Adjust Gray Health Gain to Balance the game


New member
Dec 27, 2021
Change the gain of Gray Health (Health you can not heal up) and increase it depending on HOW you heal.
That way the TTK will be lower, you can't just disengage and bandage up to reset the fight and every kind of health being removed counts as the gray health will accumilate.

With Gray Health being something which needs to be managed more, SV can also use it as balancing factor for other things.
Some spells for instance could turn % lost health into gray health.
Some spells could debuff a target, raising the amount of gray health gained when getting hit.
Some weapons could do less damage but do more gray health dmg (weakspot daggers for instance), or more damage and less gray health.
Bosses could also get attacks which let you accumilate gray health faster.
  • Lesser Heal - Moderate Gray Health Gain
  • Greater Heal - Low Gray Health Gain
    • Has higher mana Cost and greater Heal gets rarely used. With less Gray Health gain Greater Heal will be more attractive to be used as well
  • Thursar Life Steal / Oghrim Pipe - High Gray Health Gain
    • Nerfs the easy access to simple heal of these races, while still allowing them to heal up, but instead of being a no brainer they need to think if they want to use that heal or not, since it doesn't just pop them to 100% max health
  • Potions - Low Gray Health Gain
    • Potions are expensive and already limited by thirst
  • Bandages - Low to High
    • Make Bandages Craftable, higher quality bandages give you less gray health
  • Hot Food - Moderate Gray Health Gain
  • Sacrificial Eruption - Low Gray Health Gain
    • It has enough annoying steps in between that it justifies a low gain of gray health
To heal your gray health, food should be the main source. That way cooking will be more important.
Since we can lock our weight, we should gain more hunger when taking damage too. Now we just carry more food around to heal our gray health and make cooking more relevant as well.

- Gray Health Gain depending on how you heal
- Gray Health Gain as new balancing feature for SV
- Lower TTK since resetting and healing will be less strong
- Cooking will be more important
- Underpowered and Overpowered healing options can be balanced better


Active member
Jul 19, 2022
The grey bar is determined by your health reserves, isnt it? So the idea is that healing sources also reduce your health reserves? Sounds like a good idea but honestly potions in my opinion need to have a high grey bar gain since end-game potions are super effective and absolute nobrainers. 130hp/10PU gain that cannot be can heal to full with it. So at least these kind of potion should get you a lot of grey bar . Maybe some very mighty alchemy ingredients should give you negative health reserves by default to make it happen and fit it into the games systems. HoT food honestly shouldnt exist. Cooking needs a total rebalance. Some food buffs would be okay but Hot food plus passive regeneration plus styg is just too much, one has to go. Even footies will struggle to not burn through ALL of their stamina fighting a single endgame geared opponent thats not a potato.


New member
Dec 27, 2021
The grey bar is something you gain after you lose health. How exactly it works I can not tell.
To refill the gray bar you use your health reserves (or mana/stamina reserves). So if you have 200 health and are down to 100 health and 100 gray bar, you need 100 health reserves when sitting down to remove your gray bar.
Another option to fill it is eating health reserve food. It gives you a boost in regeneration, while also filling your health reserves.

But as you said, there are a lot of ways on how you can heal yourself, resulting in a giant TTK and constant resets to bandage up.
The resets don't really punish mistakes enough and if you have enough heal you can just pay-to-win (albeit with in game gold) through fights with heal potions and food.

Gaining more gray bar for healing would mean that you can still heal yourself, but fights wittle you down faster and brain dead healing through dmg will not be as effective.
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