1vs1: TTK too long?

Is the TTK (Time to Kill) in 1 vs 1 situations too long?

  • The TTK is too long.

    Votes: 12 30.0%
  • The TTK is too short.

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • The TTK is fine.

    Votes: 24 60.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 20, 2020
I think most high tier players at the moment feel that the combat is fine.

You can instantly identify who is good or not in the current system. This wasn't the case in MO 1


IMO combat is fine. I could see the wants in change but, I think it's fun as hell right now.
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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
The TTK is too short.

(nevertheless i want that a very long hold attack bleeds through a parry)

Random Person

New member
Sep 2, 2021
1v1 taking a long time is a common theme in games where the skill ceiling is low. 90% of the times it's people complaining about it that haven't even reached skill ceiling yet. We can see that looking at how the people in the video play. Not trying to bash you but it's a fact.
As Evelyn also pointed out, decreasing ttk for melee vs melee also impacts a variety of other scenarios.

This game needs to balance everything else before we touch melee vs melee combat...


Active member
Jul 6, 2020
Think ahead a bit and realize that speeding up the ttk affects more than just melee footies.
So you think a work around towards getting around players parries in a skillful manner is going to affect how fast a warrior kills a mage? Maybe if you're parrying as a mage but I don't think you're implying that lmao.


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
So you think a work around towards getting around players parries in a skillful manner is going to affect how fast a warrior kills a mage? Maybe if you're parrying as a mage but I don't think you're implying that lmao.

oh why not? because mages dont parry? who is this guy and who let the 1IQ FF in here


Active member
Jul 6, 2020
oh why not? because mages dont parry? who is this guy and who let the 1IQ FF in here
Nobody said mages cannot parry or even insinuated it jimmy neutron. Unless Evelyn is suggesting that the current system is beneficial for mages being able to parry warriors so they can survive, which I don't think he is doing, his post was basically pointless for this thread.


Mar 8, 2021
Why cant stamina control be more important, no one can swing forever or keep running
When stamina turns low people have to start taking damage


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
Nobody said mages cannot parry or even insinuated it jimmy neutron. Unless Evelyn is suggesting that the current system is beneficial for mages being able to parry warriors so they can survive, which I don't think he is doing, his post was basically pointless for this thread.

"he" is a "she" or Pokémon thief, whatever they identify as and I'm sorry Carl but yeah it's not beneficial, but it did bring to light an angle no one is thinking about on this thread, it was the most sound logic I'd seen on this since this thread started


Active member
Jul 6, 2020
"he" is a "she" or Pokémon thief, whatever they identify as and I'm sorry Carl but yeah it's not beneficial, but it did bring to light an angle no one is thinking about on this thread, it was the most sound logic I'd seen on this since this thread started
Ok so you were just looking to white knight for a girl, why didn't you just say so earlier and you could have avoided looking like an idiot?

There was no light needed to be shone at mages vs fighters in this thread. The OP even stated this was the fights between 2 melee fighters and Evelyn comes in talking about how this thread is footiebrain then brings up some pointless fact about mages dying to warriors fast when they close the distance.

Even the video shows 2 fighters dueling and it taking ages, obviously there is a theme to this thread and you're all too dense to see it. But good luck on the gash my man.


Active member
Mar 23, 2021
Ok so you were just looking to white knight for a girl, why didn't you just say so earlier and you could have avoided looking like an idiot?

There was no light needed to be shone at mages vs fighters in this thread. The OP even stated this was the fights between 2 melee fighters and Evelyn comes in talking about how this thread is footiebrain then brings up some pointless fact about mages dying to warriors fast when they close the distance.

Even the video shows 2 fighters dueling and it taking ages, obviously there is a theme to this thread and you're all too dense to see it. But good luck on the gash my man.

listen here incel I'm not whit knighting anyone just because you cant use your words to make a point but say someone is saying something irrelevant because it's against your point.

the truth is that it does affect every other fight other that FF v FF and you dont have the capacity to understand that so i'll just stop it here.

i'm mostly here for memes and good convo and discussion, you have neither


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
People thinking 10 minutes is fine lol,
the TTK is obviously too high
Fights dont last 10min. Almost all fights all are under 5 and usually under 3 minutes. Its the players performance not the gameplay mechanics which is your issue for 10 min fights.
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Sep 22, 2020
If you looked at the first couple of posts you'd see that I make a comment that as long as TTK isn't decreased in the form of lowering hp or increasing damage then its not a huge deal.

Obviously if it is harder to sit and parry all attacks of course a mage will have a harder time surviving when a warrior gets up to them, but making it harder to parry all day won't change the fact that the mage will STILL need someone to peel the FF off them as you can't parry and riposte like a FF can; now the team will have to react faster to the FF diving than before, meaning there will be a higher skill ceiling for team fights.

Mages aren't winning 1v1s against warriors anyways, and not being able to parry all day wouldn't change that, just bring the inevitable sooner.


