent. If you fail, you wased all the damage of the repost after the Parry.
I personally love it, because we need skillbased ways to get around the parry.
It is a Duel Mechanic that won´t be used in Team fights. The enemies in Team fights try to go back when they are half HP and constantly move. It's hard to do such moves, if the enemies are running.
In Team fights it is more likely that two players charge an attack from different directions and release it at the same time, so that the opponent cannot block both attacks.
As far as I understand there will be ping normalization right ? At least from what i got told. This means that a player who lives right next to the server will have an artificially increased ping of one hundred. Then the difference between the US players is hardly noticeable.
US players have a ping of 150. If Europeans have a ping of 100, the shorter reaction time is only 0.1 seconds. 0.05 seconds to send the data to the server and 0.05 seconds to send it back. In addition, we will be able to assign all block directions to different bottoms in the future. Henrick has already confirmed that. This increases the time to react to an attack.
These Feints have already been used as openers before the Patch and tested by me and many other Players. E.g. the aborted trust attack when looking up, which is converted into a rigth Swing, which you can see at min 0.31 in the Video. It was used as an opener. A low damaging hit, that could be converted in a combo if it hits, which only have to be charged for 1 Second, instead of 2,5 Seconds. A lot of US Players have blocked this attack.
I've used this opener very often over the months.
Now combat feels really like in games like chivalery, no more need to spin arround and so on. A whole new level of experiance that makes heavy weapons like axes and maces viable in 1 vs 1 ! Maybe it need some adjustment but the mechanic itself is very good !
If this mechanic needs finetuning, the swingspeed of the repost after the canceled attack could be a bit slower as a notmal repost. The mechanic itelf is