A Tale of Two pings


Active member
May 28, 2020
its a non-issue where a handful of the best NA players will get disadvantage (overcomable by other factors) versus the handful of top EU players.
We're talking like 10-15 people. :sleep:
If ur reading this you're most likely not even one of them


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
its a non-issue where a handful of the best NA players will get disadvantage (overcomable by other factors) versus the handful of top EU players.
We're talking like 10-15 people. :sleep:
If ur reading this you're most likely not even one of them

Never said I was good, but I have eyes. There were a lot of things I didn't know, like I didn't know you get 2 sec after a parry to hit haha. I'll prol be ok if I do it more, but I really dislike how parry heavy the game is and am hoping they balance that somewhat.

And like dude showed in your 'whining NA' vid, you can block and then hit someone and it still looks like you're blocking. It can be overcome, but there's a lot of things that can be overcome. Doesn't mean it's not a legit beef. Also adding Ancient to people who I've seen play fast enough for it to matter. Do any of these people who play really fast have NA pings is the question?

And I disagree w/ your thinking. @ it's a non issue that only affects top players. I just explained where it matters. The faster the action goes, the more it matters. If you're EU w/ good net then you don't really know what it feels like. Like I said before in MO1 I could tell by vids how different it was, and you can tell by how people are moving while fighting or 'getting ganked' how what is appearing on the screen is not what is happening on the superior ping player's screen. Again in that whining NA vid, dude is running in circles and he thinks he's behind the guy.

I know you've played other games than MO. You should know ping matters.

Edit: and I think my lack of epeen + shit tier mechanical skills at doing 'what works' in MO enable me to view the game in a less biased way than a lot of people. I just wanted to chime in for the 'good guys.' Like I said, bottom line, played a lot of games, ping always matters. MO is inherently laggy w/ diff things going on on each players screen, probably almost always, so of course it matters. Usually w/ lag you get just slowness or whatever.


Sep 13, 2021
Some guy who tested earlier got to this conclusion(pic below), if ur not playing at a esport level the difference between EU and NA means nothing, skill matters way more. I have duelled against really good EU players who flawlessed me and i can see how if you are NA in that sitiuation you start to look for excuses which lands in blaming ping.
View attachment 3704
you can claim this al you want, that is a massive difference, that is double the amount of time. This just further proves the point. .15sec is a big deal dude.


Sep 13, 2021
its a non-issue where a handful of the best NA players will get disadvantage (overcomable by other factors) versus the handful of top EU players.
We're talking like 10-15 people. :sleep:
If ur reading this you're most likely not even one of them
its not just 10-15 people dude. You dont understand many of the people come from melee games with precise timings. Being able to parry on swing reaction is impossible to do for an NA/AUS player. But is possible for EU. Normalization will never change that.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
its not just 10-15 people dude. You dont understand many of the people come from melee games with precise timings. Being able to parry on swing reaction is impossible to do for an NA/AUS player. But is possible for EU. Normalization will never change that.

It's possible depending on your ping, but when you get multiple swings, counters, combos, feints is when it gets muddier. Swings are really slow on a lot of weps, on some weps yea you're right, they are just too fast. But a lot of it comes from seeing what the person is doing, I mean you should be able to scan his ani from the draw, including a click swing (if its displaying) and have plenty of time to parry. My ping is like 150 and I can do that; if I don't, it's just because I fucked up. I'll admit that, but over the course of combat, like you said, double/triple back n forth plus the possibility of lost info due to rapid exchange yea... MO has been laggy. it thrives on LAG. The game itself will always be a lag fest. The only time it looks smooth is on those people who are right next to the server's vids. To put it down to just parry is just not true. Parry is trash anyway. It helps cut down on the movement that hard desyncs the game, but I prefer a more movement based combat w/ parry on top. I think with less powerful parry, it would normalize way more than ping normalization. Tho you'd still have weirdness, people hitting you from spots they shouldn't be... but it'd be more fair competitively, at least. imo.

Parry is the end all of combat and while parry is possible as NA, it's closing in the skill ceiling as well as making a 'normalized' game even less friendly to a high ping player, ironically.

The people who think combat is ok are the dudes who play in a very small V and have expert level swing hiding. That's cool, that should be worth something, but movement and dodging is something, too. People said you can't dodge in MO and it's like get the fuck out of course you can. People rarely do though.


Jan 18, 2021

This is the video quoted above if anyone is interested, I do pretty well with my 160-200 ping in NA; But there is a clear difference\advantage between connections even if you can learn to play around it/get used to it, nothing practice and experience cannot outweigh but I'd be willing to bet the best players around the world playing on 40 or less MS would do much better then when they are on 160+ MS in NA.

The thread points out facts that won't change without better networking/equipment and or localized servers/areas to play on, and anyone arguing against the difference I am not sure what your point is.

The difference is there, it is an advantage, and there are a lot of people who we can call bad who will never stay or play this game due to it; Would be nice if bad players played on a good connection and stayed in game longer. :)
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Jul 6, 2020
EU vs NA ping argument is all rooted in the fragile egos of people who can't imagine a world where they aren't literally GOD and in no way shape or form is their PvP prowess diminished through any advantage. I'm so sleepy on this shit.