Active member
Jul 6, 2020
listen here incel I'm not whit knighting anyone just because you cant use your words to make a point but say someone is saying something irrelevant because it's against your point.

the truth is that it does affect every other fight other that FF v FF and you dont have the capacity to understand that so i'll just stop it here.

i'm mostly here for memes and good convo and discussion, you have neither
You haven't read anything of what I said and came in swinging for your queen. Relax now man it's smooth sailing for you now, you're in the gash zone. She's gonna notice you now I promise bro.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
Mages aren't winning 1v1s against warriors anyways, and not being able to parry all day wouldn't change that, just bring the inevitable sooner.
It does matter. If you have an Alvarin melee on you, you aren't going to be able to run away. A Thursar will delete your HP before you pull out of sticky range. The ability to parry melee while you wait for a peel is very important, and the better melee players know how to get around it. This matters in the larger scope fights more than some of you realize. But please, don't let me introduce a wider view to a narrow thread.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
All i hear is whining. Whining that you cant get easy kills anymore now that most people are able to block and parry decently.

seriously dude, this game doesnt owe you fast and easy kills simply because you like to roam solo and gank others 1 on 1.

its actually a great thing that now everyone is able to defend themselves from roaming gankers. Something that a lot of us had a very hard time doing before when blocking was super ping dependent.

so ill give you the same advice i was given in the past every time i whined about prediction, or desync, or difficulties in pvp:

Git gud scrub.

and stop complaining that this game doesnt cater to your solo ganking gameplay style.
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Active member
Sep 22, 2020
It does matter. If you have an Alvarin melee on you, you aren't going to be able to run away. A Thursar will delete your HP before you pull out of sticky range. The ability to parry melee while you wait for a peel is very important, and the better melee players know how to get around it. This matters in the larger scope fights more than some of you realize. But please, don't let me introduce a wider view to a narrow thread.

Did you even read what I posted? If your team isn't competent enough to peel for you when you need it then you need to work on your teamwork. I wouldn't want them to implement something that can be abused such that you can't ever parry, that would be absurd.

You'd have to implement a kick that would lock you out of parrying for a short time and the kick couldn't be used for a longer period, so maybe 1s of no parrying, and a 5-10s CD on the kick. This kick shouldn't do anything more than stop your block from being put up for that 1s, no stuns, no stagger, nothing, just the inability to parry for a short time.

If you think something like this is still unreasonable then we'll just have to agree to disagree. I play mage so if they don't do this its no skin off my back.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
I will agree that 1v1 feels like garbage. They cant die if they are trying to live. I was getting chased by a guy for like 20 mins last night that I couldn't stop to fight because I knew his friends were coming. But he also couldnt kill me, because I can just parry he stams and then I kept running.

I think TTK isnt the core issue though (that depends on gear tho). The issue is extreme easy of not taking damage. Strong weapons are slow and easy to parry. You only get hit in a 1v1 if you are trying to hit them back. Which is why nobody can kill each other.


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
One thing I recognized from the video, is you didn't stam out once. Obviously you're not wearing heavy armor and so your stam regen wasn't impacted + you had good stam management. This part of combat should remain as it is because we want to reward good stamina management while still giving light armors their place when it comes to the stamina penalty (and the decision to invest up to 200 primary points in armor training).

But through it all, there was no secondary consideration around your current stamina, other than how close am I to "stamming out". The penalty for hitting 0 stamina is in a decent place, it prevents you from parrying/attacking briefly and also slows down your next charged swing significantly.

A simple change to stamina management could however solve the perceived issue with parry locks, while also raising the skill cap on combat via stamina management. In response to seeing this video, I reckon we need to look at improving on an existing system that allows chip damage through parries via the blunt damage resist threshold:

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Active member
Jul 6, 2020
All i hear is whining. Whining that you cant get easy kills anymore now that most people are able to block and parry decently.

seriously dude, this game doesnt owe you fast and easy kills simply because you like to roam solo and gank others 1 on 1.

its actually a great thing that now everyone is able to defend themselves from roaming gankers. Something that a lot of us had a very hard time doing before when blocking was super ping dependent.

so ill give you the same advice i was given in the past every time i whined about prediction, or desync, or difficulties in pvp:

Git gud scrub.

and stop complaining that this game doesnt cater to your solo ganking gameplay style.
So you think the system should stay the exact same and no changes be added to the melee combat? Are we allowed to try and find better solutions to poor game design or just "git gud"? Shit I can't wait to say this when pets are OP. "BRO just use archery! GET GUD!!"


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
All i hear is whining. Whining that you cant get easy kills anymore now that most people are able to block and parry decently.

seriously dude, this game doesnt owe you fast and easy kills simply because you like to roam solo and gank others 1 on 1.

its actually a great thing that now everyone is able to defend themselves from roaming gankers. Something that a lot of us had a very hard time doing before when blocking was super ping dependent.

so ill give you the same advice i was given in the past every time i whined about prediction, or desync, or difficulties in pvp:

Git gud scrub.

and stop complaining that this game doesnt cater to your solo ganking gameplay style.
I never said so. Actually in the video the other players had the upper hand. Still I did not die.
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