One thing I recognized from the video, is you didn't stam out once. Obviously you're not wearing heavy armor and so your stam regen wasn't impacted + you had good stam management. This part of combat should remain as it is because we want to reward good stamina management while still giving light armors their place when it comes to the stamina penalty (and the decision to invest up to 200 primary points in armor training).
But through it all, there was no secondary consideration around your
current stamina, other than how close am I to "stamming out". The penalty for hitting 0 stamina is in a decent place, it prevents you from parrying/attacking briefly and also slows down your next charged swing significantly.
A simple change to stamina management could however solve the perceived issue with parry locks, while also raising the skill cap on combat via stamina management. In response to seeing this video, I reckon we need to look at improving on an existing system that allows chip damage through parries via the blunt damage resist threshold:
tl;dr - Break the parry lock by adding chip damage via the hidden blunt damage resist threshold stat, modified based on your current stamina %. The lower your current stamina, the less blunt damage resist you get. Blunt damage is currently able to chip through parries for some damage. All left...