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  1. Grack

    Guild Supply current problem and its solution

    Hello all, and hopefully Star Vault. I hope SV takes the time to read this because I believe this is a core issue at the heart of what will make Mortal online 2 a true sandbox with a future or a sort of guild stronghold sandbox with melee and magic. Introduction SV has been doing a great job...
  2. Grack

    Patch Notes - Decreased the quick charge attack damage (suggestion/discussion)

    Hello SV and Community o/, This change is a direct response to the new style of ultra-light weapons being used to create a high rate of attacks used to overwhelm opponents with small hp attacks around 2-15 (some say 20) hp. I want to discuss what this style is, what it trying to achieve, and...
  3. Grack

    Word of appreciation to the Star Vault team

    I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the efforts of the SV team in creating such a beautiful unique game and express my appreciation for what you have both done and continue to strive for. I can imagine being a game developer who strives to maintain a close relationship with its player...
  4. Grack

    Pole sword right swing change

    Poleswords were more viable and just plain better when the right swing (I think it was right) was a flick which was similar to the stab animation but not 100% the same if you were paying attention and this allowed for more flexible attacking options. The flick was also useful for attacking in...